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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. great family report there... no worries about the lost fish,,, he will lose one for you sometime soon too and then, you will show him the kinda dad you are...a great one who loves being on the water with his family doing something he loves with them.
  2. get the credit card out brother.... and not for the rivets on the boat either... top-water has been very addictive for me the past few weeks
  3. holy buckets man
  4. or "pole vault over an ant hill "
  5. I went fishing with my buddy, thinking we were going for some Top-water action for bass. Along the way, we stopped at a little brook I found a couple of weeks ago. I knew he likes fishing for brookies and decided to share the spot with him. We fished for about 90 minutes. He caught two nice speckled trout..(pics later) and a ton of chubbs. We kept a dozen of the larger chubs and changed plans from bass fishing to pike fishing on another river. In our haste to get to the pike hole... i left my 10.5 rod and shimano reel on the creek shore... I was carrying my minnow bucket up a very slippery slope and was gonna go back down and grab the reel. NOT>.... my adhd kicks in and we leave without the gear. This morning, I go out to my local pond for some top-water action.... need my fix! I open the van to grab my rods.... no 10.5 rod( throws spinners great if the top water isn't producing) My mind is racing.... where did I leave it yesterday? Jumped back in the van and and decide to re-trace my steps from yesterday... saying a little prayer to "the fishing gods" for guidance of where to look. I get a second coffee at Timmies.... and in the middle of the drive-thru... the "big ah-ha" moment happens.... it's gotta be at the brookie creek.. Why wouldn't it be.. it's only a 90 minute drive back up there.. Took my time and drove up some more back roads.... Got to the hole... and slid down the WET slippery slope... damned near broke my leg in a hole I didn't see. But there was my gear... I decided to go the original bass hole we were gonna try yesterday and walked in the 15 minute hike.. Only got a couple of real small smallies and one thick crappie.... but..I had the river to myself... My day was good... the fishing gods gave me a break... Note to self for next time... bring the gear up first.. and the minnow bucket last !!! What is your story of lost/returned fishing gear ? Splashhopper
  6. thank you for the journey and some great pics
  7. Kinda reminds me of my ex-wife.. "she was a three dressed up as a nine" False advertising is just that... false advertising... I am with ya on this one Kerry
  8. .276... no wonder i miss the fish... it even said I should have a coffee...( no crap batman,.,, i haven't had one yet..) LOL
  9. not another shirt with a logo on it... dayuuum
  10. The person painting those has some serious talent... I wonder if I gave him a photo,,,could he paint me in to a pic with me holding a 15lb rainbow trout on the Maitland river ? lol
  11. welcome aboard Lunatic... Keep an open mind on the carp though Just out of curiosity... do you keep the fish you catch?.. ie the local bass and pike from the Hamilton area? If not... might as well cacth some of the MONSTER Carp over there and give yer rod a bend
  12. Prayers from London..
  13. "That's an Atlantic Salmon".. looks like a large white bass in these parts to me... Or, is that what You mean by an "atlantic Salmon" ? Nice pics otherwise... thanks for the report.
  14. 4 more from me Brian.... keep on praying brother....
  15. nice to see some more father/daughter pics.... I sure hope mine is still interested in fishing with me when she gets to be your daughters age,,,, Good luck with the medical stuff
  16. "Mercer's Magic"... is this available in London Ontario ? thanks...
  17. holy cow man... those are huuuge.... no OFC sign though
  18. try using www.photobucket.com... easy.. re-sizes automatically..
  19. wow... great photo of that Pike hitting the bass... are you saying your buddy handbombed that particular pike in too?... kewl if he did
  20. I don't think we can add Sheephead to the tally... but hey.. if we could, I know where there are a ton of those buggers
  21. are you "allowed" to say the "G" word on this board Tambo
  22. was thinking the same thing... downed tree... torn up lawn fence repairs etc
  23. check out Wildwood 20 minutes west of Stratford on highway # 7 ( there was a psot about here too... LM and SM bass on wildwood
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