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Everything posted by JeffBornFishin

  1. I am up for heading to Simcoe. Plans for renting a hut or do you have a portable set up? I have done the hut thing before but only for perch. This operator comes recommended, reasonable rates: http://www.fishinontario.com/icefishing/la...nhalesfishhuts/
  2. Sounds like an interesting program...a good choice. Here is a link to the program for any one else that is curious. http://www.flemingc.on.ca/index.cfm/go/pro.../cstrm/1099.cfm There is also an interesting video with respect to a Musky project. SSFC Frost campus sure has changed since I spent time working there back in '94. Where does the time go? Enjoy your time there as it goes by real fast! If you have a set of wheels there are endless fishing spots in the area.
  3. Sounds like a good time. Cant get the video to work Nice fish pics
  4. Looks like a good time was had for sure That sure is a slushy mess...good call leaving the vehicle on shore. I was on Scugog yesterday in similar slushy conditions and watched someone attempt to take out a Dodge pickup truck. Was entertaining! Thanks for the pics and the report Lake X must be far away if you were up that early
  5. Nice map. That advertisement is priceless
  6. Two questions: what does that monstrosity weigh and how are you supposed to tow that out on a deep snow packed lake
  7. Free tickets would be greatly appreciated Went last year and it was good
  8. Well I finally made it out on BOQ today. Was a last minute thing as everything kinda fell together in my favor at the last minute. Picked up some nice minnows at Carras in Belleville. Headed out from Zwicks park by the bay bridge as there were some huts and other cold fools standing around outside there was -16C when I walked out. Figured I may as well try there as I have not been on the ice here since the early eighties The walk out at first was a little tough given the deep soft snow. Punched a bunch of holes, had something take some minnows but did not ice any fish. Average 8 - 10 inches of good solid ice. Was great to be out on such a sunny day. The boys and girls from CFB Trenton were training most of the day with the new C-17 so I got to enjoy that for a while. Packed up there and drove over to Trenton. Same ice conditions there but a lot more people fishing right on the mouth of the Trent. I spoke with several people who also got nothing all day. Maybe next time I will have more luck. A slow day fishing sure beats any day working One thing is for sure: Cold doesn't bother me but a shelter or hut would be real nice
  9. Congrats on the Ranger Stoty! Looks in mint condition. Ya better chain that beauty up before it "walks away" or is it in the garage? Cheer up only a couple months to go!
  10. Was very cold out today. I made it out myself to BOQ and didn't have a portable hut No takers today but was fun to get out. Thanks for your report and pics
  11. sounds like one phase is down on your service. all kinds of electrical problems this week in the kawarthas...I have seen more blown up stuff this week than I would care to count. Call hydro one.
  12. According to zone 17 regs Walleye is open Jan1-Mar1 In Sidney township upstream from the first dam on the Trent River. Anyone ever try this spot. If this is along the river it would seem a dangerous place to be in the winter It also lists Perch, Crappie and Sunfish open all year
  13. I was happy with Mitchells when I went out February '07. Perchin was good that day
  14. Here is a valid point...why must everyone tailgate on the 401/404/407 when its icy or snow packed. Keep a decent speed and distance so you have time to react. My favorite are the ones with the six figure SUV's who scream by and loose it when they have to touch the brakes I put on over 40,000 kilometers a year driving for work alone and get to see all the fun stuff Best area for this kind of havoc is the 401 Kingston to Belleville...always speeders in the ditch
  15. Anyone know what part of town the fire was in Lindsay last night? Two firefighter's were injured. A resident was hospitalized.
  16. After asking a buddy who is an OPP Sargent unless there is damage to personal property or a personal injury they are not interested. A reminder that all single vehicle accidents in Ontario involving the above however will result in charges.
  17. This has been an extremely busy week for me. The road conditions today were tricky in spots with white outs etc. I came upon a lady who spun out and ended up in a snow filled ditch. I roll up and offer to pull her out...not a nice day to be stuck out in a rural area. A few minutes later she thanked me was back on the road and I was back on my way to my destination. After having to get pulled out from being stuck twice myself this winter I know what it is like. Thats why I didn't hesitate to help today even though I had hours of work ahead and was behind schedule. Good for the karma and our fellow man/woman. I wish more people were helpful out there...pass it on
  18. Looks like were going this weekend. I have to work 17-18 weekend. Now just gotta sort out Saturday or Sunday
  19. Soon as those front wheels touch the ice is that the end of your insurance coverage Would be an expensive recovery. Here is someone elses new scrap pickup. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer..._type=&aq=f
  20. Thats why all those new million dollar homes on the east side have 300 foot docks If you want a laugh go to google maps and use the satellite view. Take a look at Scugog
  21. Won't be travelling anywhere tonight. Got a heavy coat of freezing rain. It is currently coming down heavy again.
  22. Bay of Quinte when I was 7 or 8 years old my Grandfather for some reason had the car keys in an outside top coat pocket. Well you guessed it, we were packing up and he bent over and they slipped into the hole Good thing there was a spare key hidden under the car Was good for a laugh! To top it off we were skunked on that trip.
  23. Saw some portable ice huts on BOQ this am close to the bridge in Belleville and close to the open water. Could not believe it A tour over to Massasaugua point park and there were plenty of open spots there. Must be a strong current going around that point. Have not ice fished there since the 80's and was hoping to get there this winter some time. Freeze up already
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