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its like a dog chasing his tail... what way is up again? yes thats a chinny...young one...
i thought it was a lake trout...i heard sometimes people get them through the ice...but hey...could be wrong.
we bashed it...no trail...walk to Jeff (dont fish it though). Not a hard walk to it from Jeff, but back...Jesus...slow gradual uphill the hole way. There were guys camped on Jeff from the Sault...said they didnt have luck there (didnt surprise me...i havent heard of anyone catch a fish from that lake)...they were headed to Gargatua...but didnt see them again.
No...but we looked at it..lol...thought about it...but it was wet and miserable, so we headed out...maybe next time i am in there.
Goaltending...Goaltending...Goaltending!!! This is Price's first full year in the league and they are expecting him to be a saviour! When...in all seriousness...has he showed the skill, and poise to be a bona fide starter in the league??? Last year in the playoffs, he wasnt even that good. He is still green and its not fair to him that he has been thrown in a hockey mad town like Montreal with all the pressure of there 100 yr anniversary to win the cup. Halak as well....to young and inexpeirenced, yes they are gaining expeirence, but the Canadians should have an older tender there to help them along.
great work! That is the one thing about living up here...we have Steel...but the places down south are just awsome compared to here
Good Job! What a wet day eh! We went into Fife on Saturday...great walk..didnt need snowshoes till after Belanger. We ended up getting 2 about the same size as yours, and then lots of little thiefs.
Great fish....good job!
Congrats on the placment! Enjoy it...every minute of it. That was one of the reasons i went to the same program as well.
Well Lake Superior doesnt freeze over that often, adn when it does, the ice cna be pretty shotty, at best. This year however, is a different story. Currently lake superior around here is frozen tight, with 20-24 inches of solid black ice. So, last Saturday it was time to brave the arctic like conditions and head out onto Old Woman bay in seach of some superior steel. I took my brother and my grandmother out, (who by the way cant get enough of fishing). We set up in 12-15 ft of water and put on the biggest nk 28's we had. After 15 minutes of nothing, i head to my bag and squirt the lure with good ol dr.juice. Fifteen minutes later at the top of the jig, my arm gets yanked down by an angry, aggressive fish. It pulls line and within minutes its under the hole, water emerging over the edges...its close! As i continue to play it under the hole, feeling the headshakes, it goes to take another run...then the dreaded feeling...SNAP!...the line snaps somehow...discouraged...we continue fishing for another hour before packing it in, leaving me with more determination to try again. On Monday i had that chance! Monday came around and the plan was to head out right after work again and try it all over. Set up in the same spot with the same setup hoping it wasnt a fluke. I immediatly throw some juice on the spoon and send it down to the icy waters. And began to jig, and jig, jig some more, then jigged some more. At about 630, i rest my arm down holding the rod...then WHAM!!! anther ticked off rainbow nails my spoon. This one had some weight i thought! We had an ice battle of epic proportions (for me anyways) that had me gaining an inch and then losing 10 yards, then gaining another inch, only to lose another 10 yards. Soon i had it under the hole again, i see it beneath the hole on its side and it completly covers the bottom of the 10 inch hole, and i felt my knees shake! Don't screw this up i thought...i tried to be patient with it as i tried to guide it into the hole, when i felt a sudden snag...NO, i though, drop my line down! ARRGGGHHH i end up hooking the bottom of the ice and the fish disappears, thinking and knowing he got the best of me. The joys of fishing...and not catching. Disappointed we fished till dark without another hit. Maybe i thought i can get out again, but with a storm coming, who knows..the ice might be out in a day. Yesterday came along and the after effects of the storm were still showing its colours....high winds and -15temps felt like it was -30. But i headed out right after work again in hopes i might have some cover. I get to the lake and it was cold to say the least...it literally looked and felt like i was heading out onto the arctic. The dog happy...me cold. Figured i am here now, might as well try for a bit until the wind gets too much. The plan was the same as the other days, head out to the same spot with the same lure, this time i was going to try a still line with a shiner...when i got out...nope 1 line will do today...it was cold. Looked at the dog and he was curled at my feet...a malamute trying to brave the elements and here i am trying to catch a fish. I knew i was packing it in soon. Not 5 minutes of jiggins...WHAM...and scream of the reel...are you kidding me..another one!..this one came up fairly easy and when i saw it at the hole....i toook my time and didnt mess this up. Slowly pulled the fish onto the ice and a massive sigh of releif consumed my body, 27 inches of Lake SUperior Rainbow lay on the ice, all three treble hooks for the spoon had seized her mouth shut. I had dinner. Threw everything back in my back hook still in fish and i was outta there! Here it is, hoping to get out again tonight or maybe tomorrow morning. Some shots of the Old Woman bay of the times I was out fishing
Welcome the board. There you go..try them...with patience and time you should find them
Congrats!!! In a few months you will have a little fishing buddy to bring with you! Awsome news!!!
LOL..you never know sometimes! Anyways...the lake is coming back...the walleye fishing is pretty good now, with some fair sized fish in it. Also, not many people know that there is a decent smallmouth bass population in the lake now, and a few people from Wawa head there, just for them, as there are not many places around here for bass. Also, it is a big lake with lots of islands, and you can get lost fairly easy, so GPS is hihly recommended.
Are you talking Kabenung north of Wawa?
thanks for all the hard work! I love this place
So the fishing has been slow all around the lake for the most part?
gut feeling for me mostly. Plus, i try to think of what the practicality of the lure is, ie. colour, design, size. That along with the application i plan on using or thinking about using goes into choosing. Another, thing, listening to shop owners of what is working best on the water...sometimes its good to follow what others are using! But its never a bad thing to buy them all!!!
thats a gorgeous laker! Good Job!
Nicely Done buddy! We are headed in again on Saturday. You Sir have a PM
great job! Looks great!
Awsome...and welcome. Great place here. looking forward to your reports and fish porn!
I would think out of season, is just that, out of season, regardless of what is owned around. just my two cents though.
LOL...Sunday the plan was to go back after some specks. We have tried to get to this lake before but due to some issues, only made it half way. This time, we made it the whole way! We were excited. So after drilling about a dozen holes we start to set up. Putting down my still line and it gets half way down ...and Fish on....not a big one, but its a speck...unfortunatly it inhaled the hook and had to be kept. The mood was instantly like kids in a candy store.The fish seemed to be slow after that to start but, soon would come in waves....15 minutes of action everywhere, followed by about 30 minutes, of lull time. We ened up missing lots, but iced 11 and look home 7 between the 4 of us. What an enjoyable time. We were fishing in 15-20 ft of water and most of the action came from jiggin on bottome, with russions spoons, blue fox jigs, and buckshot spoons. Here are some pics of the fish when we got home. And this is dinner tonight Cant wait till Monday when my dad comes home, then its rainbows through the ice on superior, specks in the park and big inland lakers. Its gonna be a hoot! Anders
I would bring back McSorely too then, maybe lay some lumber up side his head and knock some sense into him. Doesnt deserve to be back...hope he never comes back.
Id wait for a 4 x 4 and still keep the car...the truck will burn a lot more gas city driving than the car.