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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Happy birthday hope you had a fantabulous day!!!!!
  2. lol Joey well like i said on the video i never realised what i had said till after i said it. ....Trust me i was so embarressed and the guys fishing that day sure got a good laugh on my behalf......lol
  3. LOL!!!! Roy
  4. lol Doug..What you mean only you nauti? lol & thanx everyone......Actually a member from my site who was they're with me that day just told me about the segment being on WFN.......I am just chuckling......
  5. MY GAWD THIS IS FUNNY.... http://www.wfn.tv/
  6. Good morning OFNER'S.... Well 1st i would like to say thankyou so much for all ur replys and suggested names. It really is very much appreciated. We have finally decided on a name for her. She seems to be settling in really well. Took her for her 1st walk last night with princess. Boy!oh boy!....lol...She has never been on a leash so it was quite the adventure......lol.....We have had no accidents in the house with her you take her out she does her #1 or #1 & 2....lol...which is great. I was naughty last night and let her sleep with me yeah i know bad bad bad not good.....But i figured her 1st night & a really big day for her yesterday i did not want to leave her on her 1st night with different surroundings and such. So this morning i am going to be bringing up one of the spare carriers we have and make that up for her and tonight she will be sleeping in they're. So i may not get too much sleep tonight.....lol..... But she seems to be settling in great and princess is just loving her which i am just thrilled about. So anyway once again thanx so much everyone. Your all great!!! Nauti
  7. Thanx so much roger.......Could you do me a favour and send me the link we discussed at BPS? Would be very much appreciated and thanx so much again. Took this picture a little earlier i bathed her and sheldon decided to take her down stairs for nap with him...I dragged his ass up and out the house at 6.00am this morning so now he is tired......lol...KIDS!!! This one i just took...... ADORABLE!!!!
  8. lol @ roy..........YA KNOW ROY! YA DO KINDA HAVE A CANNY RESEMBLANCE to my new PUP i have brought home ya know......It must be all that grey or is it salt & pepper hair......
  9. Royette sounds like some kind of toilet tissue. ....lol...& roylina well i cannot say what i think that sounds like in here.... ...lol But thankyou so much for the names puckhead.......lol
  10. For a female? lol now had she been male i would have seriously considered it.....lol
  11. Good afternoon OFNERS....... Well i just had to share the news as i have been so excited these last 48 hrs......As some of you know i am an animal freak......I just absolutley love them all to death if i lived on a thousand acre farm i would have everything from emus to chickens horses cowns pigs u name it.....lol......But alas i do not......lol So anyway i used to have two german shepards sadley i lost my male shepard 15 months ago now . He would have been 16 yrs old this coming november. Pincess is still with us she is my female shepard and she will be hitting 15 yrs of age this yr so she is really getting up they're now......Anyway when i lost major it hit us all very hard including princess....She had had a companion all her life then suddenly major was gone......It has taken her quite some time to get back to her normal self, I would not say she is the same dog she was when major is alive but i think she has come to terms with it if u know what i mean...Yeah i know some of you are probably thinking is this grl crazy its just a dog.....lol...But not to me......Anyway i said i would get another dog when princess was more herself and i felt she was ready to have another buddy around........So finally today i brought this young lady home.... She is absolutley adorable and allready have just fallen in love with this little grl. I have never had small dogs before allways loved the shepards but for some reason i just took a shine to these minature schnauzers when BBR brought his sisters into my work one day last summer......It was from that moment i decided one day i would bring one home and today was the day..... So they're you go......I just had to share.........Also if any of you feel like maybe adding some suggested names that would be great we are still trying to think of a name for her...... Thanx so much Nauti.
  12. nod *yup* *yup* really fast...... JUST WAIT TILL I GET TO KNOW HOW EVERYTHING WORKS..... LOL
  13. We get many birds pass through here too....But these are a 1st for me. Never seen these ones in our neck of the woods before.
  14. Yup i agree cookslave. Allthough it may be an awesome thing to see out ur very own back door i would have very many concerns. Especially if i had young children. They''re has actually been reported incidents in the states of mountain lions taking small children from there very own back yards. I would be watching my outdoor surroundings very carefully. I AM NOT SURE HOW OLD THE CHILDREN ARE BUT IF I WAS TOO SEE THAT on my back door i would be calling someone to have the animal relocated back out to a more secluded erea away from humans.
  15. LOL sean...I aint so great when it comes to actually holding the cam....If you saw the video i did on the SOS thread today i am filming the beginning and you start to get dizzy after just a few secs the bloomin cam was shaking that much.......lol..... But i do love to take photo's so sure that i can do.
  16. LOL actually not been using the lense yet rick......I think its more the setting i have set on it than anything else......Like isaid the blooming book is like the same thickness of an english dictionary.....lol As for happy as larry!!! Not a dover saying..........
  17. Okay i cropped this picture again this time with just the gulls. Maybe this will be easier for someone to identify?
  18. A loon? I did not think they had the tufts clampet? But heck i dunno....lol... As for the gulls yes i noticed them too but was wondering if maybe it was some kind of accident GENE or something because they look like black headed gulls......Just never seen gulls with all the white speckles........Man we got to have someone in here that is huge on wild birds. .....lol...
  19. Thanx alot guys....the camera is 12 x opitical Zoom so i am going to be buying the extra lense that will give me 24 x optical zoom. They did not carry it it in the store so i have to order it on line.Go figure.
  20. Thats what they are for sure? I have looked and looked cannot seem to find any darn pics that resemble them.....Grrr!!! Never seen these birds here before.
  21. Thanx GBG I am hopeing as i get to know the camera more though that the pictures will get even better.
  22. lol All fish are purdy........Well except the really humongous cats now they are UGLY.... Rich i am sure it won't be too long now......
  23. A short video i put togeather with clips taken from the last few weeks out fishing with family & friends. Hope you enjoy it.
  24. Yup it seems to be so stngr. Hope you will take the time to check out the website.
  25. Okay so i am guessing these are two different types of merganzers?. I could see the one breed there was male and female.....But the pics of the two at the very top were not the same as the others i have posted.
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