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Everything posted by anders

  1. awsome slabs.... i wish we had crappie up here, but alas, i would have to travel to the Sault for them.. great job
  2. definite congrats....and to the rest of you as well
  3. We use tubes all winter long and havent noticed a difference between the two. We have success on both, also on different colour tubes as well.
  4. we need some snow bad here....everything is looking grim Just cold
  5. I'll take ol Lucky Strike!
  6. Im interested too....a report on it would be awsome..thanks
  7. A fishing report!!! Nice job guys...interesting set up, with the drop shot technique...i should try that one day soon!
  8. then you have to pay the toll
  9. atta boy... now you can stay south of Montreal River
  10. I love them....actually just bought another one today...a 6 6 spinning this will be my fourth one, agreed, dont go shimano, i broke three this year, and i take extreme care with them
  11. that cant be good for conditions down there at all....we have a foot of good ice up here, and would imagine that those conditions would kill up here
  12. Amazing!
  13. Hahah I love it.....Wylie Coyote and the roadrunner weren't violant at all either, just wholesome childhood grooming. Love that post Randy, thanks
  14. whats your size of the opening of the snare? We used to do it with the opening the size of our fist, max, otherwise they may get through. Just a thought for ya Nice set up though, i like the tunnel
  15. Cool guys.... thanks
  16. I am thinking about buying a flasher for ice fishing, but i want to make sure it can be used during the summer as well. I have a fish finder so, its not a question of which should i buy, im just curious if they make them campatable for the summer. Thanks
  17. Very cool...congrats to her and your family
  18. that thing looks like a peacock bass awsome fish!
  19. I definitly see the spring bear hunt coming back with her..... on second thought...
  20. SOLID!!
  21. Metallica - Call of the Ktulu when we are close to the destination, however for the most part, classic rock, and rock
  22. very nice craftsmenship by all!
  23. My old man went fishing yesterday and got a call to come and take a pciture...not to often he will call me to do so, however, i wasn't expecting this. Thickest girth i have seen on a brookie to date
  24. i think you should by the hut yourself, and dont try to go half with another person. THere is always a good chance of each other tryin to take it one weekned somewhere, when the other wants to take it another spot. MY .02 is buy it yourself, and save the hassles down the road.
  25. ive fished a number of times...gets hit pretty good in the winter, due to its closeness to the highway. has specks and lakers in it, mostly lakers, but the numbers and sizes arent really there...you will get the odd decent sized fish, but with the pressure, its not that great. I would rather hit Gammy before Treeby
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