Went to Guelph General Hospital last night around 10. Delivered little Evan Roland McDonald at 3:46am. 7lbs 1oz. Everything went ok. Mom and baby are doing well. Now I got three future fishing buddies. Pics to follow whenever the heck I figure out how to shrink the size.
Have to ask Hosey that one. He had a nap and a movie on either end of my nap.
One eater in the boat and lost a couple. I lost a big one trying to get her in too quickly.
We're thinking of changing it to Lloyd's Sheephead Charters. We cought a bunch of them. But fun fighting as always.
And the perch off the dock at the end of the day is always a bonus.
Anyone want in on my hockey pool? $10.00 entry for the season. Need entries in by Friday at the latest. I can get the money from you later. Go to http://www.officepools.com/draftkits/ and click on PDF for 2010/11 Box Pool #1 PM me your picks.
The day started out as most do when going out with Lloyd of U & ME GUIDE SERVICE by getting up at 2am. Meet AlieGoby in Mississauga for 3am and drive to Picton. Construction on the 401 delayed us about an hour which had Lloyd calling all worried like asking 'Where are you guys? Everything OK?' So needless to say we were'nt the first on the water. After the good-mornings we headed out. Got to the set up point just after 7am. Lloyd got everything set up for us and man does he work fast. With the riggers and planerboards set up we sat back in the heated shelter to play the waiting game. Didn't even get the door zipped shut...FISH ON. Jose up first.
Nice one. Kept it due to bleeding.
Not long after BAM BAM Double Header
I got an eater in the box. Jose got a hog for a quick pic then back in.
Then it was fish after fish after fish......oh the dream day is comming true.
Some more double headers.
The action was pretty much non stop all day. In total we went 21 or 22 for 27 with one sheaphead. We kept 2 over the 24" due to bleeding and 6 under. All others were quick picture and release. No weighing or anything just get it back in. They all swam away healthy. We kept the lines above the killzone 25'-30'. The planer lines were running 15-20' deep. This all helps to ensure safe release. Lloyd is very good about that. As we need to do what WE can to protect OUR fishery.
Again it was an awesome day. We headed for shore around 2pm. Could have fished longer but we had our limit and sore arms.
Lloyd cleaned the fish and bagged them for us. Then it was off to home.
Thanks again Lloyd it was great fishing with you as always.
Jacob came home yesterday. Doing great. Everyone's a lillte more relaxed now. Still got a ways of recovery to go but it will be in no time at all.
They hope to have a single room free sometime today. All tubes axcept one IV in the wrist are out. Eating is back on schedule. Very bright, happy, smiles, laughs, plays with toys. Hope to be home in a few days.
He came out of surgery at about 7pm last night. We were allowed in at 8. He is doing great. Breathing and eating on his own. He is doing so well that if they had a room available on the 4th floor he'd be going into his own room. So we just have to wait in critical care ward until one opens. He got pretty fiesty when he woke up this morning (redhead) so they upped the morphine a little to calm him down...lol. The wife is doing well. We've been able to hold him today. I'll keep you updated as we go along. No wireless in the ward but they have a pc station for parents on the main floor. I'll keep in touch.
Thanks everyone for your prayers.