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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. this is a guess Jiffy
  2. You were right ck thankyou so much. But how the heck did it happen i never clicked or changed anything..........Bloody gremlins.....lol Thanx so much.
  3. IS THE SITE IN THE MIDDLE OF AN UPGRADE? When i click on posts all the replies are in one box and underlined inividually. You have to click on them to open them to read the full text. Is anyone else having this same problem?
  4. Congrads both of you and may you have many more. My grandparents hit there 60th a yr this coming April.
  6. Agree with rick the body harnesses work great......I trained both my shepards had the same problem with my female my male was fine but she was scared to death of it. So i used to put the leash on her in the house and do a circuit in there with her every day three times a day. I would start of for a few minutes and the gradually over time i lenghtend the circuit & time, When i removed her leash i allways gave her a treat and praised her. Took me six weeks in total. After that she was fine.
  7. Glad you all enjoyed...These feathered kids of mine make me smile every single day trust me....They all have there own characters and can be hillarious at times. Autum my greenwinged is only five yrs old so she is still a baby in parrot yrs. She will probably out live me but she really is a sweetheart, I am working on her with the camera she really is a chatter box but as soon as she sees the camera she just shuts right up......I am going to try and get her on video infront of a mirror she is just hillarious talking to herself in a mirror.....& hopefully share with u here. Jen welcome to OFC hun ur going to love it here.
  8. Well did i or did i not say i was crazier?....lol...It was totally awesome would love to do it all over again. & congrats on the contest....*grins* Remember what we exhanged through pm about shareing?.......LOL
  9. Well last spring i won a thousand bucks in the perch derby here in dover, Yesterday i won free tickets to the spring fishing show and a free subscription to esox fishing mag......This yr i do plan on fishing a couple more different tourneys though and it will be my 1st yr in doing so. Back in Europe i won a conest and got to parachute out of a plane which was awesome would do it again in a heart beat.
  11. http://www.zippyvideos.com/128776422661856...ids/*amolicious
  12. Yeah thats alot of what i have been hearing & reading too rich water real murky and muddy. Is that ackers you went out at? i was told they would not be putting there huts out this season.
  13. This is long but well worth the read, Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent decades, and its projected continuation. Models referenced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predict that global temperatures are likely to increase by 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) between 1990 and 2100. [1] The uncertainty in this range results from both the difficulty of predicting the volume of future greenhouse gas emissions and uncertainty about climate sensitivity. Global average near-surface atmospheric temperature rose 0.6 ± 0.2 °Celsius (1.1 ± 0.4 °Fahrenheit) in the 20th century. The prevailing scientific opinion on climate change is that "most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations." [1] However, other scientific phenomenon such as solar variation may explain part of the global warming in terms of increasing energy output of the Sun. It should be noted, though, that no increasing trend in the solar irradiance has been observed during the last decades, in contradiction with the temperatures trend to increase. The main cause of the human-induced component of warming is the increased atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2), which leads to warming of the surface and lower atmosphere by increasing the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases are released by activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, and agriculture. An increase in global temperatures can in turn cause other changes, including a rising sea level and changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation. These changes may increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes, and tornados. Other consequences include higher or lower agricultural yields, glacier retreat, reduced summer streamflows, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors. Warming is expected to affect the number and magnitude of these events; however, it is difficult to connect particular events to global warming. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100, even if no further greenhouse gases were released after this date, warming (and sea level) would be expected to continue to rise for more than a millenium, since CO2 has a long average atmospheric lifetime. To read more from this page click on the link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warmin...tory_of_warming
  14. Adorable and musky bait> tsk tsk!.....lol
  15. TJ Allready sent my addy details......and thanx so much.....Man i am smiling ear to ear tonight. lol
  16. Te, heheheheheh
  17. Awww thats really nice of you jigger but i won the CN tower contest but i still think i should get two TICKETS and not one Because i answered both questions correct.....*GRINS* So you keep ur tickets jigger u won them fair and square.
  18. I'm all excited gerrit not only have i won tickets for the fishing show i recieved this in my email also today. Tracy, You are the winner of the Ontario Fishing Network / TNB - Esox Angler Magazine Subscription Contest for the month of January. Please verify that the contact information for you below is correct and your subscription will be processed beginning with the Spring issue (due out the 3rd week of February). From everyone at Ontario Fishing Network and TNB-Esox Angler Magazine, congratulations and thank you for entering! Teresa Webinger The Next Bite - Esox Angler Magazine
  19. Thankyou gerrit I beleive i have three tickets coming to me now?
  20. am gonna send u my details right now TJ....But again i wanna know the correct answer for the booby orr tickets because i reckon it was 296 all goals in NHL CARREER not 270 as stated.
  21. & i still wanna know the correct answer for bobby orr.
  22. I though it was for his entire NHL Carreer as in all goals not just regular season?
  23. 270 regular season plus play off goals equals 296
  24. General fishing lines limited. Goals 296
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