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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. 10", 2lbs, thats a stout little bugger! Good luck to you both, sounds like fun!
  2. Well, I was drunk and she was a monster, weighed in at around 350lbs. When I woke up the next morning with her in bed next to me I ran . On a serious note, I was out fishing in this pike hole up in the NWT. Smallest one we caught all day was 13lbs, biggest was around 25-27lbs. I don't have any digital pictures of those but this one is about the same size caught in our walleye spot on the same lake 3 years later. No wonder the walleye weren't biting!
  3. Found this old thread from 2006. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=600 Hope it helps.
  4. Good to hear all the positive comments, I think I will try them if they have them in stock when I am down there. Thanks for the replies guys!!
  5. If it is not the battery it is probably the starter, try this technique. Believe it or not, it works. Don't be afraid to hit it, you will need to loosen up the brushes.
  6. If you are looking for something cheap that will introduce you into baitcasting there is a Pflueger Endeavor Combo or a Daiwa D-Cast Combo at LeBarons for 50 bucks. These are by no means top of the line but they will give you a hang of casting with a baitcaster. But the best thing to do is to go to a tackle store, bass pro's or lebaron's, and try out the rods and reels in your price range. Good luck!
  7. Bearings aren't the only thing that makes a reel. Most Shimano are constructed in Japan and you will pay more for reels constructed there rather than China or Thailand etc.
  8. My Berkley Series One rods have been great to me. I'm planning on getting a Clarus this year. To decide whether or not the compre is worth the extra $$, bring your reel to the store and try it on the rods. You will find one that matches perfectly with good balance. That's one of the things that many people forget to do, bring the reel with them when they go rod shopping or vice versa.
  9. 2005 Toyota Corolla 5-speed std. around 50-55mpg hwy. 1991 Chev Half Ton 5L around 18mpg hwy .
  10. You can check http://www.anglersatlas.com/ . They have lots of free lake maps from the government.
  11. Yeah, I would like to spend more on it but on a student budget I can't really. I think I will look out for a used Minn Kota.
  12. I just bought front rotors for my chev. CT was charging me $120 per rotor, Napa even more. I looked around and found this site http://www.autopartsonlinecanada.com/ and found them for $42 a piece with free shipping on orders over $75. If you order them there call in the order because when I called to make sure I was getting the right part for my truck they said that the online orders go into a cue whereas the phone orders get processed immediately. You shouldn't need to take it to a specialist because they just charge you ridiculous $$ for doing something most people can do. If you know anybody that plays with vehicles for fun, offer them a case of beer and they'll most likely help you out.
  13. I was thinking of getting a MotorGuide Pro Seroes bow mount trolling motor. They are on sale at bass pro and I was reading reviews that were saying the Gator Mount 360 doesn't hold the motor properly and the motor spins in the mount. Are these just a few isolated cases or are they that bad? If anybody has one, please chime in and tell me what you think of them. Thanks!
  14. I'm the big two four!
  15. This is ridiculous. "No, of course extracting 3.6 million liters of water a day doesn't affect others in the area or local surface waters. I live in a make believe world where everything is soft and cushy. I pee beer!" Give me a break! It's all a bunch of Bull if you ask me. The government is just in it for the cash.
  16. Here is everything you need to know about deep cycle batteries, their types and charging and maintenance. A great site I found a while back and bookmarked. http://azwindsun.com/Batteries/Battery_FAQ.htm And the concrete floor is a myth for todays batteries as Fisherman said. Enjoy the read, I found it very helpful.
  17. Where can you buy Kirkland batteries?
  18. Should be able to pick it up at any Home Hardware or Home Depot. I need to do this sometime during the summer too .
  19. Yeah, I think I will go with one or two of those for my 16ft, depending on if I get a 12V or 24V elec. motor. The weight is what I was worried about but it's in my price range and I have heard good things! Thanks for all the comments guys!
  20. Taking bets... 5:1 he gets it apart! Anyone?? Good luck!
  21. Did you have to take out a second mortgage on your house for those? Nice reels!
  22. I would say an American Bulldog or a Pitbull atleast 5 years of age to be legal should take care of the cat problem . I have cat's myself and the one thing they don't go near is the dog haha.
  23. Everyone was so off topic, I thought I would go along with them!
  24. I think it would be a good idea because unless you check back every 20 minutes you can easily lose a thread with all the new posts as the community grows. General - Non-Fishing - Fishing Fishing Trips / Reports Boats General Fishing Questions / Comments Any takers??
  25. Yeah if you are into stopping at every gas station with your 6mpg HEMI, when it starts. But check your glove box for towing capacity, that's where it is on my truck.
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