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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Looks like a great time thanks for sharing. To bad the city guys stayed home to shovel out all weekend.
  2. A awesome report and ice trip with great friends thanks for sharing
  3. We are sending positive thoughts your way wish the best for Sean
  4. Dang I'm doing like outlaw we all put our leaf blowers (no not the guy sitting on the grass) on full throttle to keep the white stuff heading east. We have a couple inches here. Since I moved down this way 14 or so years ago I have learned to love snowless winters.
  5. I used then for walleye with a twister tail. At night they seemed to make a difference I would use black tails.
  6. Awesome Pete keep at it
  7. Tj it looks nice and simple clean that is a good change from some sites there is yo much clutter. All the best with the new adventure
  8. I like Charlie's show like others have said he goes to places we can get to with out breaking the bank. Some think trolling is easy well I guess it is but precision trolling is awesome and not easy as some make it look. I will keep watching him
  9. Awesome Pete keep up the great work
  10. If I am trying directly to the spinner bait I prefer open. For any spinner bait I am using a leader on I always use closed loop.
  11. Keep at it soon to be SB
  12. Well UPS got me I had a package sent to a friends in Ohio it was to be delivered Friday but when I checked to be sure it made it go figure they can not even get it right in there own country. They forgot part of the address so it was undeliverable what the hell. I wish I had known it was sent UPS I would have asked for USPS which is how this store sends to me in Canada. Thanks UPMS
  13. I go to a local gas station to fill my tanks they also charge by the actual amount you get not for a complete 20lbs fill up which is nice when topping tanks off. My local home hardware is great but they don't always have everything I need or if I need more then 2-4 of one thing they will not have it so off to HD or CTC.
  14. When we is Canadians learn to NOT use UPS for shipments to Canada I learned fast and Never use them for items coming from out of country. Heck we have had problems here also with them delivering the package I would here the knock at door get up go right out to check who is there and they are gone and the sticky note is there telling you to go pick it up tomorrow and the guy is just pulling away. No use for them in my house
  15. Awesome pete keep at it don't forget to work out I need a real strong Netman this year
  16. Awesome were now the bullies of the fishing Internet world and I thought it was some other board.
  17. I am guessing it was close to 10 years ago when I found the board my daughter was two or just turned three and she's about to turn 13 dang time flies. I had broken my ankle when I flipped my four wheeler I remember playing on the computer and searched Ontario fishing I've been here ever since sorry everyone. Awesome place glad I found it.
  18. Dang I hope it comes back in one piece cliff
  19. Sounds like winter to me glad you guys are having all the fun. Down here in the SW corner I had to attach 8 more tie downs to the house as its been blowing since yesterday. I got to be rocked to sleep and listen to the branches fall from the trees. I miss the snow but sure love the dry winters we have had around here with just a couple times breaking out the shovel.
  20. I totally understand that ice fishing is amazing but some will only learn once. I feel bad for his family that were left behind. Maybe these people should be wearing a float suit that is what I wear ice fishing. If you don't have one and venture on thin ice try a life jacket.
  21. I did not think I would have cared that it was back I had zero plans of watching the leafs tonight. My plans were to just make lures but I found myself sitting in front of the TV just like last year putting hooks on wire shafts and adding hook protectors watching the game. I thought it was a good game and a great ending. Am I the only one that thinks the leafs have a real chance this year? Just think about it they usually start strong then crap out so maybe the playoffs will be over before they remember its time to suck. They will be like the migratory birds and get confused and keep winning right into the playoffs. Well I can hope and know one thing if they get Ottawa in the first round that like a by into the second round GO LEAFS GO. Right Squid
  22. That's awesome boss. And yes I do check in on my iPhone from the water.
  23. Oh this should get good. Btw I did not use them at all last year I still like the idea but don't fish bass enough to give it a real go
  24. What because he shows up to your house in his swimming trunks to swimm in the dogs water dish?
  25. Yes that is our summer time dog Mikey does not care and I would think after the nuker they all taste the same
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