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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. The guy(Rusty) that taught me how to fish for rainbow in the Maitland named me that... He saw me lose my first 10-15 trout at my feet.... I just couldn;t land em.. One day, below Pipers dam.. we broke some ice and waded out about 10 feet... I hooked a monster.... Rusty was up to his waist in water when.. I got the bow to shore and it did a death roll right between my feet.. I reached down to grab and lost my footing...landing on my back in the water...BUT I had the rainbow stuck between my two thumbs in a death grip... I flipped him onshore! my first "landed" trout>>> I get up and Rusty is just about pissing himself laughing... I say: What He says: " Way to go...SPLASHHOPPER " ( a take off of the old Kung fu shows with David Carradiene) The name stuck... And since then, I have fell in the freezing cold water two more times while fishing with him!
  2. No one gets to take anyone on with charges like that unless there is some evidence somewhere. I know... I too laid charges against a PEDOPHILE . Rest in PEDOPHILE hell Michael.... Oh, and don't worry michael... the lawyers that paid off the "father" of the little boy you diddled will be keeping you company sometime soon.... maybe you can get your money back from them and the "father" Makes me wannna puke !
  3. I was hoping it would get pinned for new guys like me that may not know about it. Where I fish, the weather is not always the same as where I live... that table has saved me a ton of GA$$$. splashhopper
  4. Holy Tonnage "pikeman"... that is some serious metropolitan pike there...
  5. stopped raining for now.. temp has dropped about 3-4 degrees... yeahhhhhh clouds are still thick though
  6. http://scitech.pyr.ec.gc.ca/waterweb/formnav.asp Some of us, without boats, can use all the help we can get! Thanks for your consideration Splashhopper and Botbot
  7. I am headed down to St thomas( south) in 30 minutes... hope I don;t get blown off the road
  8. ahhhh... my favourite memory of her.... what did she say?
  9. try and repeat that 5 times with a few beers in ya! sad to see her go... she aged gracefully and was an example to all in her fight against the disease
  10. maybe this HUUGE deluge of rain will calm the heat wave down , here in South London. Perk the waters up a little... get those bass pumped for biting n Saturday.... Can't see 10' out the front window !
  11. tell her : " I am sorry YOU feel that way" Then drop the subject. Everytime she brings it up... tell her the same thing again. If she brings it up again, ask her where she thinks her makeup comes from... animal fats ! Then tell her.... you are sorry she has to wear animal fats on her face !
  12. great pics... the little guy looked like he had a blast !
  13. I don't see a prize, for "the wildest ride" caught on video ! That little bass I caught while out on a kayak last year pulled me all over the narrow section of the Maitland river... i can't imagine the thrill of being yanked around by something bigger on more open water.. Maybe give the winner of the wildest ride, an anchor or a drift sock ? Have fun guys. Splashhopper
  14. beautiful fish. wtg
  15. no pics? lol
  16. welcome aboard.... sounds like you may be "fishing" for some gifts from your wife with the "subtle" magazines on the coffe table though Splashhopper and his daughter botbot
  17. I would try the wet areas.
  18. Try a bird feed store... if they don't have it, they likely know someone who does.
  19. HEY,, easy on the "trailer park method" That's how I fish for them,, cause i cant tie a damned hair rig yet
  20. I am interested in this too.. splashhopper
  21. I was just reminded that I have a speaking engagement this Saturday morning in Waterloo. Then the guy who reminds me asks me to go with him to another friends mother's wake at Laurel Creek conservation area that same day. I am hoping there are some fish there? Ayyone know? Thanks Splashhopper
  22. Thanx for the CD Cliff. Maybe we could go fishing together someday with you and your daughter. ~~Bot bot~~
  23. She as likely "there" too Beans watching over the TWO of you.. ((beans)) Sincerely, Splashhopper and Botbot
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