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Everything posted by Dondorfish

  1. Glad to hear everyone is ok - Windows can be replaced! Thanks for letting us know Dave. Don
  2. And all the best to you and your family for the new year John Don
  3. So - where are the pictures of the set-up. Alot of us have snowmobiles and are interested in the hook up. Don
  4. So Terry - Whata ya think - ice ready for atv travel? Don
  5. Great! - Now not only do we have to dodge the seadoo'ers, we have to look out for remote controlled boats! What next? - LOL Don
  6. www.outdoorscard.mnr.gov.on.ca
  7. Thanks Terry - Guess that answers that question - I'll be up soon - but with the atv and cleats on the boots. Thanks Don
  8. Just a friendly reminder that with the New Year comes the renewal of your fishing Liscences. I always buy the 3 year so that I only have to worry about it every 3 years - this is the year - guess I'll be on - line this afternoon. Happy New Year all! Don
  9. LOL - thats funny!
  10. Nicely done Glen - and congrats on your PB ( 15 inch - what a pig ) Don
  11. Maureen - Love the t-shirt/sweatshirt!! That's great - oh and Merry Christmas Don
  12. Hey Terry - read this on another board. Hope it helps - might even see you out there if I can take my quad. http://www.lakesimcoemessageboard.com/inde...;id_dbase=70904 Don
  13. Hello - I don't think Brighton is actually part of the Bay of Quinte - so I figure that you mean Trenton. Give Sam a call at Carra's - he'll set you up: http://www.carraoutdoors.com/monthly_specials.html
  14. Hey Grant - maybe you should make sure you go next year - if for no other reason then to show Gerritt where to park his boat! - LOL Sorry Gerritt - couldn't resist! Don And a very merry Christmas to everyone and I hope you get all you want,and more, from Santa!
  15. After putting the last fishhut together out on the ice, I can't see a cordless drill battery lasting a day on the ice. I was using a 18 volt dewault drill and after a couple of hours on the ice, the batteries were toast. Save your money - buy a gas auger. Don
  16. Works fine for me. Don
  17. Man G. - does that ever look good! I was out plowing half the neighbourhood, with the atv - I didn't come in to this! Sure wish I did! Don
  18. Scam or not - get caught on the ice or trails ( or any public place ) without it and the fine will be more then the insurance! Don
  19. heard it before but thats funny!
  20. There was a post a few weeks back about snowmobile insurance - try and search it out. For the type of machine you are talking about, your insurance will probably run you under $200/yr without theft, and around $300 mark with theft. Don
  21. Just got in - came from Scarborough to St. Catharines - just under 2 hours. It's not as bad as I was expecting, but I sure wouldn't drive it if I didn't have to! Think Sunday will be a good day to spend some quaulity time with the wife - this way she won't complain when I head out ice fishing or snowmobiling! Don
  22. I fish the edge of the channel in front of Goreskis and get them almost every trip. I have caught them on a jigging rod as well as on the tipup with a minnow. Don
  23. Very Nice! I had a Springbok once that had a similar layout - very comfy to fish from. Good luck with your new purchase. Don
  24. i have a brand new one - just waiting for a feed of simcoe perch to give it a go! i've seen them used - you won't be disappointed once you get the hang of it! Don
  25. I have a 22 foot Islander (aluminum) with a 8 hp on it. At idle it goes around 1 mph and wide open it will push the boat at 4.8 mph. Hope that helps Don
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