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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Thanks guys it was great end to the season. I was more then happy to not be working and out fishing. I wish I had been fishing Saturday instead of trying to clear a clogged drain but that's all fixed up so I can start sharpening hooks for musky opener 2013. George I had them on but was layered up to break the wind.
  2. Break out the shorts??? WTH people put them away your crazy. I'm ok with a snow free warm winter here in the SW corner
  3. Yesterday we had the small sweat bees flying around then just today I found a huge slug on the front door. I sure am getting used to these winters.
  4. no scrapers here its all rain
  5. Nice going Adam. I hope we can meet up for some eyes this winter it's been way to long since we got out there. Next year we will get out for sure since your hooked and will be ready from opener.
  6. So since Last Saturday was my official closer and I had a nice closer thread all done up Pete and I started talking and sure enough it lead Him and I to taking off work Thursday and heading out musky fishing one more time. Looking at the weather we both knew there was not way we could go to work on Thursday and actually get anything done. We meet up in Belle River on LSC again and start before Sun up here is a awesome last sun rise to start the last day of the year. We were going to cast but things have still been so good trolling we started off doing so and it did not take long to get the first musky in the boat. After a quick picture it was on its way home again and yes we had to do as we did on our last closer for this year and fire off a text to Slowpoke as he was working instead of fishing and as per last week he was so happy for us but for some odd reason each responce I can not use here and he made sure of it I can put SACF and let you figure it out but I know there will be only three of us who know what it means. and after sending that he added (that wont make the report) LOL good times. We start trolling again and another rod goes off this time Pete is up with his first closer fish of 2012 quick fight and its in the net out for picture,release,text and were fishing again I love how the sun is still just coming up in the first pictures. We troll for a hour with no action so we decide that we will start casting I snap on my bulldog fire it out let it sink 5 seconds give it one good pull and set the hook LOL LOL LOL Pete I have one but Pete does not care I think as I have to tell him a few more times that I have one before he comes to net it this was a better fish still not the BIG colser girls we were looking for but fun for sure. BTW Pete did not even have time to put his lure on before it ate mine. We cast for a good length of time with a couple more bumps but not hook ups so it was back to trolling time we went from 10 am with out a fish in the net until around 3pm then Pete got his second of the day We lost two more between Petes second fish and the last fish which came just after we both took 2012 musky season ending Sun Set pictures what a great season I had a blast out closing the year again with a great friend Pete. BTW we did not take a pic of the last musky it was maybe Low 30" fish and we wanted to get the last 10 min in fishing. I did have plans to fish today but home life keeps me here today I hope to be getting text from SLowPoke from his closer I was going to have a third closer but need to stay home. Good thing I did stay home as we have a water leak here I think its just a clogged drain but will have to look closer today what a end to a awesome week
  7. The wife said she feels bad for snookems.
  8. LOL that's what you get for ASKING first you would think after 24 years you would know better. Just think you could have been down here landing the third musky of the day before she knew you were missing and then when she did call you would not get the call as we all know cell phones don't work on the water.
  9. Brian I was talking about tomorrow but yes Saturday is still a go heck depending on tomorrow I might need to take Friday off also.
  10. That's awesome and a great feeling out fishing guys who thought they were out smarting you
  11. Lsc is wide open and that is great as the boat is hooked up ready to go
  12. Ron if you change your mind we will be at belle river dock at daybreak
  13. Great introduction to the board welcome. Nice pictures can't wait to see more as for the no shoes question get used to answering that a lot I always am asked the same thing when Muskie fishing.
  14. I guess I should make sure to wait to make my first post of the day. 4:52 bc (Before coffee) Was not at good choice. Next time it'll be 4:52ac Then everything might make some sense
  15. Gerritt Huh sure sums up what I put Earlier today and I sure love AutoCorrect. What I was trying to say is I was talking to squid On the cell phone when he was at the GTG I recognized some of the voices around the table and heard new ones I did not know. I had Pete say hi to everyone for me after we got off the phone. I felt like I was the phone a friend for him.
  16. Lol Wayne Now thats hardcore Nancy Muskie fishing
  17. It was nice to hear everyone again and the voices I did not know I guess in the way I was there Kinda only a friend style.
  18. Dang I should let my brother in Saskatchewan know that his -25 was nothing today
  19. Were missing alot for team 10 I sure wish I had remembered to take pics of the big catfish this spring
  20. Sounds good to me but you know you have to place the order yourself do I don't mess it up heck it will be the last with her old oven as the new one comes Saturday when I'm out fishing. How did my closer turn into maybe two more trips??? Not sure but I like it
  21. Thanks Joey you know with Pete it's always fun
  22. I might be sick cough cough
  23. Pete I forgot about all those waves yes we did eat a few of them I love the front cover It sure keeps a majority of the water out of the boat. Frankie thanks it was a great day with Pete. Joshs thanks there is still time for the last kick at the can. KF Thanks yes I did have a pattern figured out I am just glad the musky hold to the same program year after year it makes things easier when they cooperate. Slowpoke if you're hinting that I need to change the title of this thread I can do that and start a new closer thread next Sunday. My only problem is I will need a chauffeur pick up at my house Saturday morning My truck will be gone for a brake job
  24. Rizzo I know it's rough out there this time of year with the top up that's why we just trolled. I like to call it hardcore pansy musky fishing. This was the first time I used the top in three seasons I do love it and would not buy another boat without it. Thanks Mike good luck to you this week
  25. Rain rain rain here not any sign of white stuff here
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