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Everything posted by anders

  1. The only reason we here that americans get caught is because they have to go through the borders and get dinged there...most of the non-resident/amercians that i come across hunting and fishing up here are amazing...and feel actually privilaged to even be fishing up here. I can tell you for certain that the most damage from the lakes and resources is due to the locals...thats why most people wont tell you where they were fishing, or they will just direct you to Wawa Lake! And like the Doc adn Trouty (most are the same)...i know of a lot of natural lakes that will never see stocking and where the lakers meat are red like candy and just as good as the specks...
  2. been amazing up here again in Wawa...on Saturday we saw 31 grouse...6 of which were sprucies..no moose.......last week we saw 24 grouse...end up kicking the off the roads.
  3. It was also closed due to an accident cause of the weather...we had -6 here Saturday morning and frost, by 8pm we had 2 inches everywhere and snow squals...been snowing off and on since then. Good weekend for moose!!
  4. I have seen a heart shot drop a moose in its tracks...the neck shot is a shot you do not take!!! The chance of hitting the spine in the next is very poor... Great vid...those bow hunters did everything perfect in my books...from patience, to patience, more patience, and then perfect shot, then more patience, and even more patience while it expired. A lot of respect was shown and even heard to that moose in that video.
  5. Nice fish...but next time leave those jays hats at home..
  6. I havent had a problem yet in the winter with mine here in Wawa. Like someone said...drive according to conditions and you will be ok.
  7. Do we have the same uncle??
  8. I like using the "bigger the better" thought process for the fall...and like Solo said...go deep...and when you think you are deep....trying finding deeper!
  9. I will second that...especially from a younger guys persepective...also...dont force something on them if they really dont like it...give him the chance...but if they really dont like music...dont force it...they will just rebel against it...at least i did. Show them what you love to do and bring him along with you...he might just find the joy in that with you. Thats what my dad with me and my brother and we turned out somewhat ok...hahaha Im sure you will have things figured out..have fun with him!
  10. LOL....i watched that video on you tube yesterday and thought it was quite impressive...the rush and the expeirence of a lifetime..
  11. Very nice deer...congrats on a successful hunt
  12. Actually, no. Never intentionally, on the highway when veering around them or slamming on the brakes is not a possibility i hit a couple, but never on purpose, nor have i even thought of bragging about it.
  13. Seriously...you want to post stuff like that?
  14. Kudos to you! And great pics
  15. thats funny...dont bring back the spring bear hunt....fine...but, wait until a minister, or their family, or their property are threathened, damaged or hurt, then you will see it back. The bear wise program is a farce...we called it once..."there is a bear in our backyard, around the crab apple tree"..bear wise; "go outside and take the crab apples down"...me:"you dont understand...the bear is in the backyard, around the crab apples"...bear wise:....silence! Thanks for the help...
  16. anders

    NHL 2010

    Hall Gill hasnt adjusted his game since he came into the league with the Bruins. He is a pilon out there that is useless...he's slow, bad with the puck, causes turnovers, and takes bad penalties throughout his career....Im glad he's not in a Bruins uniform. The only thing he brings to the team is the playoff expeirence of watching how his teammates can win a cup
  17. hmmmmmmm Nice fish indeed......50lbs.....
  18. anders

    NHL 2010

    Well after last night my two perdictions for the finals were embarresed. Thank god its only the first night. But what a first night it was...i think we will see some teams this year play as if they have something to prove....Washington being one of them...they played like they were obsessed...Ovie...wow....against my Bruins at that. Luongo looked ....err...human...he played weak, however the flames played a sutter like style of hockey which was nice to see...as fer the Leafs and Habs....didnt watch...dont care....but the Avs over the Sharks in convincing style...impressive...if the sharks keep that up...i think you will be very happy witht the way the year will turn out Doc...except for your sens finishing just out of the playoffs! hahaha
  19. Solid Fish..
  20. anders

    NHL 2010

    E. Boston W. Vancouver Cup. Boston
  21. thats the reason why i love them so much...you will not find another fish in Ontario, except for sturgeon, that will fight as hard and powerful as the Chinook. Awsome report...
  22. Is this all store?
  23. Congrats on the gun!!! Im sure you will have fun hunting with that. I dont use shotguns very oftern, im a .22 man for grouse and rabbits, but the odd time that we do pull the gauge out...its fun.
  24. That and speckled trout creek in the spring for steelhead...its a joke...
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