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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. Yeah the team "choking" has lost more games than they have won since January, limped into the playoffs, 3 of their top 4 PK players are injured, Alfie, showed his guts, playing last night with a torn mcl. If thats what you think choking is then the leafs choked for the entire season. If anybody is choking it would be Anaheim. They were playing great coming into the playoffs and crap the bed. I wonder what all the leafs and habs fans were occupying themselves with when the Sens dominated the eastern conference in last years playoffs. I am sure they found something to whine about like always. At least if you are a leafs fan, you don't have to worry about having to stay home in may or june to watch your team play, well not in the last 50 years anyway. Life is great when you are 24th out of 30!!
  2. Last year I bought a used reel. The guy I had bought it off of had it spooled with fluorescent green or yellow(I'm colour blind) line, feels around 8lb test. I know you are supposed to re spool but I was lazy, tested the line and it seemed fine. I used that reel and my buddy used his with the same lure and I out fished him two to one. I have been trying to find out what make of line this is so I guess the question here is who makes the best fluorescent green or yellow mono?
  3. I've had many types of reels. Abu, Quantum, Daiwa, and Shimano. With exception to the hypercast not working, all have worked well and never failed. The nicer ones were the ones that cost more, duh! You really get what you pay for. It is all personal preference. I own a Team Daiwa baitcaster that has been awesome, as well as my Shimano Stradic. Go and try a few out on the rod you will be using. You want something that matches nicely with the rod weight and something that is going to be comfortable for a long day on the water. Just try a bunch of reels on your rod and you will find a nice one that fits perfect!
  4. I'm looking to get a couple deep cycles too. This page has helped me with some questions: http://www.windsun.com/Batteries/Battery_FAQ.htm I would love to get Optima or ones like them but can't afford it. I will probably go for the CT Nautilus deep cycle. Has anybody tried the Nautilus? Is it any good?
  5. He grew into it, that was when he was jut a tiny pup, now he is 6 months and a crazy maniac!
  6. Here is Duke. He is, without a doubt, my best friend.
  7. Wow! Glad I was too lazy to fill out the form myself online and went to the corner store, gave them my outdoors card and they gave me a sticker. I am glad I have a sticker because I would definitely lose the paper. You guys that are stuck with that might want to try taking your paper into a bait shop or place where you get licenses and see if they will give you a sticker for no charge. It's worth a shot because that's gonna be a pain in the .
  8. Sure you didn't grab my box?? That's what I would take! Maybe add a topwater for fun.
  9. I just moved to North Bay and only got out ice fishing once around here. I got my bait from Bob's. Six bucks a dozen, emerald shiners. Ended up catching some nice fish with them. Will I go back, not if I find some place cheaper!
  10. Not sure what the rules are but what the CO's don't see won't hurt them. I caught a 4lb bass in a minnow net swimming after him with flippers and a snorkel , I wonder what the rules are with catching fish by hand.
  11. I think i figured it out, Thanks Stoty
  12. You are gonna want to use mono line for fishing most topwater because it floats and allows for a little bit of stretch before your hook set. When I fish topwater, I get excited when the fish hits it and sometimes set the hook too early. I find if I am using mono it gives me that extra second or two to let the bait get in the fishes mouth and get a good hook set and since it floats it isn't dragging the bait down as you jerk it. As stated before, you should pretty much always tie directly to the lure. Most of these lures weren't designed to be used with snaps, swivels or leaders. My favorite topwater has to be a Excalibur Spit'n Image Jr. in frog green with the yellow belly. I've caught tons of bass on that baby. The Storm Chug Bug is good too, with the rattle it can drag them up from the depths. The one lure I want to try is the Creek Chub Knuckle Head, it looks like a great design but I keep forgetting to pick one up. Has anybody tried this lure?
  13. Hey, I signed up and made my team a the day before playoffs started but I can't seem to see my team when I log in. Can anybody else see my team?? Its Maverick0140. Maybe it messed up when i made it but i cant seem to find it.
  14. hair dryer / heat gun and goo gone for the residue
  15. Nice, I might try this with one of my crap reels, no way I'm doing that to my stradic though!!
  16. You can get a thing that looks like ear muffs that you hook a hose up to and run it, just have to have it on a bracket or boat or something but the muffs work well, let's the water flow through the motor. They are at CT in the boat section, pretty cheap.
  17. I like the shows that teach techniques and tell you which type of lure is best situated for certain conditions. I'm not big into those shows down in Mexico or Florida because it isnt something I can fish or relate to. I would love to go there but those shows aren't going to help me. Something I hate is a show called Fishing University. That guy is a walking billboard promoting his products. I don't want to be told to use a specific brand of product rather a certain color bait for certain conditions and things along those lines. Thats my 2 cents!
  18. Yeah, up where my dad lives, Yellowknife, NT, it is close to $60 for a 24. In Quebec City where my mom lives it costs $19.99+tx and deposit, so around $27 for a 24 of Molson or Labatt products when they go on sale AT THE CONVENIENCE STORE! Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who i visit more.
  19. Yeah for sure. This guy was my buddy's, girlfriends, uncle. He was in the Hells, then he disappeared.
  20. Bullets or Canadian for beer, Jose Cuervo clear for shots and Bacardi clear mixed with lemonade or a Cesar if I want to change it up on a hot day. Oh and a buddy of mine gave me some shine. All I can say is WOW!! 2 shots of that and a few beer, look out!! Could barely form a sentence the next day, it was like everything was in fast forward and I was a step behind, but no headache.
  21. Is an attempt to compare McCrap to Bobby Orr? I don't even know what to say. WOW!!! Do this for about an hour --> then return and edit your post please.
  22. Cuts down on murders The boating card is nonsense and the gun laws are flawed but they are trying to keep people safe i guess. Just curious though, which rights does Canada not enjoy that US has? Sure we have tons of lakes up here but we just can't find those 10lb bass like you guys have down in FL and TX. One day I will get down there and get me some of those.
  23. Thought you all might enjoy this
  24. Stoty you rock. Where did the Islanders draft McCrap, out of the beer league? That's where he belongs anyways. As for one of the top 50 defenseman in the league, well maybe if there were only 49 defenseman in the league then yeah I would say he is around 50. He doesn't deserve to be there. The Leafs fans look through a haze when they watch this team play. Everyone on this team is "great" and all these 4th liners are bargains. A bunch of players that had one good year, their contract year, then they crap the bed. Everyone wonders why they suck so bad. Well when your top line half the season consists of Andropov, Sundin and Poni-whatever-the-hell-his-name-is-but-it-doesn't-matter-cause-he-sucks makes winning a little tricky. Not sure how Sundin managed to put up points but i guess if you are used to playing with garbage 4th line ECHL players then you learn how to produce. McCabe is just the icing on this crap cake that the Leafs were baking for the entire year. He isn't the worst player on the team but that doesn't say much. If you are fans of McCabe, check around the minors as he should be floating around there. The Leafs might bring him back to hand out the programs at the ACC though, but thats being hopeful because the old lads that do it sure do a fine job and we wouldn't want McCabe to screw that up too.
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