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Everything posted by FishHeadRic

  1. Nice Clive! Congrats to you and Gillian. Ric
  2. You have one right in markham, Milne dam. The rouge has a good population of salmon every return year. FHR
  3. Oh By the way Dano, I've taken good care of her! hehe FHR
  4. Thanks Guys! Joey, They arn't good eating especially at that size. Their major prey is a fish called Bunker. These bunker are actually caught and harvested for the amount of oil in them. The oils are used for oil based paints and things of that nature so when the bluefish get this big they just end up tasting like a used paint brush. Raf I' was talking to some of my friends the othere day and it's funny cause we consider them a scurge, especially when we're targeting other species. I was stating the fact that if you haven't caught a bluefish before that they really are an amazing fish to catch. But I guess it's kind of like those ole' timmers that'll just cut their lines if they get a muskie while fishing for walleyes. Grant, Wish that was my hood! Actually no, i don,t ... They're probably paying close to a hundred grand in taxes a year. CCMT, I figured the probability of seeing another OFNer there was at a minimum so.... Maureen, It's funny cause I really didn't give it too much thought until after the porgie got gobbled up. I actually had them on a 3 ft leash but tightened them right to the boat cause they kept gettin' in the way of my kickin'. Good thing eh? GCD, Ive always wanted to catch a Jack. One of my friends worked the rigs and he used to tell me stories of them catching them on their lunch breaks and always getting into trouble cause they were lated getting back. :/ Fidel, Yeah It's so good to be home... And thanks to everyone for all the replies. I'll try to keem em coming. FHR
  5. Howdy Folks! Couldn't sleep the other night so I decided to head down to the sound at first light and catch some porgies for this weekend. My aunt's having a BBQ and she always raves about how much she missed me around to supply her with fresh fish so I figured I'd come bearing gifts. There's a little beach tucked in behind a few multi-million dollar houses that I used to go to when I lived here before. The beach was named for a Big boulder that the British used for target practice way back when. Target Rock. There's quite a few large boulders that lie under the water when the tide is in. Makes for a great ambush point for predators on a moving tide and the hidden boulders keeps most boats from venturing in close to shore. Two perfect things for a guy in a float boat. Today though I was really just after porgies. Porgies or Sea Bream are tasty little buggers. They can get upwards of 3lbs but the average sized porgy around here is usually 1-2lbs. Really strong fish! Really strong! Once hooked they tend to just freak the F$#@ out. Great light tackle fishing. The fight is kind of like a Smallie on steroids. Here's a view of a couple of the houses in the area... houses... Villas... estates... mansions! So anyways I started off really good I had 3 porgies on the stringer and just hooked into another one when all of a sudden a bluefish shoots out of no where and just bites the porgy I have on the line right in half! This literally happened about 3 feet away from me and I just sat there stunned at what I just saw happen. The front half of the porgy was still trying to swim around with blood trailing out of the U shaped where his tail and back end had just been. Next thing you know another blue comes out of no where and just engulfs the rest of the fish which was still attached to the end of my line. I finally snap to and jam my thumb into the spool of my bait caster hoping to just brake off right away and I did. With blues in the area I might as well give up on fishing for porgies so I put a white buck tail with a wire leader. Hopefully there's bass mixed in with the bluefish and I was counting on the blues just concentrating on the porgies and not a small buck tail bouncing off the bottom.... No Dice! Bluefish, pound for pound I would have to say are one of the strongest fish on earth! They are just vicious! I've had so many lures and plugs just ruined by blues. They have razors for teeth and when first hooked they'll test your tackle the hard way! Even when landed they'll just be the biggest pain in the ass. 'bout 12 years back I used to work on a party boat on the east end of L.I. We had a fare once who tried to hold a bluefish's head down with his palm.... The blue clamped down on the fleshy part of his hand just under his thumb and just sheered it right off. Of coarse it was our first drift of the day and we actually got a chopper to come out and pick him and the bluefish up to shoot him over to the hospital. Bluefish are EVIL, that's all I have to say about that! DANGER! I had to go to the shore to land it cause I just wasn't in the mood for any sort of mishaps ( Right Fidel! ) This one was about 12lbs. 30", body like a football. Razors! So anyways the blues moved on and I started to see bait fish freak out all around me so I kept the buck tail on and hooked into a nice Fluke. A little bigger then the one I caught the other day. On to the stringer with you! 3rd type of fish so far. All I needed was a Striper to get the grand slam. Bam! He hit the buck tail on the next cast after the fluke. I caught another one after this one but it was the exact same size as the last. I decided to take a close up just to make it look like a bigger one. He He. So the keepers for the day, 13 Porgies and a nice Fluke! I didn't catch the flip-flop. Bought that one. Nice and thick this fluke. I'm gonna fillet it and roll up some asparagus arugula and raw cashews inside of the fillets with a red pepper and Gorgonzola sauce. ummmmmm..... Here come the money shots! Going to Montauk next week so hope I'll have a cow to post! Take care, FishHeadRic
