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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. I like the lap dogs too cast but i would be worried about stepping on one especially the yorkshires they are tiny little things.....VERY POPULAR in the uk.
  2. Welcome to the board Castmaster you are going to luv it here. Some wonderfull people and mounds and heaps and hillS and well ya catch me drift....... OF INFORMATION.
  3. I agree with snag......There was a topic allready done on this but cannot find it. Leaving a link here for those who choose to read it. http://www.globalissues.org/EnvIssues/GlobalWarming.asp
  4. omg castmaster they are absolutley adorable.......
  5. Nice report..Guys.......& you would not catch me ever crossing ice on any snow mobile....To blooody chicken i am.
  6. YES JER MY ELDEST BOYS LIZARD WHICH IS A BEARDED DRAGON........Still awesome pet though amazing how much they grow in just a yr.....He is huge now....... I did a short movie clip of all my flock this morning thought i would share it so here you go...... This is the 1st thing i do every morning when i get up is go downstairs and uncover all my fids. http://www.zippyvideos.com/8669983406616686/movie/
  7. YUP Same here none for me never do.........
  8. Next on my list is one of these Majestic beautys.......Wanted one of these macaws for about 15 yrs now.....The largest of all of them the hyacinth Macaw.....They are known as the gentle giants of all the macaws......But they do not come cheap.....Starting Anywhere from Nine thousand dollars to as high as twelve thousand and u would not beleive the waiting list for aquireing one of these.
  9. Nothing wrong with ambitions & goals in life. Kudo's to you for wanting to give it a shot. I am photo crazy allways snapping pictures just about every where i go........And of anything and everything. Hardly a pro here just a hobbie for me......Which is how i like it would not want it to become work for me. Black & white photography is my favorite. I am actually in the procces of looking at a new SLR Digi cam just not sure which one yet.....lol.... Good luck with ur goals davis and dont forget to post some of your work okay? Would love to see it.
  10. Glad to hear u made it back safe. My plan was also to get out on the ice today. But we had those same conditions pretty much all day here in dover. Was so bad at times i could not even see the Gazebo frame on my back deck from my back patio doors. So decided to stay home where its safe & warm.
  11. How old is she? and yeah i reckon two LITTLE MISCHEVIOUS DEVILS would most certainly keep u more than on ur toes....lol...
  12. Ferrets make great pets just a shame they get so blooming stinky so quick. Had a neighbor a couple of yrs ago who had a ferret we used to take him in when he had to go away with work for a few days here N there. Lovable little sod he was but very mischevious. There like having a terrible two yr old around. Allways in to everything.
  13. Can be a silly arse at times but a good kid really. Gaurented a great day out if you ever get a chance to fish with this young fella.

  14. Welcome to the board bassman.
  15. [Not quite sure of Parrots sex for a reason - If you have ever tried to grab a parrot and find that answer you will know what I mean. LOL Actually up untill a few yrs back now u could not sex a bird unless it was done surgically. LOL.....So why would you want to grab and take a look? Because there is nothing to see unless u have xray vision that is.....LOL.....
  16. Welcome aboard Bline and look forward to seeing ur fishing report on ur return from nip.
  17. Thankyou Gerrit i will check out future shop. But i do agree with irish. I was in carmens yesterday there 2GB card actually is only $80.00 so even cheaper than henrys. Here is what i have seen so far i like. eos rebel xt Digital slr qith 8.0 MP CMOS SENSOR DIGIC II IMAGE PROCESSOR Smallest and lightest eos digital camera SLR. fast 3 frames - per second shooting high speed, wide erea 7 - point that other site Direct print support with pictbridge printers. usb 2.0 hi speed interface for quick downloads. campatible with more than 50 lenses. price - $ 829.99 Digitial rebel xt kit #1 rezo 140 aw 1GB Compact flash card (120x) Replacement battery for cannon Hoya 58mm multi coated uv 3 yr care warrenty pre paid digital print card 50 Price- $1099.94 EOS REBEL XTI hIGH PERFORMANCE d-slr 10.1 megapixels canon cmos sensor Digic II image processor large 2.5inch lcd monitor fast 3 frames per second shooting 0.2 startup time wide erea 9-point autofocus system Compatible with more than 50 lenses price - $1099.94 mepps thankyou i will be sure to check that one out.
  18. Hookset do u have any pictures? The females tend to be a little smaller than the males. I had a B&G When i was in Europe. Also and African grey that had been badley abused. Was really nasty when he came home to me but after six months you would never have believed it was the same bird as you can see from the picture. My B&G was the first macaw i actually hand reared myself and weaned alot of hard work but well worth it for sure. Birds can be easily sexed now all you need to do is have a avian vet remove a blood feather they send it away have it dna tested usually get the reults back with in a week along with a certificate. Which i have for most of mine. Malcolm how come you no longer have ur green winged. I love the Macaws they are great birds.
  19. I am looking into purchasing a new camera. I was out yesterday looking at a few and want some oppinions from you all....What u use what u like so on and so on. What you feel is worth the money. These cameras i am lookng at are over a thousand spondules each.......I really want a good qaulity camera but also one that takes video footage. i am looking either the digital eos rebel xti D-slr or the digital rebel xt slr. Sp opinions please. Thanx
  20. Your great grl. I had so much fun meeting both you and sean cannot wait till u both get ur tookishes down here to dover for a weekend.

    I'm lucky for meeting a great gal & making a great new freind.

  21. lol @ pink. Actually my favorite colour happens to be hunter green. Pink NO!!!!...LOL
  22. WELCOME TO THE BOARD. Allways nice to see new female fishies....
  23. There is allways next time rich. Atleast ya gave it a shot.
  24. That is awesome news Julie. I am really happy for you grl...........
  25. GCD..,..You misserable no way!! Roy well thats another story......LOL........... Hellfish....You are allways going to get one in a bunch. Are not happy unless they have something to gripe about. I just found it amuseing that because i sound british he assumed i was british. I do not know what exactly was he had said as i have been sick as a dog these last two day's...I was just informed that something not so nice (racial) had been directed at me apparently. This is not the 1st time from Holdfast. But one thing you learn quick about the internet., Is these people really are not worth your time. Enjoy OFC It really is a great site and welcome aboard.
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