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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. Just a quick question about spinnerbait making. I have all the material but the blades. I was wondering what size blades an average sized 1/4-5/8 oz spinnerbait has on it. I found this pretty good site for lure making material here and it has a good blade chart here. I don't have any of my own spinnerbaits where I am now, they are all at the cottage so I have nothing to measure. I was just wondering what size the small blade should be and what size the large blade should be. Any tips about making your own jigs and spinnerbaits would be helpful as well. Oh and has anybody tried to power paint flipping jigs, the ones with the plastic weed guards on them? Just wondering if they'll melt when heated and baked, I imagine they would.
  2. Nice lookin' hound. Great to hear he came back. I have a Beagle/Collie myself, I think my gf would kill me if he ever took off haha.
  3. I'm planning on trying out PL-Line braid this year on one rod. I've never used it but heard good things. Currently I use both Power Pro and Fireline in 20-30lb range and like them both. Berkley Whiplash is the best braid ever made in my opinion but they don't make it anymore, wonder why .
  4. I'd have to say Manitouwadge. My cousin lives there and knows some amazing walleye lakes.
  5. Nice post, couldn't agree more.
  6. Ignorance is a wonderful thing!
  7. I got a really nice pair of Serengeti's at Bass Pro last year. They are pretty sweet and cost 100 bucks. I've had Ray Bans before and they are a great make also.
  8. Sounded like he was referring to the 3 million people down in the GTA for coming up and fishing the waters in the north. Regardless, I don't think this is the place to get into a Native rights debate. I am part native myself, but I probably look "whiter" than most people. The amount of racism I see towards Native Americans in the fishing world is shameful. In my experiences people aren't openly racist towards any other race like they are towards Native Americans, although I don't hang around any KKK members. I have seen some places where the Natives do take advantage of what the government provides for them and I think Drifter from up in YK can relate. Just drive down 50th in Yellowknife after 11pm, well all day for that matter, and you'll see the Natives hanging out on the rails drinking out of a brown paper bag. It's sad really but that's the lifestyle up there for some of them. I have also seen the other side of things, Native Americans who have used what the government has provided to get a good education and become very successful. You are all so quick to respond and place the blame on the other both Native and non-Native alike. We have to all look at ourselves and share the blame. Does the Native netting during the spawn hurt the fish population? Sure it does. Does the massive amount of ice fishing on the lake hurt the fish population? Of course. I think everyone that fishes or harvests there needs to share part of the blame and for the 2 of you above...gone are the days of raping and pillaging as well...and thank God for that!
  9. yeah we are back to class on the 23rd unfortunately...one more day would have been nice though
  10. I'm a university student and it's my "reading" week. I'm going to pass on most of the reading and turn it into a fishing week. So far the plans are as follows: Saturday - Travel Day Sunday - Lake Clear with my grandpa, some of his friends and a buddy of mine. Monday - Ottawa River at my buddies shack. Tuesday - Travel Day Wednesday - Thursday - Callander Bay, Lake Nipissing. Friday - Sunday - Gull Islands, Lake Nipissing (we'll stay in Callander Bay if they are biting though). And back to school Monday . I'll have the camera taped to my hand so hopefully we can get some fish. I figured that since I wouldn't be able to get to the outdoors show down in TO I had to make it up somehow Oh and if anybody knows where they are biting on Lake Nipissing feel free to share
  11. soooo, let me get this straight, the food has to be alive when served to get the most points??? Probably wouldn't be a top seller here and I would imagine P3TA would flip a skid if it ever were. Reminds me of the pics my buddy brought back from Taiwan, there was a Tiger, a Pig and a Golden Retriever in the same cage for a zoo like tourist attraction. The poor dog was in rough shape.
  12. That's nuts, no wonder they are folding like a cheap suit across the states...Any time the gf comment about my fishing gear i just tell her, "I could be a drug addict, instead I enjoy fishing. If you want I could sell all my gear and try crack or crystal meth." She just rolls her eyes and doesn't say anything
  13. nice site! might have to try that secret musky spot of yours, i'm from the area and dying to hook into a musky.
