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Everything posted by FishHeadRic

  1. Hey gang, It's been a long boring winter down here to say the least. Can't do work on the boat so l've been trying my hand at lure building. here's some pics of the first two I finished. The first one is coated in quail feathers. After sealing and hard wiring the plug I base coated it yellow and then used coats of clear nail polish to affix the feathers onto the lure. After I got the effect I was looking for I painted the mouth and belly and then coated it in E-tex. Really happy with the way this one came out. It's weighted to just over 2.Oz and sits on a nice 45 degree angle with it ass just under the surface. This second one l did is a slow sinking Needle Fish. Used like a sub-surface jerk bait. (Mostly for rough surf and fast currents) This one was actually made for my best friend's wife. She just got into fishing last summer so l had to make it all pretty and stuff Yes that is a diamond behind it's eye... I used to do setting and casting work a decade or so ago. They're just foil backed crystals but l thought it would be a nice touch for my buddies little Princess. I've got a bunch more turned and waiting for paint. Airbrush is up and running so l'll post some more when l get 'em done. FHR
  2. Found this on U-tube. Thought you folks would enjoy... FHR
  3. Thanks, thought the water in Nip. might be going wacky or something. :/ FHR
  4. Hey guys, Found this posted on a board down here. The guy said it was pulled outta Nippising. Any of you guys seen pics of this? FHR
  5. What price range are you looking at? Under or around 200? Also do you want a Low-pro or a Round bait-caster? Diawa Millionare, Luna, Abu Morrums, Shimano Conquests, CTE's Calcuttas, Quantum Cabo pt's if you're looking at a round bait caster. For a low-pro, Quantum Tour pt, Energy PT's, Shimano Scorpion's, Core MG's, Abu Garcia's Revo STX, Daiwa Zillion 100SHA, Advantage, Black Widow II, TD-Sol, Viento, Fuego...... With the strength of the dollar you should take advantage of the great deals you can get on-line. As far as I'm concerned don't even look at BPS. They're really bending you guys over up in Canada. The prices aren't great at all and with the exception of just a few of their employees, they're not much help at all. That spaces must cost a lot to rent!...(Sorry ) There's a lot of great on line dealers that can help you out or if you find what you really want just go to a local Tackle shop and as them to order it. As far as the gear goes http://www.tackletour.com. Take a look at the reviews on here. If you're looking for great deals on some of the forign reels http://www.japantackle.com . FHR
  6. I found something like this on the net from Australia. It would drag your lure out into the surf until a fish would bite it but then the lure would release from a clip and then leave you to battle it with a rod. Great idea but I'm sure any of the surf guys down here on LI would really frown upon the practice. FHR
  7. I've heard some dissapointing things about the Record as well. If you're willing to go into that price range try looking at the Chrome Rocket. I picked up one for 135 (usd) when I got down here. With the Canadian dollar trading so well I'm sure you can find an even better deal on Flea-bay or somewhere else on line. I mostly use it to launch 2-4 ounce plugs from the surf and it's just great! Smooth as silk and the drag is amazing as well. I was yanking in 15-20 lb bluefish in with no problems what so ever. I'm not a big fan of the cardiff at all. I don't like the braking system that shimano uses, especially with having to dissasemble the whole thing just to get to them, but that's just me. FHR
  8. Hey Grant, I'd think by this point your wife just knows better the to question your actions. Nice job on the pike out there! How's your son doing? Getting ready to bring him out with ya soon? Ric
  9. Wow, Very Cool! Congrats, Congrats Mike! Gettin' any sleep? Ric
  10. I've picked off a few walleye over the past few years in and around toronto. 3-4 years back in Ashbridges bay in the fall I caught a 6-7 pounder. Doug (Lucid) and Jon ( from Fishin' Fury) also have picked a few up out on the Islands (By the school). There's also a deep part just off the spit where they were being caught quite frequently by some of the sharpies out there. (Old man Rick and crew) Nothing on a regular basis but they are out there!
  11. Hey Grant, Theses guys don't look Canadian! Wheres the red plaid jackets? FHR
  12. 'Morning Lew! Ric
  13. Here's a good article if you're finding it hard to locate a hook in that size. I know Owner does make a 6ot that will fit a sluggo but this article show's ya an easier way to deal with em. http://www.stripersonline.com/Pages/Articl...hR_sluggo.shtml FHR
  14. I have to agree that the line is being put on the reel wrong. The easiest way to solve it is to let the line spool out behind a boat but if you don't have a boat (like I used to) here's a good easy fix. Tie on a swivel and make your way out to a local base ball or high school field. Clip the swivel to the fence and walk your line off the reel. After getting all the line off try to keep some good pressure on the line as you reel in to keep it tight to the reel. Every 10-15ft of crankin' relax on the line pressure and see if it's kinkin' up on ya. If so then you can usually just shake the line strait. FHR
  15. If you're looking at the Calcutta's then price isn't much of an issue, yes. Take a look at the Abu Morrum's. I think you'll really like what you see. FHR
  16. OK Billy, Give me a bit to find my old pics and maps and I'll shoot ya a pm of some of the prime shoreline spots for this time of year. FHR
  17. Since I've gotten back here I've kind of taken on to some lure building. I belong to another website that has a plug turning and lure building section. I've built some lures before but this site made me realize how easy it all is as long as you have a basic set up. Last week I purchased a lathe and so far what I've been turning out has been exellent. I've also hand carved some lures in the past that worked great for me. Just wondering if any of you have a lathe or have lures that you've built and want to post em. I'd like to see some of the work being done here by other members. FHR
  18. Hey Billy, I could set you up with some spots to try out. Are you from TO or did you just move there? How much did you fish before? Ya up for a little tassle with some nice sized pike? FHR
  19. Rule Chaser!!! He's not selling the boat on here, Just inquiring about an asking price. Johnnny, What's the upgrade gonna be for the boat?? Ric
  20. Here's a brand new one 70$ usd plus shipping. Take advantage of the Canadian dollar my friend!!! http://stripersonline.com/surftalk/showthread.php?t=548939 FHR
  21. Alex, Magnets won't work! Keys are usually aluminum or brass, none of which will attract a magnet. Have you tried just a little dab of crazy glue? FHR
  22. Man, I miss those Pike! Great job guys! Toronto angler, those pike already are in the harbor. They've been in for some time. You just need to do some leg work to find the good weed beds. Try from the base of spadina all the way to the Death Star over by that second cup. Drag bottom with a spoon till you find nice green weeds and then sink an X-rapp or a huskie down. They're there! FHR
  23. Mr Bond, Some of the best days I've ever had piking were the days before and up until a cold fronts moved through. If you're in Toronto head down to the lake shore and give a few casts over by the canoe rental harbour. ( By the mouth where they launch the Kayaks ) I'm pretty sure you'll be pleasently suprised! This time of year especially... Trust me on this one. FHR
  24. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11596 FHR
  25. Just hope that guy was a righty. FHR
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