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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. I added Audio to the first post please have a listen to it this is how I found out about this camp.
  2. Great report and nice to see the family pics. My first question was answered in 4th last pic YES your son is a weird or crazy as mine Mikey will also wear long sleeves and pants all summer but looses his shirt right away so its pants and no shirt gotta love them kids.
  3. Frank its for Muskies Canada families only and is a lot of fun heck it does not cost more then 1 nights stay at a camp and you get camping dinner and docking for the weekend ya can never go wrong with this event. Good luck up there Bigbuck hope ya pop a fatty
  4. Hey all I know we have helped people win a lot of on line contests and this one here might be the best one yet. Its for Ted Reader (king of the Q) he is in a contest to win $10,000 if he wins he will donate it all to camp Bucko that is run for burned kids I hope we can help Ted win this one he is at the camp right now cooking for all these little kids that have been burnt please help out. Have a look at there site and also the link to vote for Ted Reader Cheers Mike Here is the link for camp bucko http://www.campbucko.ca/intro.shtml here is the link to vote http://www.grolschmark.com/video/77/ Please take a listen to this audio also it is from this week when Ted was on a local radio station here get the Kleenex you will need it when he tells one of the stories this camp is relay something special. the audio is called Ted Reader On Picking The Right Meat And Keeping The Flavour http://canadasrock.ca/2011/08/ted-reader-on-picking-the-right-meat-and-keeping-the-flavour/
  5. Mike here is Jade fighting the fish and with her winning 42"er from 2008 she has been a trooper since 2007 or 2007 she does it all by herself now no help from mom and she has the bigger fish between the girls. Ron took some great pics of her fighting it and the best part of the story is Ronnie was just teasing Jade as his daughter had just caught a 39" to beat Jades other musky we were done fishing and ready to head to the beach but Jade wanted to be Steph so back out went the lines and she was rewarded. To this day I love to see Steph and ask her about the fishing. Paul your right its great time spent fishing together Phil I am looking forward to it again and hope that things are better on my end so I can actually fish the weekend with everyone.
  6. that was awesome it reminds me when I was out in BC and they released 120,000 trout into the river it was not long before a Eagle was there taking advantage I had some cool shots but they are long gone now. I would think they are still on the old,old, old board as that is where I had up loaded them to.
  7. Well this past weekend was the Muskies Canada Family weekend this is one of my favorite weekends of the year as its all about the kids and fishing. We only boated 1 musky it was caught on a brown/yellow Double 10 Handlebarz it was a small guy so the wife just took a shot when I was bringing it to the boat it was hooked deep so I had to cut the hooks out and off he went like a rocket. Mikey had one on for a few seconds but with some slack like the fish was off here he is with help from mom fighting his musky he is still a little young to get it on his own first he needs to hold the rod above the reel and second I did not have the cable on the rod. Jade had one good boat side strike on a top raider it was a blast to listen to her excitement when it came up from nowhere to smash her bait. She did not get a musky all the rest of the muskies were follows for me when casting. here are a couple pics from the kids getting there prizes and Mikey with Jim Kelly keeping there water fight feud going for another year for some odd reason Mikey called it off when Jim got out the pink bucket you can see the waterfall going into the bucket. We are looking forward to it for next year already it is one great time.
  8. Nice shot Wayne how did ya get the whit bunny in it that's very cool
  9. Nice going Mike and to make it better you had to change up the program to get to the fish it shows that some times you need to work for them.
  10. Nice post Paul I have heard alot of great things about Mike from other members if anyone is looking to learn about muskies out your way they should be contacting him for sure. Also his rates seem very reasonable for people wanting to get out chasing musky guys down here are $450 for two man days and over $700 for some bigger boats. Kudoes to ya Mike it sounds like your on the right track out there just keep on the high road its a tough one but it will be the best one.
  11. I did this a few years back and it still works great for ice fishing I don't have the transducer mounted on the box that did not work as I wanted it to. I have foam inside to insulate the battery and also keep the GPS from getting banged around when on the quad or in the truck heading out fishing.
  12. Thats funny as hell when I go fishing with one of my buddies I always bring a can or two of spray as he will kill anything that is with in 2 miles. Last trip our other buddy asked me why I brought the spray (he did not even thought I told him to) well that night when playing cards he found out why I had two cans they were empty before we left for home.
  13. dont worry about spooking the musky with your motor we catch alot of them every year with just the leader in the water they will smash the bait right at the prop or beside it or under the boat or just at the back to the wash they are a freak fish and will do what most other fish will not. Keep at it and you will figure them out. I like to use Woodies 6 1/4 is a great all year bait, Jakes 8",10" black perch or walleye, try torlling your sledge if you have one they are great on the troll. and yes your bucktails will be amazing at times trolling you just need to put in the time and get out with otehrs that know what they are doing. Join a local Muskies Canada chapter we all have mentoring programs where new people can get out and fish with other members and learn things that work and mostly how to properly handle a musky once you get it on the line. Cheers Good luck out there. http://www.muskiescanada.ca/
  14. Sounds like your doing the right things give it time and you will be rewarded they dont call them the fish of 10,000 casts for nothing. this last weekend we were out and I only boated 1 I had 4 other follows and 1 one trolling and my daughter had a fish slam her top raider boat side but only had 1 fish boated this was all on a lake that I know well and usually get a bunch of fish but I could only hit 1 trolling. I guess my point is give it time I know I was not disappointed with only 1 but should have had more but that's musky fishing. Oh yea what Wayne said $300 for a day of musky fishing is very cheap for a guide on the water
  15. I switched to MC D's a couple years ago when they started the FREE coffee to show off there new blend its great. I hate the free coffee weeks now as they are so busy I dont get my coffee to many people there just for the free bee but then again it works as I am hooked. The price for a large coffee and muffin is $1.87 how can ya beat that the change always goes to Ronald McD house.
  16. Very cool Brandon it sure is different casting to NOTHING out here on LSC and sure does make ya want to get back to trolling I do need to leave the go to stuff at home one day and do the casting thing all day.
  17. Good to see ya here Jamie congrats on the 50" if I did not know you any better I would say you look happy
  18. Dang Simon looks like a amazing trip for the in laws congrats and thanks for sharing
  19. Awesome Ryan congrats looks like the perfect day for you guys.
  20. Congrats for sure. Now your going to be biting the bullet hard tell your wife your sorry its easier then asking for the $$$ to buy the Leaders,Knipex bolt cutters,long nose pliers, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures, lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures,lures. And a new rod LOL Yep your like the rest of us got the bug and its gonna hurt in a good way Congrats again
  21. Go get them Ronnie BTW are there any places that have wing night on Mondays in Cobourg? and i am in to help the fine
  22. Great report looks like a great time I like the sturgeon pic and the chopper
  23. Only if its cold out side I think he would have enjoyed it Saturday
  24. Dang that's a lot of pics thanks Juli for all the work on them Oh yeah you to Frank Next year we hope to camp out that way we don't have to leave by 8:45pm Again it was a blast and it sure shows in all the pics
  25. I love SLOW DEATH I was on board with this set up from year 1 they work great. I use 5-6' lead from my bottom bouncer. I will also just use split shots if i am fishing very shallow. Try using Gulp turtle back worms I like the light watermelon color ones I will use just 1/2 of them I always start with the thick end of teh worm and see how the bite is if its slow I will then use the back half with the curly tail this will get them going. The best part of using turtle back is the perch and rock bass don't steel the worms and you only hook up the biggest rockies and perch. Give it a try you will not regret either.
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