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Everything posted by nancur373

  1. We once made a guy kick off his shoes and storm out of work one day. He was backing the tri-axle to the float and every time he missed, we'd all blow our horns. Only took 4 times...lol
  2. According to this site there is whitefish in Pigeon Lake. Is this true????
  3. Try sunsetcove resort. Took the trailer last June. Was awesome.
  4. Cungrats bud. They're a lot of fun. Limit is 4 here in my 'zone'. Will limit out this August.
  5. A.K.A "No Fish Lake"
  6. It is an isolated problem. Only cleaner that would cause this smell is bleach as it has a 5% chlorine content. But chlorine will go away over a short time frame. Previous owner will not be the problem. Just try flushing more frequently just to see if this helps. As i stated earlier you can only smell chlorine in water when it is oxidizing in the air. Then it is not in the water. Also as I said earlier this particular incident is not harmful.
  7. I work for a large municipality water dept. Did you move from a house that had well water? We find this a common problem with people who weren't used to the chlorine smell. Also what municipality do you work for? Most municipalities will check it out free of charge. Now what is your biggest concern? the smell or high chlorine residuals? If the water is chlorinated as opposed to chloraminated there has been no unsafe upper free chlorine residual set. The smell appears when the chlorine oxidizes in the air from standing water. Usually just a normal turn over in the water will relieve this. Flush a little more often.
  8. Ok Sid. Works waaaay better on the laptop. Thanks again. Page bookmarked.
  9. Sid. Looks like only great lakes in that link. But I am looking on my phone so might not be right. Will check on the lap top later
  10. Thanks Beans
  11. BAHAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for that.lol.
  12. And for the record, I'm on Floods Dr. at Sandshell Trailer Park. East side of the lake.
  13. Thanks Beans...look forward to the pics.
  14. Thanks guys. Hope this warm weather this week wrecks havoc on the ice
  15. Got a trailer on Pigeon Lake. Want to get out for crappie in the boat. Is there still ice up there?
  16. Thanks for all the info. That'll really help
  17. Human. Id there any submerged stuff I should look out for? Also are there any local tourneys in the area.
  18. Hey guys. We finally found a park for us. Sandshell Park on Pigeon Lake. Hauling the trailer there next weekend. Any info on the area? Thanks, Curt
  19. I saw that. It is a nice park. I've been there once. But I already own a nice trailer even if it is 21 years old it's in mint shape. I'll find something someday.
  20. Any other ideas guys?
  21. Thanks Mike, but unfortunately they're full.
  22. Hey guys. Been a while for me on here. Wondering if you can help me out. We're looking for a seasonal site for our trailer on simcoe, scugog, kawarthas area. We live in Acton and would like to be no further than about 2 hours away. Been calling a lot but most will not accept our trailer as it is a 1990. (most want 20 years or newer. Called just about everything I could find online. If anyone knows about an area please let us know. Thanks, Curt
  23. I joined when I moved here from Newfoundland. Didn't have a clue about Ontario fishing. Originally never planned on being an active member. Stick around for the friendly help, discussions, and joking. Great place to meet new partners. (of the fishing variety).lol
  24. I know that guy. My buddy's nephew.
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