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Everything posted by JeffBornFishin

  1. Nice to finally see some ice down there. Good for the businesses and the
  2. Well it finally made the news...took some time to get an on camera response from the MNR. Here is a link to the video: My link This should air again tonight at 11pm.
  3. Well all the news showed was some sledders and ice fisher persons...no mention of any licence issues. But they did say on behalf of the local OPP to stay off the ice as it is not safe in places. In fact I can tell you a local resident on Chemong that resides near the Skyline trailer park went out to pop a few test holes and measured only 2 inches. That was on Wednesday. We need some low temperatures for a sustained period to grow some ice. I am just itching to get out Sure saving money on sled gas
  4. Chex TV was interviewing local fisher persons today and the topic about the new MNR Outdoors card situation came up. Chex was going to make an attempt to get an answer from the local MNR office as to why people are still being told 2-3 weeks before they can issue the new piece of paper since the validation stickers are a thing of the past. I was told this should air on this evenings news at 6pm.
  5. PM sent... Please don't let out the magic smoke Cliff
  6. Nice pics Lew That Hercules happens to be a CC130J from 436 Squadron CFB Trenton. It performed a fly past today at the Portraits of Honour Cermony I was invited to attend today in Peterborough. My link This is a brand new machine and it could be heard making circuits in the area until the appropriate time for the fly past. It carried on afterwards on a training flight. CF Hercules have flow the Kawarthas/North Hastings for years at low levels for training/practice. They are usually given a landmark etc. and have to pinpoint it for practice. Couldn't believe how quiet the new Hercules is at such a low level. Was an emotional and moving ceremony and a priveledge to meet Dave Sopha
  7. I knew you could git r done Cotton balls...got no rope? Just funnin' Well done. Nothing satisfies like fixing something no matter how long it takes
  8. Great report and pics! Congrats on that new PB! Amazing job without a net! Sure looked like a beauty day out there
  9. Survivors were all realeased. The fish in the first pic was delicious There is absolutly no problem with eating sportfish from any lake as long as you follow the guide: Guide to eating sport fish
  10. Well today was the day I had been waiting for. After a really early start we were off into a beautiful morning despite the weather forecasts. They are always right It wasn't long and the first fish hooked up. Then a nice bow. It slowed down for a while. Those that have been out with Lloyd know he works his tail off to cover water/change patterns/setups to get you on the fish. While waiting, some commercial traffic steamed past. Not long after the action heated up again. Missed two and in the madness this beauty came along. This made my day. Scratch another one off the bucket list For those that couldn't commit to coming today you sure missed a great trip! Thanks again Lloyd for a great day!
  11. Here's an old school trick. Put the problem cylinder at bottom dead centre. Next take some small diameter hemp rope or equivelant and fill the cylinder with it to the base if the plug hole after soaking the rope in water. Now you have two options. Carefully drill the thing out and now you don't have to worry about cuttings going into the cylinder. If that's a no go heat the broken portion with oxy/aceteyne. Once its nice and hot use a wide blade heavy duty slotted screwdriver, chisel or eazy out with plenty of non flammable liquid wrench. Then carefully try removing the stubborn broken off plug. You get better results if drill the bulk of the broken off piece out first then try heating/removing the leftover. It will tend to split and come apart easier. The rope keeps crap from getting into the cylinder. Once you get the stubborn piece out, take a shop vac and put it over the hole and draw out the rope. Don't worry about damaging the threads in the head too much, a heli-coil kit works wonders.
  12. Local news said they expect hydro crews in the area to restore power within 4 to 5 days they showed a few shots of the bridge area..a lot of damage. I suspect that the Minden through Irondale area got about the same.
  13. Glad to hear that you and Sue are ok. Was one nasty storm. I was working in Manilla yesterday and watched the storm travel across. I seemed to pass just north of Lindsay and head straight for Sturgeon and carry on. Need anything gimme a call. Jeff
  14. Custom canvas mooring cover. Wash bird stains off cover in fall Wash growth stains off hull in fall
  15. Nice fish. Good eats. Now is that there all the red mud yalls talkin' 'bout down thar? all the time? What a mess, sorry to see it.
  16. Been told its a bear. A few hours work. Your lower unit has to be removed to perform this service it will need the be "re-aligned" using the proper tools. Not for a general DIY as special tools are required. Special sealants are required for the new bellows. Take the boat out of the water...place it level on the trailer. Take a garden hose with low pressure around the back of the drive mounting area and see if your getting water. Hope this helps.
  17. Never been asked to show them. Now I decided to see what the Government actually says on this... Go here: http://www.chs-shc.gc.ca/index-eng.asp In bright green there is a tab to click "it's the law" Check it out.
  18. Congrats on the Musky Nice fish too for a first. You will always remember it...now yer hooked it's a rush Great pics. Look forward to seeing your next one.
  19. Thanks for a great day out Garry. Glad it worked out I could come up (not like its far ) and haul your boat...not so glad your truck broke. Was nice they had it ready for you when we got back into town. That bit of rain we had is nothing compared to what is forecasted for tomorrow. Hope you dont get soaked and stay safe. Thanks again for fun day out. Looking forward to another.
  20. Wow what a report. Talk about an experience...and to get paid for it. Great pics. Hope you get to wet a line if your heading back that way.
  21. Thanks for the report and pics Glen. Nice to see you out. Interesting water temp down there...last week was 68 now it's back up to 74...bass dunno what to do here
  22. Glad everyone is ok. Will be a chore for sure to clean that up. FYI house insurance rarely covers damage on your property outside of the home unless it is written and purchased as an add on. Found that out the hard way. Hope you know some folks that burn wood so you don't have to haul it away and cost you a fortune.
  23. Mainly upper Buckhorn Lake Kawarthas.
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