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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. thanks for the heads up... especially from a member with as few post as you have so far
  2. Well we finally get some rain in the area the last few days and some good reports are coming in from my friends in the areas that I fish. But alas, my daughter botbot, has her clubs tournament for Taekwando today. They are having it in KW to attract more of the Toronto fighters which means we set up the floors and equipment last night and most of us didn't get home till midnight last night. I have been dreaming of salmon all damned night... lol Botbot is PUMPED already>> I will be as soon as get the first Timmies in me shortly.. lol It is always a great day at her tournaments, with fellow students and their parents... lots of cheering and jeering going on Botbot and I are hoping to go fishing tomorrow, with Dutchy, and see if we can get her first salmon. She loves fishing and likes reading the fishing stories from this board >> Cliff sent her a CD of the boards anthem and she sings it all the time...lol ( thanks again Cliff) Here is hoping she can qualify again to go the Nationals in January.... She won the 2009 Canadian National Championships for 11 year old( 52lb category ) and is looking to defend her second National title in Halifax. So I ask all of you today, if by chance the fish are not biting in the place you are at, please say a little prayer for Botbot that she remains safe and accepts whatever fate the Taekwando gods have in store for her Today. Thanks Splashhopper
  3. Lets see now... u have made a grand total of ONE POST and you are asking us : " how is the fishing in your area because I am too lazy to go and do the leg work myself" Maybe you head up there this weekend and tell US how the fishing was there and then show us some pics of how YOUR fishing was there.
  4. Looks like a SIX POUNDER to me
  5. [q Overall a good day. That smallie isn't the longest one I've caught in this river but it may have been the heaviest. The pic may not show it well but it had a big belly. Till next week... That's a very cool pic... Congrats on a fun day on the river.
  6. Thank you for sharing these during this time in your life Joey. Sincerely, Splashhopper
  7. Botbot kicks my butt every time we go too Cliff.... it's all about the NUMBERS to her.... size don't matter... it's numbers...lol
  8. 1) More CO's on the rivers and lakes. 2) Review the regulations for seasons in tighter geographical locations. 3) Have an interactive website for direct communication with the ministry for ideas like we are suggesting and reporting offenders.
  9. No problem Bly.... YOU are THE reason I DON"T take my own wife fishing.... i would end up like Cliff He is always putting a positive spin on having his butt kicked by you while fishing lol Just kidding cliff.... no really... JUST KIDDING
  10. Nice pics... Nice win.... What do you do with the fish after the awards are presented?
  11. I was wondering the same thing....
  12. Thank YOU , Mike, for the encouragement and support that you learned here and have passed my way and other newbies to this board. Don't worry about the guys jabbing ya about not studying.....WE are just jealous and wish we were back in school AND fishing instead of DRINKING OUR BRAINS OUT while we were there
  13. that sounds very scientific to me.... we are talking about fishing in an uncontrolled situation.... not in a fish tank
  14. ummm Cliiffffff: Your opening posts says>>> "We decided to launch in a local harbour, hopefully protected from the winds...and see what we could tease. We were on the water by 5pm...looking for some Salmon that may be in the area. The fish finder was marking all kinds of fish, but we couldn't entice many hits, but we did manage a few fish.".... so... MAN UP and admit it... BLY KICKED YER BUTT AGAIN want that hug now? lol
  15. great pics and report of your "day off" ... thanks
  16. I am thinking of adding an attractant to my lures and jigs for the late fall bass fishing and for the trout season which is almost upon us. I am looking for your experience with these and how you use them. Thanks again. Splashhopper
  17. Way to go Jaaaden ..... wooohoooo.... thanks for posting this
  18. Hooking the fish in the mouth is the only legitimate way that I know of ... Snagging them is NOT legitimate.
  19. holy COW.... u mean to say we have FRESHWATER FISH that size in North America... what the heck am I doing chasing these darned fall bass for
  20. hmmmmm.,,,,,, if a muskie will eat a chicken.... would a bass eat left over lasagna... inquiring minds wanna know
  21. those are some fine lookin shrimp hope you get us a pic with a fish chompin on one too
  22. was thinking the same thing John.... party at Twocoda's
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