  14. If that was serious we'll be reading about him in the obituaries pretty soon. oh and that link has been removed now, this one is up though; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1IncP6xjfg
  15. Since everyone is busy arguing I guess I'll try and answer your question. My grandfather bought an '80 chev custom deluxe k10 brand new off the lot. Still has it to this day. It has the 350 and a standard transmission with a bull low gear. I've never seen a truck that hasn't been modified in any way go through so much and constantly tow heavy loads. He used to use it to skid huge logs out of the bush and now he uses it to haul his cut wood from the bush. He hauls 5600kg loads right on the bumper and has been for 29 years. Probably going on 5-600k, odometer says 4-somethin but it didn't work for much of the 90's. Through that time it has gone through some body jobs, like all older chevs, it rusts, put one motor in it didn't need to but he "got a good deal on one" as he says. I think he also put a rear end or 2 in it but with all the heavy jerking and hauling he did and does it's understandable. On a side not, about 5 or 6 years ago he bought a ford f150 just for a daily driving truck, that truck probably has cost him more in the 5 or 6 years on maintenance than his chev did in 29 years. But that said, they really don't make them like they used to, no matter what vehicle you talk about. Too much plastic on all the vehicles now, even the trucks. I own a 91 chev 2wd (wish it were 4) and it is extremely reliable, does what I need it to do and in the 5 years that I have had it I've only had to put a starter on it. The best thing about it is that it's made of steel, imagine that! The Cheyennes of the mid 90s are tough trucks too... Hope this helps with your choice, when you called them old brutes, you were right.
  16. She was cruising along pretty good at 165
  17. "Is this gonna be forever?" HAHA best line of the clip
  18. I'm guessing the live-well is down with the motor on the tow along...
  19. I started using Fireline when it first came out, then switched to Berkley Whiplash. Whiplash is the best line I have ever used, never faded and was always strong. Had the same spool for 4 years and it was still as good as new. Conveniently they stopped making the Whiplash so I switched to Power Pro. I've used Spiderwire and the Stren braid but I still like Power Pro. It is a cleaner and rounder line. I've heard good things about the P-Line braid, I will be trying a spool of that this season, anybody use the P-Line?
  20. I've had the same problem and so have a lot of people I know. A buddy's dad had Express Vu up in Yellowknife, NT. He took a look at the bill after 4 or 5 months of service and noticed he was getting charged BC sales tax, up in NT they only have the GST. So he gave them a call and you guessed it, got an over seas call center. After trying to explain to them that he did not live in BC they still did not understand him. Then he had to speak with the manager and managed to explain to them that he did live in NT. Gets his next bill and they charged him $70 relocation fee for moving from Yellowknife, BC to Yellowknife, NT. So he called them again and spent almost an hour explaining to them that he hadn't moved in 35 years, speaking with several managers, he was able to get them to credit him with the $70 but nothing for his time or the extra tax he had paid because he "lived" in BC lol. Bell Canada was made by the people of Canada, it is an insult for them to outsource employment like this, regardless of which country they outsource to.
  21. He has no respect for anybody else, teammates included. He purposely breaks rules and doesn't listen. He doesn't deserve the spot on the roster over a player that's dream it is to play in the NHL.
  22. you won't get much of a quad for a grand but you can get a decent fish sled for it. You're going to want to spend at least 2000 to get a decent quad, something mid 90s anyway. Keep checkin kijiji and you'll find something that catches your eye.
  23. Student...finishin up my book learnin and lookin for a real job...
  24. Yeah sounds like one of those scams where the location is *******, ****** . We have the same ad on the North Bay kijiji.
  25. I'm 25 and there's nothin I would rather be doing than fishing but school is taking a front seat for now, only 2 and a half more months. I might try to get out this weekend though. Does anybody know if you can drive out at Wades Landing to the islands out there? I only have a 2wd pick up so it would need to be a decent road.
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