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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. thanks for the pics.... it's always interesting to see/hear about fishing in other countries...
  2. That last pic looks like you use a float plane for a TROLLING MOTOR
  3. that cat was cold too.. i think it had blue lips ?
  4. wow... that fish reminds me of my ex-wifes attitude
  5. i don't like fishing elbow to elbow either....
  6. keep plugging away... there HAS to be some decent fish somewhere in that city
  7. nice fish... did u get to go for a "sleigh ride" with it too?
  8. an excellent link about trolling motors for you >> http://www.fishingandboats.com/trolling-motors.html
  9. As some one that is married to a visible minority your "point" is valid and appreciated. The only disappointing part of this report is that you didn't call the MNR. However, you could send them the pics you posted here and let us all know the "outcome" of that.
  10. A big thanks to one of the regulars here, Twocoda. I was gonna be near his neck of the woods and he offered to show me a few places for salmon on "his river". Although we didn't get in to any this time, I am sure we will next time when I follow up on his offer to give it another try. I especially appreciated how he kept an eye on me when we were crossing back over the river in the dark with no head lamps. I didn't get my board name by accident . Splashhopper
  11. is "earhooker" gonna post on here now and will he be called "Earhooker"... Inquiring minds wanna know Oh yeah... nice fish tooo
  12. INVERTERS--The Basic Basics: an excellent article for you.. http://www.phrannie.org/invert.html and one about batteries http://www.phrannie.org/battery.html
  13. My daughter is having a party at our home tomorrow night and my wife is in Toronto.... so, I am batching it this weekend... Gonna FISH MY BRAINS OUT Heading up along Lake Huron where the night time temps are supposed to drop down to 4 C No problem... I have my van loaded with a down-filled comforter... pillows... two extra blankets... change of clothes...(a couple of layers worth )...lots of gas... cooler full of food I also brought a 50ft power cord and a plug in heater in case that ain't enough. (Should be able to find a friendly gas station to plug in to if needed... or just drive home and put up with a bunch of University students ) Oh yeah,,, and my fishing gear and canoe... If you see a half frozen Michelin man driving a red van with a sportspal canoe on the roof heading SOUTH... you know I froze my ass off If not, I should be heading north and meeting up with a fellow OFC'er on the Saugeen somewhere... Splashhopper
  14. That's what 'friends" are for
  15. looks like it was good day for you and your budd... sure beats the heck outa workin ! thanks for the trip
  16. " the picture" doesn't "look" like 9lbs 5oz interesting eh
  17. Since this is my first season targeting bass, I am really torn between putting the time in looking for trout and salmon now or go after late season bass. I mainly fish for the bass in land locked lakes so I am not too worried about them heading downstream to one of the great lakes... But as I do more reading on seasonal patterns for the bass, the consensus seems to be that the largemouth bass will almost shut down as the water cools and the smallies will remain feeding provided it isn't too much work to get fed So, since I got back in to fishing two winters ago, I know that now is the time I need to be scouting out the tribs ( before those areas close) and getting to know the river beds before the fall rains come in and make it that much more difficult to identify cover and relief from the current for the steelies. For all you fishermen out there that are "dually addicted" to bass and trout, what are you targeting at this time of the year and why ? Thanks Splashhopper
  18. 9lbs 5 0z? huh ?
  19. man... u got problems!! lol
  20. holy crap that bass is huuuuge ....
  21. Picked it up from Brian this afternoon @ Ships Ahoy Marine in Sparta Also grabbed some 3m 5200 sealant too
  22. i am glad u don;t work for me... u might have bumped in to ME at the same spot! lol nice pics btw
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