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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Roy! Thats gonna be u>>> you too xwrap.. .lol Tickets for the dover derby can be purchased at bridge yacht marines here in dover, opposite timmies. Adults $15.00 Kids $10.00 The derby runs from 28th April to the 18th May i beleive. Every yr they tag one fish at $2500 The rest are all tagged at a thousand a piece. This yr it is going to be $3500 for the big one so they have added a extra thousand bucks. Don't forget there are also daily prizes for both the kids and adult division. I will be they're again this yr allready got my pin this will be my fifth yr.
  2. TONYB Thankyou. Hello daniel . I see you are a carp angler youself and a site dedicated to carp. Very nice will have to check it out. Glad you enjoyed the video's. Lots more to come. INFACT all i am doing over the next four days {easter weekend} is fishing and hopefully new fishing video's....lol..... Again glad you enjoyed and thankyou.
  3. Thanx Shaun glad you enjoyed it, & hey thanx for posting that on the board
  4. Okay i just had to do this.......lol...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLMzpg1n7TU This little bit of video i edited has allready made it as far as Arizona.....LOL....
  5. Way to go on the steelie grl & happy birthday.
  6. Welcome aboard youngman. You will find alot of great freindly people in here and lots of great info. Enjoy urself and have fun.
  7. Just keep at it Victor......& goodluck.
  8. Steelcat goodluck with the carp and be sure to post a report if you get into some. Patrick thankyou. BryceBurzynski we have carp, catfish,bass, small and largies, rainbow, perch ,pike,crappie and more here. You just have to kow where to go. LPB Has some awesome fishing, which is 20 minutes drive from me. Joey lol i just lurv doing my videos i allways have so much fun.....& i have not forgot about the entry just my blooming pc giving me heck tonight.....will try again in the morning to get it to you okay!
  9. dsn our water here is probably not too much warmer than yours. However the last few days have been warm and sunny & it most certainly seems to turn them on. Friday i took my youngest out to fish with me for carp and they were jumping everywhere. I landed seven that day! On saterday i had a female member from my board come down from markham and i took her out carp fishing for the very 1st time. That day it was much cooler and a real bite to the wind. Was also very overcast and never saw one jump all the time we were there. How ever i did manage to get her into a carp which i was just thrilled about. I will post the video for you to watch. For sure give it a try carp are alot of fun to catch! & goodluck.
  10. CCMT They are nothing like fishing for steelies.....lol But they sure are alot of fun to catch too! Let me know how it goes.
  11. One hit my line yesterday Jen luckliy he never got tangled up in it. But quite a few times i have been out fishing and have ended up with one tangled up in my line or some other fisherman had got one tangled up. So i usually help out, Last summer this guy had got a gull tangled up in his line i went to grab the bird he keeps telling me to watch out for the beak and they bite....lol I replied trust me seagulls do not intimadate me i have nine parrots at home. Biggest being a green winged macawd who has 250 psi per square inch of that beak....lol.......Now that beak i would not want to be bit from. lol Try and keep there heads covered with a shirt or jacket while u are untangling them though as this will help them not to stress as much when they are not able to see what you are doing.
  12. Great report joey! Looks like you guys had a great time even though the weather was lousey. Thanx for shareing.
  13. Hello all. Well i have been busy starting my new video's of the season. This weekend i was targetting carp mostly and have had an absolute blast. In total landed nine carp this weekend. Joey i have another entry for our team which i will send to you shortly. I read the other post about what do you do with your carp. I have allways catched and released my carp. How ever one of our local fish mongers here last yr let me try some smoked carp he had in his store. Allthough it was very oily it was also very tastey so i may just give it a bash and try smoking one myself this week. Never cleaned a carp before so will have to do some reading up on it & see what i can find on the net. Carp in England are classed as game fish and are very popular to fish for over there. Here i know alot of people consider them as junk fish. Myself i think they are for sure alot of fun to catch. Anyway i managed to get three epidosed done over the weekend of carp fishing and thought i would share one with you. Don't want to bore you too much....lol Hope you enjoy the video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3aubIxDWGo
  14. I am still here Mike have not left, As roy said i have been very busy with my own fishing site,Plus getting a perch tourney organised for members from my site for next month, and also been spending alot of time outdoors fishing when i can. This morning had a beauty bow on which i lost was trying so hard for our team.....GRR!!! I am also waiting now for open water so i can start videoing my new fishing video's for 2007 for my own site, and am dying to get the boat out on open water. I finally got to meet BPS man last weekend which was great, We stood and yakked for quite a while i allways enjoy meeting The OFC Members. Yes i was asked to do a segment for WFN & ENTER A COMPETITION. Which is exactly what i did....lol...It was a riot & i had so much fun with the film crew.I beleive it will be aired both on TV and there will also be a segment on the website under the bloopers section. I do pop in to see whats going on just not really had too much to share of late & as i said very busy with my own site. So i am still here and thanx for asking mike.
  15. Actually rich caught that beauty last yr out on one of fishmasters charters. I also beleive it was in one of the fishing mags but cannot remember which one......
  16. Justtheherb, Thankyou very sweet words, How ever i do not follow the idol singing shows but i was under the impression most who enter are very young in age that being from teens up to maybe mid thirties?......I am way to old.....lol...& something like that would be way way out of my league. As i allready said just thought it would be something different to do for fun is all.......... Fishinfeind thankyou......... & loonie i think you know dern well what u have done u brat! lol Doug u were getting way to tech for me....lol...sorry.......l
  17. so Sleded and him are in love??? doesnt surprise me a bit... LOL Well i think everyone allready knows they are in love Gerrit no surprise they're at all Gerrit i said he had a NEW!!!!! love in his life....Since when was sledded new in his life?......LOL Those two go way way back......lol
  18. Adorable photo's grl she is a cutie thats for sure......& again congrats.
  19. Eloped with Nautifish. I have children older than rich thankyou very much. Rich is doing just fine has been working alot more and has a new love in his life which has also been keeping him busy. Himself and sledded were out on the weekend ice fishing but sleded only caught one Crappie. Ice fishing season for them has not been the greatest this yr which is another reason they have probably not had much reason to post. They are both madley in love lol.......and these were riches words not mine. There is more to life than just fishing! Trust me i allmost fell over when i read that on my forum......lol
  20. Loonie u wanna end up looking like a twisted pretzel too? BRAT!! Well looks like you lots are just havin a ball with this ur all brats....lol......Man roy don't ever wanna meet up with me face to face,,,,,,lol...... So seems as you are all having fun with this i may as well add the newer version.......I CANNOT BELEIVE OBER A THOUSAND HITS ON ERE THATS JUST NUTS..... So here you go. & to those with the very kind comments i thankyou. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  21. Thankyou raf i appreciate it. David thankyou, just happy as hell it has now dissapeared.
  22. Noticed. Sorry no suggestions from me......GCD,GERRITT LOL But good luck all the same HF Hope you find what you need for the event.
  23. Yup i feed them. In certain parts of germany it is illegal to keep out feeders for the wild birds through breeding season as the adults take the seed to feed the very young and they cannot digest it or choke on it which kills them. So i tend to keep my feeders empty through the spring months.
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