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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. Just wondering if you will be working the next morning
  2. The reverse consideration should be observed as well... He who gets to the hole first "owns the hole".
  3. Lots of Walmarts will NOT let you park overnight... due to the lack of support to the actual stores themselves. That's why I pull in to 24 hour Timmies or 24 hour grocery stores
  4. ok,,,, no heater buddy for me.... I wonder if I can talk my wife in to winter fishing since she doesn't like summer fishing.. then she can be my "heater buddy"..lol
  5. nice lookin fish Richard... wtg
  6. pssst...... STOP NAMING THE RIVERS and the zones..... read the conditions on this board that you all agreed to when you signed up.... maybe a mod can DELETE this entire topic asap.
  7. http://products.howstuffworks.com/mr-heate...mh9b-review.htm Does anyone use this thing ? Is it safe inside a tent as it says ? Is propane really okay to use indoors? I am thinking of using it inside my van instead of running the engine for nightime fishing ? Anyone with EXPERIENCE with propane heat on here, please advise.... Thanks Splashhopper
  8. I would love to be able to use this board when I am fishing on the weekends( PM's etc) but find it very cumbersome on my Blackberry. Is there a mobile version of this board? Thanks
  9. Are there Motels in the area up there? If so, they will be a LOT cheaper to sleep overnight at. I have slept in my van 2/4 weekends past... I park in a 24 hours Timmies lot ( not too close to the store). Sleeping bag or a good down filled comforter works for me so far... The one night the temp got down to -3 and my head got a bit cool... but hey,,, as soon as I covered it up with my spare jacket, I was fine again. I am also considering a bed in the back of one of my work vans for fishing.... here are a couple of good links to check out "van dwelling" ideas >> http://cheaprvliving.com/Young_Sonja.html http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/7...cal.html?cat=16 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xa5a8l_ho...van-dwel_webcam
  10. it looks like the trout that i never know are sniffing around my bait...... fuuuhh get about it
  11. nice fish,,, i like the small pink trout worms.... but that one almost looks like a Senko 5" ?
  12. I can verify that Dutchy is a biologist.... just not sure if he is a good one though.... as he is always calling me donnnkey,,, as if i was one... right SHREK !
  13. i just learned how to spell... sphincter..... see holdfast,,,, your boredom helped my spelling.. all was not lost
  14. I don't care what that link says about EATING that fish... I ain't doing it
  15. nice fish bummer about the OFC sign missing
  16. How about the Depth of water? I don't own a depth finder or temperature gauge yet.... I am still getting used to having a canoe to even get out to deeper water... thanks
  17. Hey Rich B: Where are all those reports you used to post so frequently on here? I hope you are fishing your brains out everyday and gonna post a big report for us soon. What's up ? Hope to hear and see you on here soon. Sincerely, Splashhopper
  18. your son looks "impressed" great pics though.... and if he doesn't put a better smile on for the camera next time,, you can remind him that he has a nice girl friend that LIKES fishing with you lol
  19. Ummmm... maybe that's the ticket.... Cliff needs to be wearing some sexy nail polish I gotta hand it to you Cliff.... two weeks in a row,,,, you get out fished by BLY... and then you come here and TELL us about it I dunno.... i think there is something fishy going on behind the scenes here...
  20. Sinking minnow? as in drop shot or some kind of weighted minnow? thanks again
  21. what colour of Senko were you using ?
  22. nothing.... not even a nibble.. .wind was blowing and the rain was coming in sideways for a few minutes... WHAT was I thinking ..
  23. wow those "walleyes " (? ) are silver.... I have only seen walleyes from Lake Erie and they were always green... If they are silver like that, would they be better tasting as well ?
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