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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Great report jen. A fishing buddy of mine headed up there last monday through to thursday. Really looks beautiful up there maybe i will put that on my to do list for july....... Love the pics......... Nauti
  2. west side of the peir in shallow i was pulling in the double headers...... I was wearing my dave mercer bass pro tourney shirt.
  3. wtg xwrap. Was not down there on the saterday but sunday evening hit the peir caught 25 nice keeps in total......Fish really turned on around 8.00pm. shame i missed you and ur sis.
  4. My gawd i completley missed this one...Never even saw it.............I WOULD SAY that for sure was one of the big grls sure wasen't small. lEMME KNOW WHEN UR IN DOVER NEXT.Maybe we can get out for a fish before your days are really numbered on and by the water......
  5. I love birds missfish i allways get excited when i see a new kind of bird feeding in my back garden.....lol....It does look like some type of flicker and from what i have red they are ground feeders mostly ants. Apparently they are the ant eaters of the bird world.....But i do not see any with the red crest.........Which is sat at the back of the head and not on top of the head. Hopefully this picture is a little better.
  6. I am looking on the net matt to see what i can find but the pictures i see of the flickers do not look like identical to this one. This bird did not have the red or yellow tash......It does how ever have a very distinct red allmost crest on the back of the head/ I was not fast enough with the cam though when it raised the red feather on the back of the head.........
  7. what type of bird this is? Was thinking maybe a woodpecker? But it was feeding from the ground in my back garden...Allmost looked like it was digging for insects or worms. 1st time seeing one in my back garden. Nauti.
  8. Yup indeed great pictures.....We too also have some breeding pairs close to home. Just last yr i saw one actually land on the beach here in dover mid evening. We also see them flying over the house from time to time and they really are beautiful. Thanx for shareing. Nauti.
  9. Man am i ever glad i ainta tv buff.........lol....That way no dissapointments........... lol.......... Would much rather be fishing anyway.
  10. Thanx victor & yes you should they put up a hell of a fight.
  11. Thanx shawn I was pretty chuffed with meself.......lol Cannot see a pm shawn so could you try again thanx.
  12. Thanx alot guys. I do not know what it weighed as no one had a scale mores the pitty but it sure was a beauty of a perch thats for sure.........
  13. Does anyone know what the record is for the longest perch caught in ontario? A guy out fishing here in dover caught a 14.2 inch perch this past friday, It was huge and just curious is all. Thanx. Nauti.
  14. FOTB I THINK UR RIGHT......I was niffed i had forgotten my tape and logo lemme tell ya.That for sure would have been a nice entry for team 2.......& i feel bad......
  15. Maureen ladywalley thanx so much ladies. .....& i agree when they get that big they sure are ugly....lol...but they do put up a great fight.......
  16. LB It really was a great day out there and yes a hell of alot of fun.........I just love being on the water.
  17. I got to agree with shawn atleast you were out on the water what better way to spend a beautiful sunny day.... Great report mike and there is allways next time.
  18. Great report wolfville.....Gotta love fishing for carp they really are alot fun.....Nice too see alot of reports of people getting out there and giving it a shot...........
