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Everything posted by FishHeadRic

  1. Anywhere from the little cove with that short jetty wall thing all the way to the little parking lot on the west side is Ontario Place property and they will kick you out of there. Mid winter you can usually get away with a few trips in there with out getting booted but as soon as the hoards start to show they go on bootin' detail. Nothing a float tube or a kayak can't fix. FHR
  2. Ladies, gents... Those are Striped Bass in these pics. (My new Pike) biggest one to date was about 52" and about 50lbsyou but the will get up into the 75-90lb range. It's been nice eating fish again... Toronto pike never made it to my dinner table!!! FHR
  3. Anyone looking for good strong clips shoud check out the Tackle Angler clips. They're all l use now! FHR
  4. Hey boys! I'll try to post more as the season progresses. It's been rough getting my fishing time in. Working two jobs for a while now. Sleep or fish.... hmmmm. You know what I'm choosing. The bags under my eyes in the fall are big but sos the smile. Tight lines folks! Winters over! Go get em! FHR
  5. Hey Gang! It's been a while since I've posted anything here. Been lurking but not really posting much being that I mostly fish the surf and salt now. Been down here on Long Island for almost 5 years already. Learning, re-learning the ins and outs of working the extremly harsh conditions down here. Got me a fleet of kayaks and a couple of boston whalers to get out on the water but putting on the wet suit and hopping boulders and getting pummeled off rocks in the surf has taken over most of my free time... LOVE IT! These shots are from Montauk Point on the end of long Island. School of bait getting blitzed! 30lb class fish crashing the breakers! Bigger the storm, better the fishing! I've gotten to see some amazing things over the last few years fishing down here.Hopefully going into another great season. If any of ya ever make yer way down here and wanna have a good ole time drop me a line! FHR
  6. Give the JB weld a try! Just be sure you set them right cause you're gonna have a hell of a time getting this stuff off! lt's strong!!! FHR
  7. Like stated earlier the right lures to use would be suspending minnows like the Huskie Jerks, X-Rapps or Yozuri Crystal minnows worked slow. If you are working shallower water areas floating minnows, Spinners (Mepps #5), or even bigger flat spoons like the Toronto wobler or a 5 of diamonds will do. FHR
  8. I still check in and lurk here and there Fishing strictly salt water now on Long lsland but man l do miss them pike this time of year. FHR
  9. Happy Birthday Old Man! FHR
  10. Hey Gang! It's been a while. here's a bunch l did a few years back. First one is a pencil popper l did for a friend. After the base yellow I layered quail feathers onto this one to give it the scaled effect. Came out amazing but definately too much work. Here's a few more shots of it. This one was for another friend of mine down here. Its a strait up popper. It was about 5-6 inches if l remember correctly. Weighed in at just over 2oz. A closer look at the scale patern l did. Did a bunch of these as well for friends. Hand-carved balsa wood with spinners for feet. Got a bunch more done, just gotta find those ole pics... time to fire up the ole 'puter FHR
  11. Hey RJ, I picked up a Loomis Gl2 last year for this exact same purpose. So happy with it! Got it matched with a Stradic 4000 FH. Ric
  12. Pervert!
  13. But at least you get a 5 cent return for all the cans! FHR
  14. This increase in money is not going back into the fisheries. Despite what you think this is all due to Gov. Patterson's scramble to raise as much money to regain control of New York States defacit. The Salt Water Community here in NY is also for the first time being forced to get licenses. I'm not stating this as a bad thing. They should have had one a long time ago but to take money for a licence in a state and then use this money for something other then the fishery it was intended for is in my opinion just wrong! Going back to the Fresh Water License, l do think it's just wong what the're doing with this. A increase of 5-10% over 5 years maybe... but this is just a blatent display of how little control the Government down here over their economy and they're trying to pass their losses onto other states and out of state residents. lt's unfortunate that this is going on. This state has some of the BEST fishing in the world and it's truely unrealized. This increase in the out of state license is just going to deter people from coming into the state to fish. God's honest truth I think people that did fish here before should NOT buy a license here this year. Stay up there, go to another state, go to another provence... Let them know that this is not an exceptable action! Personally l feel if this state wants to raise money for their deficites then start up another lottery or have a freakin' bake sale but this is just going to keep people from making NY a vacation destination and thus doing more detrimental damage to the economy of the state and not to mention the the reputation of our great fishery! FHR
  15. Thought you were a member of the "Nuts 4 Big Butts Assocation" Nice fish! FHR
