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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. i just slide a very small piece onto a #10 bait hook,,,, then thread the worm on after it.... the yarn does two things.... acts as a colour attractor makes it harder for the fish to let go due to their small teeth getting caught in the yarn bottom line... KEEP IT SIMPLE brother...
  2. ada-boy doc you show HER who wears the pants ... for this week ....lol
  3. I buy real worms.... but break them in half and add a small piece of orange or chartreuse yarn to the hook
  4. Congrats on the big day..... hey... Brad Paisley has a fishing tournament that you have just been invited to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O3Plt8DyMk
  5. thank you for an example of your love of your father and an example of his humility to us all.
  6. great pics....
  7. ummmm Cliiiiifffff... Bly KICKED BUTT AGAIN Do you need a hug ?
  8. yep... i do know the flow numbers for both those rivers because i do the leg work when i see the low numbers on that link, I make plans to fish elsewhere and "save the legs"...
  9. no idea what u mean by that... but rest assured.... having an advantage of knowing the depth of a favorite river BEFORE I drive 90-120 minutes to get to it is great info to have. I can confirm the low water levels of the Maitland and the Bayfield rivers right now to be accurate to that link posted above... I drove right over them on my way to an in land lake that i fished with my daughter today... Time and gas are not things I like to waste when I could be fishing
  10. welcome aboard
  11. I like this site and find it to be pretty accurate.... the only thing it doesn't tell us is the water conditions. http://scitech.pyr.ec.gc.ca/waterweb/formnav.asp Maybe this could be put up as a sticky for the fall salmon and trout runs ?
  12. wtg on the new rig... thanks for the pics
  13. you caught a "pre-filleted" salmon Call up Loblaws, you just might get your own "president's choice" line
  14. Prayers from London. The following is a prayer that has helped me countless times in these times of another person's passing. God Bless Splashhopper Lord make me a channel of thy peace - that where there is hatred, I may bring love - that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness - that where there is discord, I may bring harmony - that where there is error, I may bring truth - that where there is doubt, I may bring faith - that where there is despair, I may bring hope - that where there are shadows, I may bring light - that where there is sadness, I may bring joy. Lord grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted - to understand, than to be understood - to love, than to be loved.
  15. yep... but maybe break down the individual requirements on a weekly basis...
  16. was thinking the same thing
  17. wtg Ryan and the article suggests that their connection started right here on OFC ....wooo hooo
  18. excellent
  19. Good idea Lazlo..... and a FRIENDLY suggestion to the admins.... I know for myself that when I signed up on this board,, I didn't "thoroughly" read the terms of agreement to become a member here... ( maybe I am the only one ) The point being, maybe the admins could post a weekly review/reminder of one of the terms until they are all covered ( closed topic of course) for gentle reminders of the all too often over looked "terms of agreement" (see small print) for newer members like myself and Lazlo. Thank you for the consideration. Sincerely, Splashhopper
  20. There was a thread on this board, with colour graphs, last year about colour spectrums and what the fish could actually see. Not sure if it detailed depths, but it did identify the colours the fish saw first. Try a search on the board for it.
  21. here is a video about that technique >>
  22. hey skinny.... when i am tossing those particular baits.. I experience that too..especially with my fluorocarbon line... I will only use that for a leader in heavy slop now and tie it to a leader between my braided line. with a very SMALL barrel swivel... The braided line can get loops in it if I am not paying attention to "how" I am bringing the line back in... ie.. too much slack in it and it gets a bit sloppy.....and the loops will start.. I just watch for any loops now and if i see even the smallest one in the braid, I deal with it immediately and VOILA... no more probs... I CAN'T say that about the fluorocarbon though Hope this helps a bit.
  23. the bears for me....
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