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Everything posted by JeffBornFishin

  1. Look forward to seeing this form and participating in it. Zone 17 already has "No Limit" on Crappie . Scuttlebutt 'round these parts is Tri-Lakes opening up for a limited winter season for panfish.
  2. No not exactly Jet; You have to read the exceptions portions...there are only a few places for zone 17 where winter fishing is allowed.
  3. A baby Tahoe Nice clean truck Wonder if you will miss the extra room...will be easier to park thats for sure
  4. Nice fish Good for getting out and thanks for the report!
  5. Bump. I have added another url.
  6. From what I have been told special ingredients to protect the gel coat. Really helps with the UV protection. When I detail our boat it looks and feels amazing. Lasts a long time. I have a polishing machine and it cuts down the labour time.
  7. Meguiars available everywhere. Use a quality marine wax. http://www.meguiarsdirect.com/product_deta...?T1=MEG+FLAG+16 I have been pleased with Meguiars ;
  8. Alrighty, solved a long standing argument about the 2008-2009 regs specifically the Zone 17 omission of Percy Reach. Spoke with an MNR rep today who has confirmed they have fixed the way the regs read. It now clearly states Perch and Crappie open all year for that area Here is a link to the changes. It includes all zones affected. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/239044.pdf This next link will give you the main page to the new 2009 regs. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsF...L02_163615.html Hurry up ice out
  9. Great report and pics! Good job catchin those whities!
  10. If you want some spectacular views of the Eagles Nest go out Airport Rd. It gives a stunning view from a distance. Take a drive out 28 East or do the loop through Maynooth to Combermere and back through 28 East. Fall is the best time. You can also take Boulter Rd. off of 28 East and follow it through Carlow...awesome valley views to the east.
  11. Hardcore for sure Great pics and thanks for the post
  12. Uh who's the one with the tourney entry Get yerself a few clips to fasten those tourney signs to those big fish
  13. No sympathy here Ya don't need to wory about it...keeps the bugs away
  14. What a great post and pics Yer a brave man!
  15. Thanks for the kind words Beans When I started walking out there this am I thought of you and wondered if your back could handle it. I managed to fall down once, and it was a good one! Wham feeling it now. A set of cleats is on my wish list for the next ice season We will get together another time for sure...I like to take a run up to north pigeon in the boat once in a while
  16. I use plain old Krazy Glue when I tie a flourocarbon leader onto braid. I use just a dab after tying shock leader knot and burning a bead on the flourocarbon tag end. Never had one come apart. Can pull the boat around with it when your stuck on bottom Just got a small container of the repair "glue" for soft plastic baits at the spring fishing show from Bass Magnet Lures. Will be interesting to see how that works. Go through a lot of soft plastics in the summer.
  17. Thanks Glen Fat chance...She hates winter, especially ice! Bring on the softwater season
  18. #1 Yes. If I hear haaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddd on one more tv commerical I am gonna snap The way some of the women carry on during a tennis match I expect a baby to be born #2 Not a huge hockey fan but everyone should face reality...how long since a cup was won in T.O. #3 Yes I am looking forward to short sleeve weather. Tomorrow would be just fine
  19. Up early this am and hit the road. Stopped into Stone's Live Bait on 28 and picked up some minnows...all the pinheads are gone so I took what they had. A little big for the job but they will work. I want to send a big thank you to Big Cliff who kindly let me borrow his Vexilar! Wow what a difference a unit like that makes The walk out was tricky as there is no snow cover and with friday's rain and the overnight deep freeze it was slick. Walked out onto the ice and drilled my first hole at 7am. Was a beautiful morning even with the -20c temp. Holes keep freezing up fast and it was a battle with the guides and line until the sun started beating down. Looking around I could see tons of holes had been recently drilled. Plenty of people out today in trucks, atv's & snowmobiles. Not long after starting on my first hole I was rewarded to ice a nice 11 inch Crappie Finally a respectable fish for Team 2 Was marking more fish but the bite was lite and the fish were quick at stealing minnows. Moved around and drilled a bunch of holes. Took some time but I iced another nice but smaller Crappie. Around lunchtime people starting showing up to remove ice huts. This part of the lake closes today. A few more minnows lost and I called it a day. A beautiful day to be out and enjoy some ice time even if the fishing was slow Now for the money shots I think it will be a nice tasty brunch for Sunday am Thanks again Big Cliff for letting me borrow the Vexilar
  20. Bought one last year from Wally world as a laff...got one fish at night on it...thats it.
  21. HAHA totally not intentional I have been told for the last month to walk out and try this spot. Some people I know through work have been hitting this spot every weekend for the past month and doing well. I show up and its a slow day I was not given any tips from any OFC members as to gps location
  22. My favorite as well. He has filmed a lot in Canada. See the "hobo fishing"
  23. Well I guess I am back to work on Monday...didn't even get one number http://www.olg.ca/lotteries/viewPrizeShares.do Looks like 4 people share the big prize.
  24. They is too pretty She was so impressed with your packing job she doesn't want to mess with it Let me at it I say
  25. If you really want to get yourself worked up take a stroll into T&T Supermarket in Markham. Assorted game fish including bass, catfish, eel and assorted crab/lobster. All live & all for sale.
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