  16. A friend of mine down here turned me on to a great knot for tying a thinner main line to thicker mono or floro line. "Crazy" Alberto Knie, he's one of the premiere surf casters on th east coast. Found a great article by by Ron (Arby) Bernknopf on stripers online that explains this version of Al's modified albright. "The Alberto Knot is a modified Albright knot and is generally attributed to "Crazy" Alberto Knie. Alberto is a long standing Stripersonline.com contributor, rabid surf fisherman, and has fished all over the world. His articles and pictures have been published in numerous magazines. The Alberto knot is an excellent knot for joining different diameter leaders to mono and/or leader-to-braid line connections. I use it for mono-to-Power Pro connections on teaser rigs for plugging and have yet to have the braid slip out or break off (due to knot failure) in the year that I've been using it. I like it better than a uni-to-uni knot connection and with a little practice, will make a small, compact knot which is pretty easy to tie...even in the dark. The only other drawing of this knot to be found on the internet is a quickly drawn picture and is a little difficult to decipher. When I decided to make the drawings in this article, I wanted to make it "Step by Step". Step 1. - This is showing a braid line and a thicker leader line. (see figure 1) Step 2. - Make a loop with the leader (or thicker line) and hold between thumb and fore-finger. Insert the line in through the middle of the loop and wrap the braid (or smaller line) around the outside of the loop a minimum of 6 times. Some guys make up to 12 loops, but I find 6 to 8 fine for general purposes. (see figure 2) Step 3. - This is the point where the Albright knot gets modified into an Alberto Knot. (In an Albright Knot, the braided line would be pulled back through the input to the loop at the end of Step 2. above.) For the Alberto modification, loop back the braid towards the point where you started (see Step 2 above) using the same number of loops. It is important to exit the braid back out of the thicker Leader loop in the same direction as you started the knot (see figure 3) Step 4. - Once Step 3 is completed, pull the leader loop and braided line in opposite directions holding all 4 lines and at the same time try to push the braided loops toward the center of the leader loop. None of the loops of braid should jump on top of or over the other loops of braid - this is important! If even one loop jumps out of line, start over or you chance a break off at the worst possible time! Once tight, this will make a small, extremely strong, knot. Snip the excess line as shown below and you are ready to go. (see figure 4) As I mentioned at the start, with a little practice, you will appreciate using this knot." Hope this helps, FHR
  17. That 9.9 should be just fine if you ask me. How much power do you really need? Just have him sit in back with you and you'll definately be able to get that thing up on plane. Seriously, even a 25 would be pushing it. FHR
  18. Like everyone said, they will work just fine as long as you don't mind scraping all the slag of the top when you get them boiled down. Just PLEASE DO THIS IN A VERY WELL VENTELATED AREA! Even if you do it outside get a fan going and use a proper mask! Lead poisioning is not something you want to go through. Lead, when heated lets off a lot of fumes and can very easily be inhaled. Always use gloves and wash your hands after casting anything in lead. Also pleas be careful with hot lead. Keep the kids and pets away! FHR
  19. How about "Hey there, swim here often?" FHR
  20. Name of the song was Suicide is painless. Still one of my favorite shows ever! ..."Frank Burns eats worms" FHR
  21. Hey guys. This line was released in the Canadian market around '06, correct? I had come down here to NY back in '05 and picked up a couple of spools of it and to tell ya the truth, l really liked it. Very similar to the P-Line Copoly but not as stretchy. When l did originally get it down here it had already been on the market for at least 2 years. It was very popular, and still is with the salt water fisherman up and down the east coast. Could the reason for a lot of people not liking it be that the stuff that was being released up there in Canada was 4 year old over stock comming from the states? Possible? This might explain the brittle issues some were having. I'm just throwing this out there cause even the P-line Co-poly gets brittle after a few years. l've since switched over totally to braid, Sufix, but if l do ever find myself reaching for the clear stuff it's going to be either P-line co-poly or Maxima Perfexion for the lighter lines (2-10) or Trilene Big Game for anything above. FHR
  22. My condolences Lew to you and your family. God Bless. Ric
  23. Hey Guys, thanks for all the complimnts. Outlaw, if l'm not mistaken Etch is from Brampton. If any of you guys ever get a chance to see or aquire one of his lures l highly suggest it. He does some amazing stuff. Lew, they are all thru-wired. The hook hangers are actually 180lb sporo swivels. I'm drilling the hole and passing the swivel thru one of the ends. It's a nice and neat set up with a belly grommit to finish it off. FHR
  24. Man, It's been a cold winter this year eh? Haven't been able to get out on the water too much so I've been keeping busy in the Man-cave re-building the lure stocks. Doing mostly poppers so far but I decided to give a frog a try as well and I think I got it down pretty good. Gotta get some better shots of this one. Gave it away and only got to snap a few pics the other day when I went to my buddys house. Going over there tommorow so l'll try to get some better shots. Here's some pics of one of the other ones I did. These pics came out a lot better. Close up of the eye. Good ole laundry bag scale pattern. This one came out great. Swims and Pops like a champ! And the latest one I did was a Fresh water Bass lure. Inspiration for one of the other Canucks on one of the boards I've been posting on down here, Etch-a-sketch. Do any of you guys know who he is or have any of his lures? Leopard Frog with spinners for feet. Snag, l've got a few more in the works with your name on 'em. Just a few more weeks. Enjoy !!! FishHeadRic
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