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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. I pretty much use the same recipie as joey also just one more ingrediant i add which is HP Extra spicey. love that stuff.
  2. Got the picture rich....... lol
  3. If i had of been in the little boat and that monster was coming towards me on what allready looks to be rough water. Trust me when i say i would have had kittens.......Thats just crazy. Sorry you did not get into any fish but hey you got out on the boat and on open water in January. Thats something to smile about.
  4. I've been thinking I'm going to do what CCMCanada did get a larger blower, Okay what do u mean by that exactly? A larger furnace?
  5. Well just a quick thankyou to those of you that came up with some name suggestions..You guys are great and it really is very much appreciated. You have given me alot to play with so i shall now try and narrow it down to around ten and then take it from there.....lol
  6. Yup not too much biteing today. The wind was just wicked cold too..Brrrrr Rich caught a nice crappie as you can see plus a perch me i caught two perch in about four hrs.....lol Ohh well thats fishin.....
  7. Yup it is 1st we have no ice down here in our neck of the woods and now this.
  8. I was just wondering if it would be possible to have lets say a one night a week trivia night in the chat room? Not sure how much it intails but was wondering if anyone else likes the idea. & is it possible? Thanx
  9. I remember when the corkscrew was the craziest ride ever. Was the 1st of its kind back in the eighties.....MAN THAT RIDE WAS AWESOME not alot different from the one rick just posted on you tube.
  10. Frustration. Definition: an act of hindering someone's plans or efforts a feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized; "her constant complaints were the main source of his frustration" the feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals
  11. No i did not see it joey. I am not much of a tv buff but i do like Guinea pigs....lol.....
  12. LOL Joey.. Well grl from the angle of that picture it looks like two houses side by side Well i think so anyway......lol When infact its the whole house front to back....or should i say back to front on that picture...LOL......As for sauce lol well i got up at 4.40 am this morning and am making spag ball.....How crazy is that at 4.40am.sheeshhhh..lol & Yes hon this is what is going to be the B&b
  13. My gaff is two thousand four hunded sq feet with five levels. I have Hight efficiancy gas plus AC. I would have to say the back room on the lowest floor is probably the coolest then of course there is the garage. But thats just for the van and freinds & family to smoke in so not to worried about that....lol......The back room on the fifth level is unfinished right now. My plan is to insulate and drywall the whole room then turn it into a english style pub. Just for freinds & family to come hang out in. Considering the size and how many levels i have the house pretty much stays warm through out. All my windows are double glazed so i think that for sure makes a huge difference. This picture is the back of the my gaff, The roof you see behind the back roof is the roof to the front part of the house. Front My back yard. Living room. Dinning room my den which is my fishing room...Ohh and my son eating...I just took this picture....lol ..
  14. Well i did not want to cut and paste the whole thing in here. Thought it would be easier with just the link for people to click on. I do hope everyone does take the time to read this it is a bit lengthy but worth the read. I also hope that people adhere to it also.....& if anyone is unsure of anything then please call the Numbers given on the link page okay. Thanx
  15. Yeah you do have a good point there rich. Thats a large body of water to clean.... ...lol Mike thanx hon and good luck ur turn will come soon enough,
  16. Stressed no. Frustrated as hell sometimes yes...I love to fish catching them even more. The day's i don't catch a fish i get a little niffed at myself but no way on this earth would i ever get to a point where i no longer wanted to fish. Its a passion for me My grlfreinds often ask me what it is i love so much about fishing. If i could get paid to fish every day for the rest of my life trust me i would be one very very happy fisherwoman. ....Not too long ago i remember a certain young man seemed a little stressed fell to his knees and was actually shakeing...when we were out fishing togeather......LOL......
  17. Rich did you do the video? Gotta show everyone my new crankbait..... which i nearly blooming lost.....lol
  18. Click on link below. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/csb/news/2007/jan8nr_07.html
  19. That sounds like quiet a dangerous combination that does...Groper & Nauti......Out on the water.....lol Cheers Jordan...Whopper rich allways smells he only baths once every eight weeks .....lol And not sure if anyone noticed but if you look on the pictures you will see i am wearing a different hat. Not my dark green BPS camo hat! I have been looking for this hat since i moved in September and finally found the bloody thing on sunday. I wore that hat and sure enough my skunk was broken. I won a thousand dollar perch last yr wearing that hat so i consider it my lucky BB cap.....& Sure enough i was wearing it sunday and i caught a beauty little pike.
  20. LOL well we only fished for like an hr.....Did not leave PD till 3.00pm so not like we were out all afternoon......... Going to pick bugga lugs up in the morning bright an early and do some more fishing . Have till around 2.00pm then i am heading to an auction and rich has to go to work....Te..hehehhe! Better luck tommorow.
  21. Well good maybe then you and i can get out to fish togeather grl......Look forward to it.
  22. Thanx so much everyone.....Fishergrl how come u aint fishing?....lol Well i am heading out to pick up BBR have a few hrs to fish this avo so heading out to try for some more pike. Its snowing like a son of a gun out there but ohh well....Brought myself a new crankbait at crappy tire today so gonna try her out....lol Hopefully i will catch another little beauty this avo so finger's crossed. Have a great afternoon all. Nautifish.
  23. lol xwrap..Sounds like fun. .I actually have the video of the two carp i caught with the pickeral rig on video. If you wanna see it pm me and i shall send you the link. Thanx Danc Thats a real bummer you wont be fishing till may. Good luck with the course. Thanx Gary. Allthough this will be our second yr in a row with no ice in our neck of the woods. I agree it is unusual to see so many fishing posts of fishing in open water But it is great also.....I am lust Lurving it.....lol
  24. Nope xwrap not today however i have caught a landed a pike on a pickeral rig before. As well as two lrg carp...Now that was really fun....lol
  25. I have never really been one for booking things in advance when it comes to fishing trips. I just decide i want to fish some where, pack up my tent & other must haves hook up the boat and off i go. But i am hopeing to maybe get to some OFC Fishing get togeather's this yr.
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