  6. Nice Report G-force! If you want more pike try the waters just east of the mouth where they put in that new deck in all the way to OP. They'll be out on those flats. Just look for any green weeds growing up and concentrate on those areas. FHR
  7. Call up the guys at Al Flarety's, (416) 651-6436 or PM Dave (Dmasse). FHR
  8. Wow Erik, That third carp looks really white and huge! Hope you had as much fun as your daughter out there! FHR
  9. Very Nice! Is that second fish a Tiger? What round about waters were you in? FHR
  10. Nice report Fidel. Look at unkle Merddy with the collars up! Fishing fashons at their finest! Jean-Marc looks good! Tell him and your mum I said Hi! As for the layout, try to start a full line under the pic line... so after the last [/img] hit enter before typing for every pic. Cheers Bud, Ric
  11. Thanks GCD, I like em with the skin off as well. Patrick, There mostly salt water where I am right now but I know what you're saying about the lakes of New York State. It's truely a beautiful area! Crazyhook I wish it was a door matt. That's a door matt!!! FHR
  12. Thanks Gerrit, Roy, Mikeh and Rip. It has been a while since I've posted any reports. I've been fishing but have moved 3 times over the past couple of years and been working like a dog so... feels good to get another report out there. I have been stoping in every once in a while to check out the reports but just haven't had the time to post. :/ Alex, I only like the cocktail blues. The bigger guys just taste like bunker to me... FHR
  13. Nice! I should be down that way as soon as the stripers start their run. You a surf rat as well? maybe we should hook up in the fall. FHR
  14. Hey Alex, Where in Jersey are Ya? I'm not sure where Nutley is. I'm In Huntington Long Island! Nice flatties there! FHR
  15. Hey Gang, It's been a while since I've posted any reports so I figured now that I've moved back down here to Long Island, what better time to start posting again. It was a hectic move for me but now that the dust has settled I decided to reward myself by taking out the float boat and pickin' off some fluke. Fluke are Summer Flounder or Atlantic Halibut. They get upwards of 20lbs but the majority of them run in the 1 1/2 to 7lb range around these here parts. This is the small harbour I fished in yesterday. It's about 5 min from my house on the north shore of L.I. To catch them you need to drift along and drag a hi-lo rig with a strip of squid and a shiner. Fluke are in every way predators. They lay on bottom waiting for anything to pass within range of striking distance. When something does they'll actually follow it for a bit or strike it right off the bat. Regulations down here have changed since I lived here before and now the fluke have to be 19.5" to keep with a much shorter season then previously. The only keeper of the day. She was 23" and 2.5lbs. I caught 4 other shorts but that's fine by me. As long as I had something to bring home for supper! When they're first born fluke look like all other fish with eyes on both sides of their heads. Eventually their eyes start to migrate over to one side and they start to swim sidways. Only a face a mother could love! I'm a size 9 1/2. Just to give you a referance as to how big it was. Here's another referance pic with a lighter. These fish have some serious teeth on them! The one good thing about being flat is that they make for some of the easiest filletting fish I've ever had the pleasure to do. YUMMMMM! Of all the fish I've ever eaten Fluke has to be one of my favorite fish ever! Nice flakey white meat that's almost sweet. A lot of Japanese will eat these raw and I don't blame them! These are some tasty, tasty critters! Anyways, I'm not going to be able to get out till the end of the week but when I do I think I'm gonna go after some stripers and bluefish. Hopefully I'll have another report for you all then! Take care! FishHeadRic
  16. I'm heading down to Long Island on Saturday nite and should be in the surf by Sunday Morning sometime before noon. Not sure as to when I'll be back. Looks like my papers have finally gone through to move down so this might be a permanent Vacation for me... FHR
  17. Hey Dave, you staying local?? Ric
  18. But you're going fishing??? At some point during your trip you are going to wish to impale a fish on your hook...? Go with gulp grubs if you're squeemish about the process but this is a little odd, no? FHR
  19. You can always just go to your local pet store and pick up some crickets and/or meal worms. Trout love em and they're relatively cheap. About $1.25/doz. FHR
  20. Top water poppers will do ya good down there as well so bring em along. FHR
  21. Seriously! Watch out for those rock out croppings! They'll just pop out of no where in that lake. Not really marked at all either. FHR
  22. It's really been effecting the pike bite here in TO. FHR
  23. Guys, there are quite a few small mouth in and around the area. Try worms off the rocks at Ashbridges or on the east end of OP. If not there then try drifting the rivers. A lot of smallies in the credit as well as the humber and rouge. 007, I have to agree that a lot of the species are not really at the locations specified but once might have been or like dsn said about the seasonal patterns. Those guides are just a little out dated. FHR
  24. For that price you should be able to pick up a Quantam Catalyst as well. I bought one the first year they came out and have been very happy with it. FHR
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