  19. Awesome report shawn great pictures, and some real beautys thats for sure.....Congrats......
  20. CONGRATS JJCANOE..... She is beautiful.
  21. Well what a fantastic day it was today out on the water fished close to 14 hrs today....lol...Got the sunburn to prove it....lol... Well was up at 7.00am this morning was to meet up with sleded and jay at a ramp just down the street from me at 8.00am. Sleded called me just before eight and said he would be a little late as jay had a flat on the trailor. We met up a little after 8.30am allready had our boat in the water and waited for jay and sleded to launch there boat. Then we were on our merry way. Headed out onto the lake and what a beautiful morning it was too. We 1st headed out to a certain spot to try for some perch alot of boats were allready out there. Once there dropped in our lines and the bite was pretty slow, Alot of dinks being caught so about an hr later we decided to head over to another spot that mr sinns likes to call death valley.....LOL...He says thats what his grandad allways used to call it said if u ever died there no one would probably notice you were missing untill about three months had passed lol......Anyway once there again the perch were spotty. Sleded pulled in this nice sized perch. Mr sinns pulled in this smally Anyway a few hrs had passed & we decided to head back closer to dover so said tara to jay & sleded. We then decided to go fish a spot we really like. We found a spot i tossed in my line layed down my rod as i helped mr sins tie us too some reeds with a rope so we would not drift from the river bank, In doing so as i turned around i saw my whole fishing rod and reel fly out of the boat and into the water and i mean fly. I saw my rod for a second in the water then it just dissapeared i was gutted. Friday i lost my favorite fishing sunglasses in the storm and now my favorite rod and reel in the d**n river gone. I grabbed a paddle to see if i could feel for it and see how deep we were also......All i kept thinking was no not my favorite rod & reel........Mr sinns bless him got out the boat and into the water and tryed to feel with his feet for my rod but was having no luck, When suddenly i saw the top of my rod floating to the top of the water a few feet away from the front of the boat then down it went again. I pointed to mr sinns where i had seen it and he saw the tip of my rod surface again so he headed that way reached down into the water and thank gawd he felt the reel on my rod that was caught up in some thick weed and good job too because the size of the fish that was on the end of my line had it not been for the really thick weed i reckon my rod would have been gone for good........So this is the beauty that was on the end of my line a PB as far as cat fish. Have caught them in the 6-8lb range but never like this before so i was just thrilled. What a beauty cat and i could have kicked myself because i had neither my measureing tape or community logo......Sorry joey! . This was a brute of a fish for sure & no wonder it took my whole rod & reel......lol... SO AFTER FINALLY LANDING HIM TAKING SOME PICS WAS RELEASED TO CATCH ANOTHER DAY. I then caught this little bugga lol We fished till around 4.00pm so had been out on the water all day. We decided to head home grab something to eat which happened to be yummy perch again.....lol.....After supper we decided to head down the peir and fish for a few more hrs. The bite was on and ended up with around 25 nice keepers so that was great. Again all caught on the west side and in real shallow............You know you got to absolutley love port dover......These last pictures are of the sunset i took tonight while fishing on the pier. Fishing and beautiful sunsets i just love it. So in all an absolutley fantastic day out on the water i scored a PB, The weather was absolutely beautiful great company what more could you ask for. This is just a short video clip of some of today. Thanx to all three of ya for a great morning afternoon & evening. I had a fabulous day one i won't forget thats for sure. Nauti.
  22. Thanx alot guys & gals. & yes joey we actually managed to get off the pier as the worst really hit. 1ST time i have actually been scared in a storm. Mike we hammered the perch after the storm...PICKED UP JUST UNDER 6LBS OF CLEANED FILLETS YESTERDAY ......Had some perch for supper last night tryed them in that new roasted garlic and butter fish crisp and man were they ever tasty. Not a big fan on the fish crisp but that one i actually really did enjoy. Joey your going to kick my butt when you see my next report..........Coming soon......lol
  23. Well what a absolutley crazy day out there yesterday. Myself and mr sinns decided to hit the pier yesterday afternoon. We were going to go fish for walleye but with the storm warnings we decided to stay on shore and close to home and boy am i glad i ever did just that. We headed put around 11.00am after running some morning errands. The perch bite was steady but not crazy and the sky was blue the sun was shining. I called my uncle over in scotland ontario and he said the sky was black and his lawn funiture was been blown around. Here we were sat on the peir absolutley beautiful thinking maybe the south winds would keep the storm away from dover. No fat chance.......lol about and hr or hr & a half after talking to my uncle we are sat up on the pier when we can see this really dark and i mean dark sky heading our way from the west side across the lake. The wind gradually picked up a little but it looked like we were just seeing the tail end of this storm. Wrong again......lol.....WITH in five minutes the wind picked up so fast it took my carry case for my chair then my bloody sunglasses were blown right off my face along the pier and into the lake. I was gutted my favorite pair of fishing glasses........So we tryed to grab every thing were were been blown allmost over the edge i kid u not. As i picked up my chair the wind caught it and took me also allmost into the lake and i mean real close to ending up in the lake. We managed to get to the end of the peir and as we reached the end the police showed up with lights on and sirens and were telling every one to get off the pier immediatley. I could not beleive some guys were actually still sat by the light house trying to hold onto everything with there rods still in the water when we left. Talk about crazy. The police had also been tripping up and down main street in the cars telling people to clear the streets. It was not till we drove home when we saw just how much mess there was around town. There were some huge and i mean huge trees pulled right out of the ground from there roots. Incrediable what mother nauture can do. As you will see on the up comming video a huge tree was ripped right out of the ground from its roots just up off the main street which is actually a busy part of town as far as traffic and pedestrains. Thank goodness no one was hurt or even killed when this tree came down. Had anyone been in the vicinity at the time that tree came down no way would they have survived. So anyway we headed home waited out the storm then headed back out to fish for more perch. In total 48 caught yesterday so a nice catch. The perch were hitting like crazy after the storm passed through laste yesterday afternoon. Anyway here is the video sorry you cannot here much of what i am saying at the start because the wind was so strong. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y1pfSfARPo
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