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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. yep, I would
  2. That just goes to show how long it's been that I have bought beer, One Day at a Time
  3. you are in college AND have a credit card... better hope the beer store doesn't start taking em too
  4. try this one I also cut and pasted that new link in to the original post... thanks for the heads up skinny
  5. I think this rig may be an effective set up in some of the trout waters I will be fishing shortly sacrificial 3-way rig >> Any thoughts or EXPERIENCE with it ?
  6. I also think this other rig may be an effective set up in some of the trout waters I will be fishing shortly sacrificial 3-way rig >>
  7. I like this guys SHORT simple and clear video presentations of knots and rigs: Carolina Rig>>
  8. nice looking hogs there
  9. umm.... he mentioned the river
  10. yep.. .gotta read " the exceptions".. The tribs ARE closed but not the main rivers off Huron... READ THOSE REGS
  11. nice fish, great persistence.
  12. At the local place I fish Mike, most of the surface weeds are gone I am having to "re-learn" fishing with a wacky rigged senko worm and am trying spinner baits and jerk baits for the fall bass season... so far,,, not much for my efforts.... but I am sure it is just a matter of time
  13. Yep... we are counting on that ! lol Already got one daughter in 3rd year university and she is holding her own with no "boy troubles" YET If you come up to the in-laws before Christmas, I will try to take you our for some rainbow trout fishing here
  14. great pics ... thanks
  15. uh huh.... juts what i suspected.... she DID outfish you again Somehow though.... I think she loves ya without you having to be a " hunter - gatherer HE-Man "
  16. to Toronto's Finest.... and what is with the CO's only working Mon-Fri? Most of the Bull is going on during the weekend when they could be writing up enough tickets to add more officers to the brigade every month....
  17. pretty sure you were supposed to use the email on the tag and send them some info about where and when you caught the fish and the shape it was in
  18. So THAT'S where the smallies we were chasing were... on your darned line in a another part of the province. Nice fish and great pics
  19. excellent effort on getting the pics up... pretty good for a "redneck"
  20. Nice pike.... and if your buddy is "slaying strippers" he may be some guy named bubba new "buddy" in da joint eh
  21. Welll Cliffff..... if you took Bly with ya.. sh e could have shown you HOW to catch a Muskie But hey.... the biggest snot rocket I have caught so far is only 26 inches... at least the ones you are getting are worthy of a pic...
  22. set up an account on www.photobucket.com real easy.... then upload your pics from your PC after you have uploaded a pic , scroll over the picture with your mouse and a drop down box will appear. then scroll your mouse to the BOTTOM of the drop down box where it says IMG code.... copy that.... then come back to this board.... start you topic.... insert your pic by pasting the one you just copied from the IMG code on Photobuket.... real easy to use after you try it once or twice. I hope this helps Looking forward to your report WITH pictures. Splashhopper
  23. Nice fish... but alas... you won't see this till morning, or after the caveman activities... you "hunter gatherer he man you "
  24. Yes she is Radnine And she won DOUBLE GOLD ( sparring and forms) today as well at the Tri-Star invitational tournament in Kitchener. 378 kids participated today... was a great turnout... Tomorrow... we FISH .... Lol Splashhopper
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