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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Just awesome as always
  2. Even if the waterproof housing was on there would be some sound. Nice video wish I still had a sled and lived in a area that I could use it
  3. For sure Phil we need to get you and Pj up here in July. Dave I think I'm gonna look funny tossing 10" lures targeting rock bass but he there is no season on them so this might be a good thing. If a CO asks me why I'm fishing musky OOS I will just pull out my phone bring this thread up and inform him I'm after rock bass but these pesky musky keep bugging me
  4. Skipp are you sure it's not gona end? It might be them carp or salmon guys messing with you I have not seen a 2013 calendar yet
  5. Lol you are so right. How could I be that dumb. Great game well done team Canada
  6. I just want to say it was nice knowing everyone here in my OFC family,today I noticed something very disturbing to me. The Mayans were totally wrong I was not scared about there prediction as they have been way off before but this is the end of the world as my musky hunter calendar ends today. Happy New Years every one
  7. Canada is solid today. This is a great game very little mistakes on either side. I also know that the NHL needs cheer leaders
  8. Now this is agame
  9. Well after staying up until 2:30am watching SOA season 2 I missed the game live but after my morning nap I only caught the third period I'm glad they won. It was a tough last 1:30 with 6/4 nice win Canada.
  10. Twice I only caught the third period and Canada looked good lol. I have to agree that hit was nice. I don't like the result to either player but this is hockey and its been said many times here keep your head up. Any Canadian player young or old that does not do this has not listened over there career or to Mr. Canada Don Cherry he has talked about this since I was a kid playing hockey and if they have not learned over seas they better buy rockem sockem 1-200. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's game.
  11. We got more snow here yesterday then I think we did over the last two years. I went out at 11pm put gas in the snowblower for the first time in two winters and she fired up first pull. Hope you guys make out good with super then get lots of sleep before running birtha
  12. Lol I feel the same about the NHL but I do love to watch these kids that live the game and have hopes of making the big show.
  13. Sorry Brian did not see that one from the 20th. I was to busy to even see it.
  14. 9-3 first win good game IMO. They did nice work on the sloppy turnovers early and showed that they mean business.
  15. I'm surprised that there is no chatter here about the WJHC starting today. First period down Canada up 2-1 Go Canada Go!!! I live watching the games and am lucky enough to have the week off to catch most of the games.
  16. Merry Christmas to everyone in the OFC family. I hope we all have a great safe holiday
  17. But you can still say musky John
  18. Rolly head over to Woodstock and talk to Josselyn he will take you the right way you need to go he is the best around hands down. His prices are also great. He will set the units up for you no messing around and no Bull. His customer service is second to none.
  19. Crown on the rocks. But due to a past love affair with crown I now add coke on top it keeps me mellowed or so I'm told.
  20. Been a favorite Album in my house for years Bobnoxious HOHOHO http://youtu.be/4iGWogjHe3Q
  21. Well it started off as a great intro but turned out to be just another musky nut. It seems like you will fit in just right. Welcome aboard looking forward to reading you threads don't be shy to share pics
  22. Nice job randy
  23. Will it was awesome I will do a recap during the holidays. Ehg Lake St. Clair is wicked fishery but it's also a big lake you have to choose your days for sure Pete and I had our first closer canceled early as mother nature decided she wanted to give us unsafe waves to fish in. As for fishing in the cold this was awesome it was so warm near 40 everyday or over. Thanks cityFisher
  24. Pete is always invited well most times he is a awesome net man
  25. Thanks again guys. John I am still holding that spot for next year when you and Ron can make it.
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