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Everything posted by Dondorfish

  1. Hey Photoz - if you click on the size button it shows that they are $34.99 - right up to size 12. Don
  2. Hands down - gotta be Brian McCabe! Every other team in the NHL wants him . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to stay on the Leafs! LOL Sorry - couldn't resist! Don
  3. To be honest with ya Wayne - I haven't even looked at it - just commenting on all the different translations in the posts! I am sure that it will all work out in the long run. To bad about the shorter lake trout season up your way but I am sure you will find a way to entertain yourself for the week of no fishing - lol Don
  4. Sure glad that the 2008 Regs. are easier to understand then the 2006 were! Don
  5. Now thats just plain funny!!! Sorry to hear you had such a rough day - but on the plus side, when you walk to work tomorrow - nobody else will have shovelled there walk and you'll be drugging through the snow yet one more time! Good luck Don
  6. Until you get the service that you need - I am thinking of changing my name to . . . . . . . . . . . . .BAYLINER!!! LOL Don
  7. Ok Wayne - I know you want to go muskey hunting - but am I missing something here? - Where are the wings!!!!!? Don
  8. Tch, Tch, Tch - your in BIG trouble now mister! - and thanks Don
  9. Hey Percher - I have the Guide and love it, but I pull it with the snowmobile or the atv. On clear ice it is no problem to pull by hand, but get a few inches on snow on the ice, and loaded down with gear - and you got a workout ahead of you. Can't beat the comfort - except with my sleeper hut. Hope this helps a little - and good luck with your purchase. Don
  10. Hmmmm............. that looks kinda interesting! Don
  11. Hey Mike - As you know - I just disconnect them, charge them up, and leave them in the boat. If you are going to take them out, keep them in a cool place like a garage or basement, and charge them full - then just throw a trickle charger on them once a month to keep them fully charged. Don
  12. Never heard of them - got a link? Don
  13. 16 / 20 - guess I could'a done worse! Don
  14. Keep your sled - toss your broker!!! I just got a quote today for a 98 polaris 500 2 up trail machine - $302.75 INCLUDING theft!!! Shop around - but be warned - most insurance companies won't touch atv/snowmobile insurance unless you switch car/ and or house insurance to them also. Don
  15. Hey Bill - Here's a link to Cabelas in the states - check out the Marcum LX-5 http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...rentId=cat20166
  16. I use an ice machine, but if I were to be in the market right now - no question - it would be a marcum! The Marcums are more powerfull then either of the other 2. Don
  17. Hey Terry - that fish must be one of those picerheads that i have heard so much about. Don
  18. Canon Mag 10 electric riggers with telescopic booms ( pair ) - awsome! Don
  19. I use the Eagle Fishstrike 2000 and love it. It found all kinds of walleye/pickeral on Quinte this weekend - now I just gotta find the button on it that tells me how to catch them!!!! Don
  20. Some of the best fishing starts when " the water is frozen". If you've never tried it - give it a go - you might just really like it! I am sad when the boat gets put to bed for the winter sleep - but pulling out the atv or snowmobile and the hut sure eases the pain! Don
  21. Stick with the Mr. Buddy - coleman or any others fall way short in comparison. I have been using a Mr. Buddy to heat my 8 x 10 sleeper hut and it works awsome! Don
  22. Thanks guys, I'll be heading out between 3 and 4 am. Superdad - i'll buzz ya to say hi See everyone on the water! Don
  23. Night Wayne - see you in Picton - save some fish for us guys coming down on Friday! Have a safe trip Don
  24. I see that now - just saw the page as I was flipping through it and thought I would post it - I have 3 radios already - so I didn't even look at the prices. Don't think for that price, you can go to far wrong. It is a basic radio, has the emergency features and has 1 watt low and 25 watt high output - should be all you'll ever need. Don
  25. Have you also checked cabelas? http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...entId=cat602025 Don
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