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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Ditto to what everyone else said and take care of yourself gary.
  2. Helps if you read the boards & calendar boys.....& besides ya both know where i live. Good to see you had a good day out.....I am hoping to get out for a few hrs tonight.
  3. I'm Guessing this was store brought? I would go back to the place you brought the soup from explain to the manager what has happened. Make sure you takle pics of not only the bone but also the can,container it came in and contact the company through either via email or post. They will want dates,times,pictures where you brought it ect ect...........The manager of the store where you brought it from should be able to put you in the right direction as who to contact with in the company of the brand. I have over twenty yrs expereince in the retail industry. Some companys you deal with in these situations are good then their are those that are not so good. So make sure you are thorough. Hope that helps......& glad too hear your son is okay. Nauti
  4. Beautiful shot deano......... Now if i could just figure out the right settings on my cam for them very same shots.....lol
  5. Well i will probably see you down there bud. This is my fifth yr doing the derby now & i love it its alot of fun.
  6. No i am looking at the digital SLR Tjsa. I know there is a huge difference in price. I was out again last week shopping around. Could not beleive the huge difference in price between a digital SLR & A film SLR. sadley the digital SLR do not have the option of movie footage yet. I am hoping sometime down the road soon they will also have that option with the digital SLR.
  7. last week my girlfriends parents house was vandalized, (garden gnomes broken, garden tore up, eggs thrown at house, beer bottles smashed in front of house) the list continues,,,, mind you that was the eve of the 13th, The sad part about that Bud is that it was probably a local and not a biker from out of town. I know mergl was looking at property there last summer. You have a means of keeping the drum secured so that is awesome...
  8. LOL You would be surprised at actually how many grown men will not touch a cat fish.......lol I am often handling and removing hooks from catfish when the derby is on here in dover.....It makes me chuckle thats for sure.
  9. Thats a great idea BUD......I am assuming then you do not have many problems with people turning over the waste drums in that erea and dumping everything out? Sadley we get that alot here in dover, Usually teenagers or drunks coming out the bars after close. I KNOW i used to live in main street here in dover right in amongst the thick of it. One thing that gets my goat up in dover is we are a tourist town and the municipality will not even try to do anything about putting proper garbage disposal on the streets here. With so many tourists through the summer months the waste drums they put on the pier & main street are just over flowing with garbage. So much so it is all on the ground also. Then like i said you get the hoodlums who think it is funny to tip them over thrown them in the lake or roll them down the middle of the main street on the road itself....I know be cause i have seen it many a time. I just wish they would put something more permanant on the streets,peir and such here in dover. Like concrete permanant ones that cannot be tipped over.
  10. Well the site is in the states but it tells you what to look for as far as distinguishing between the diferent cats. Like i said it really is all in the tail. Cats are fun to fish for.
  11. Check out this site....Its all in the TAIL. http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/fish/catfish/biology.html
  12. its hard to believe that people would do that to local fishing spots, dog runs, and destroy such a beautiful scenery of the lake... Well as i said on the video Bud i really do not understand the mentality of it i really do not. It saddens me that some people really do not seem to give a rats ass. Now i am not sure what you mean by a donateing a waste drum. You mean to put in ur local spot that you are going to clean up?
  13. They are still a little grainy bud but i think thats me not the camera. There are so many different functions and settings so like i said still playing and learning with it....& yes it was actually really nice too see her out on the water yesterday. You know summer is just around the corner.
  14. Footlongs? In dover we like to call them death missiles. lol Dover is coming back to life with visitors which is allways nice to see after winter time.
  15. Thanx alot guys......So are these birds heading north? As for the flying 100 mph i reckon they can swim that too....lol...These birds move fast allways moving They are not a easy bird to get a picture of thats for sure.
  16. Well as some of you may remember i asked about cameras. and i just want to say thankyou so much to all those that took the time to reply and give advice very much appreciated sincerly. Well i have yet to buy my SLR i really am having a hard time in decideing witht this camera. Because they are such big money i really want to make sure i get the right one for me. But anyway i did pick up a new camera for my every day shots and video's. I am happy as larry with it. It is a Canon powershot S3IS that i picked up last week. Now i am still getting familiar with it and playing around with it but having fun with it also. but so far i am very happy with it. These are just a few pictures i have shot of birds in my yard and a few down by the lake here in port dover over the past weekend.
  17. I really have no clue brandon. I know my birds of prey and the exotic species but when it comes to ducks and such i am not that good.. ....My 1st time ever seeing these type of birds. Beautiful too but they were in there hundreds. Constantly diving also........
  18. Yesterday morning early AM i did my drive down to timmies and then down to the peir to check out the water when i saw hundreds of these birds. Now i am guessing PORT DOVER must be on a migratory route because i have seen more different speices of birds this yr than i have over the last five yrs. Just a month ago we had whistler swans every where, even flying over my house. Usually you tend to see them more around the LPB long point bay erea. But for some reason we had alot of them around port dover on the lake this year. Which was great may i add. So does anyone know what these are and where they are heading for the summer?
  19. Thats awesome rodger...Congrads on the sweet new ride you lucky bugga.
  20. I really enoyed reading that.....thanx so much for shareing...... Nauti
  21. \ Thankyou Dmasse. As mentioned on the video lots of locations around ontario where you can pick up the bags. All people need do is visit the website for more details.
  22. Thankyou jen. The main purpose of the video is to let everyone know about the S.O.S PROGRAME which i think is a awesome idea. www.floatfishing.net It really was not hard work. You get dirty lol but hell whats a bit of dirt if it makes the enviroment you enjoy that much safer & nicer right>? In total we were down there for two hrs and three of us managed to fill a whole windstar just three of us. Imagine what a team of ten to twenty people could do? I really hope that more people will take the time and effort to clean up there favorite ereas.
  23. Well no need for along post as i hope the video will say it all... Just to warn you the video is 10 minutes long and in total we filled 15 garbage bags not including all the pails,flooring,tiles,metal ect we also collected. The back of my windstar was packed to the top.
  24. Way to go the both of you. Awesome.... We pulled in this beauty tonight here in dover.
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