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Everything posted by JeffBornFishin

  1. Looks like an empty 4 or 5 litre plastic container...maybe motor oil
  2. The folks running the event told me a fish ladder is planned for this location "at some point in the future". Yeah I can't exactly say what the local residents said I spoke with
  3. Shhhhhhh be very very quiet
  4. I have been told that this event was on CTV news Saturday. I did not get to see it. I can't find anything on CTV's website. I did find however a bunch more pics: http://photos.northumberlandtoday.com/myca...sp?event=729611 Enjoy!
  5. Great post Bly! I am sure glad some of the pics turned out so you could use them. Was a fun day
  6. Got to the Cobourg fish lift today. My first time at this event so I was learning real fast. On with the waders and into the cold fast water. Fellow OFC'er Bly was there to my suprise. Boy she is a real pro handling the current, the fish and the net! She is one tough fisherwoman I gotta tell ya She gets right back in there after taking a spill more than once in the very cold water. I managed to borrow her net for a while (thanks Bly ) as I still have not replaced the one broken from last season. Got to net a few big fish and move some around by hand. It is amazing to see them power against the current. She brought her camera and took lots of pics. Bly handed me her camera and after a quick how too I was off snapping pics. I even managed a video of her netting a nice 'Bow. Hope it turns out. Well have to wait 'till she posts 'em I could not count the people on hand but there were more than enough to lend a helping hand. Great to give something back. Nice to see you there Bly you made a great experience today even better! Thanks to Ron and all the other organizers/volunteers for this memorable event being a success. I look forward to the next time.
  7. Nice haul considering the conditions today Good going and thanks for the post
  8. Just got back from Port Hope after a nice evening out with the wife. The water on the Ganny is very very scary right now. Guess I get to sleep in today. Looking forward to the rebook date.
  9. Have a very happy birthday Bly!!! All the best
  10. I plan on attending. Should be a good experience
  11. Nice report guys wow Nice looking fish! Looks like Sidney got a good haul too Happy Birthday!
  12. Wow Beans thanks for that memory refresher When I was a kid my Grandfather used to tell me the exact same method of catching catfish on the Moira River. Wonder if it still works? There are too many fishing events for me to nail down just one but I vividly remember a trip to New Brunswick and shore fishing the Bay of Fundy.
  13. Yeah and for whatever reason it is only when we are out for dinner and not what I have caught and kept She does eat calamari and scallops I usually keep some nice eater sized walleye and crappie. Mnnnnn.
  14. I purchased the BPS Pro Qualifier parka and bibs and have been very happy with it. Have had it two seasons without any issues. Wife was not too impressed with the price tag of my "fancy fishing outfit" Most people I have run into that have tried out both prefer the Pro Qualifier outfit. If you know or fish with someone who has these outfits try them out first. I think thats a good idea considering the cost of this stuff. I recently purchased the matching snap in liner. I am also pleased with it. Has numerous pockets/zippers and is also GoreTex and 100% waterproof as I found out the other day
  15. Wait 'till sunroof/convertible season sunshine you will never buy a car again for sure.
  16. This has been attempted before...and guess what...a new Government everytime. By the time I sell a customer a part GST has been paid to the Government three times. PST on more items such as health care products will be a disaster. Not a good motivation to get people to spend money.
  17. The one in Lindsay has far more stuff than the one in Peterborough. Same goes for Bancroft.
  18. Uh last new big toy we bought in September came with a full tank. All 120 Litres Oh and the one before that and the one before that uh oh what was it that Irishfield said now I forget
  19. Nice truck Not filling the gas tank however seems fishy to me After spending that kind of money it only seems fair leaving with a full tank off the lot. Front ends now sure look different with that raked forward look.
  20. Happy Birthday Norm! Hope you have a great day
  21. Army. Four fun years during the Mulroney era Vehicle Tech.
  22. It has to be cut off. I have switched back and forth with new trebles etc. using a split ring. Just install the siwash hook and crimp it. Siwash is preferred in heavy weeds as it doesn't hang up as much.
  23. 3000 I hope ya had the air powered one
  24. A solid repair Nothing like peening a blind rivet in the morning
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