As a Newfoundlander who has participated in the seal hunt, and someone who's family still does, I must say you are way off base. Seems all your info comes from the P3TA videos of the seal hunt which are from a different era. Seals are not clubbed these days. Nor are the young harvested. They are shot, mature seals only and all flesh must be harvested. Also, coming from a long, long line of cod fisherman, I have seen the damage seals do to the cod. They eat the liver only. Which predator of the cod does the seal harvest? It's not the seal harvest that has caused the demise of the cod fishery, it was the Federal 'scientists' who allowed the large quotas for the draggers what not only harvested millions of tonnes of fish but raped the sea bed, left ghost nets, and dumped quota fish and any by-catch. The fishermen told the govt. for years that the cod were getting smaller and fewer, but they would not listen. In my honest opinion, you are very intelligent and have many good points on a lot of topics on this board. But please get the facts straight on the seal hunt before spieling.