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Everything posted by nancur373

  1. Good job. I'm hoping to head down again on Monday. Hopefully I'll catch my first cat.
  2. Yup. Fishmaster's cut bait it was.
  3. The wife and I just signed. 13.831
  4. You know....I was thinking......nevermind. lol
  5. Sorry to hear the news. Wish everyone well.
  6. Oh yeah! Some dude from Hamilton came, fished for half hour, left and left his net behind. Sorry bud I had to do it. Hope to get your net to you soon. Curt
  7. Well, headed to Dunnville yesterday for the frist time with Jose (Alie Goby) for company. Morning started off goos with a shore lunch. Bacon and toast that is. Looked like I was staying for a week with all the gear I brought. Stove, BBQ, kettle, coffee perk, etc. We met up with a few guys there not from the board but hopefully soon. I caught the first fish of the day. I'm like yeah, my first cat. Then it came out of the water and I'm like yeah, my first carp. 28 inches 11lb 2oz. Pretty cool. Later on Jose hooked into a cat 26inches 6lb 15oz No more fish for us two the rest of the day. Two of the other guys beside us caught one each. 10lber and 11lber. All 3 cats were kept by them for the smoker. We had a great day, sorry yours got cut short Jose. Will definatly do that again. I still need to get my first cat. Curt
  8. You Geoff. Moore is a Moore-on. And Jose, Bill Dance is hilarious. Curt
  9. Thanks for all the help guys. Looks like those numbers are comming off.
  10. Green 1998 Civic with PURENEWF plate.
  11. As some of you know I bought an old tinny last year. Don't have info on the last offical owner. It has number on the bow but the lady I bought it from said her husband just painted them on to look good. Doing some research I found there is a lot of bull I need to go through to licence a boat without ownership. I have a hand written bill of sale from the lady I bought it from but I don't know if that will help. BUT...as far as I can tell from the Service Canada website it only needs to be licenced if 10hp or more. Am I safe with just my 9.9? I'd really like to take it to Dunnville tomorrow. Heres a link to the FAQ Service Canada http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/sc/boats/index.shtml#3 Question 3 What types of boats do I need to license? A licence or registration is mandatory for all pleasure craft equipped with motors of 10 horsepower (7.5 kilowatts) or more, including personal watercraft. Owners of pleasure craft of all tonnages and lengths may choose to license them under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001. Alternatively, pleasure craft owners may choose to register their vessels in the Canadian Register of Vessels. Thanks guys and gals. Curt
  12. Looks like the boat won't be ready.
  13. We'll be at fishmaster's in the morning
  14. Is his baitshop open 24 hours? I need some cut bait.
  15. log onto team 990 out of montreal if you want to listen to live english. I tune into that online and watch on RDS
  16. Are you watching the game Northhunter? Les Boys ain't looking too good tonite. Keep hope.
  17. Thanks for the info guys.
  18. Heading to Dunnville on Friday. Never fished cats before. Want to know when to set the hook. Right away or do you let them run with it while. Thanks, Curt
  19. I'll probably be wearing an orange coat if the weather is cool. Red ball cap or Habs toque. Camo pants.
  20. Also 3-2 wouldn't constitute a 'smokin' Curt
  21. Bold statement from someone hiding in the closet, ashamed to root proud for his team. Curt
  22. Hey guys. Myself and Alie Goby are heading to Dunnville on Friday. I know some of you are talking about going too. Just want to see if anyone else is going. Maybe we could have a beer together or something. Maybe a mini derby for braggin rights. Hope to have the boat readyt but if not from shore is good too. Curt
  23. If you didn't fish, I'd say DIE
  24. That question is sacreligious!!!!
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