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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. Well, thats being a north shore TO Steelheader for ya! Go south young man...
  2. I must be a Hindu. Since when I die I want to be cremated and put into the Ottawa River right above McCoy's Shute.
  3. I have a custom stand up top on my boat. If I plan on casting I leave it off. If i'm trolling and its cold and/or rainy I put it on and its great. Problem is being custom it doesn't fold down out of the way nicely like most factory tops. Get the guy to build it in a way that it can be folded down/up easily!
  4. Great idea Davis! I'm not a religious person but I do BELIEVE that positive thoughs by many can have a positive effect!
  5. Blake, I know what you're feeling, I lost my Dad 3 1/2 years ago...I still miss him everyday, the grief gets easier, but never goes away.
  6. Nice pics I especially like the backgrounds, very natural, and I have know idea which river it was!
  7. 30,000 ? I haven't heard any numbers, particularly that high! The predictions for Chinook size and numbers in Lake O are good this year!
  8. Just looked at the Map in my Kawartha fishing guide, looks like a nice Lake, lots of good structure adjacent to deep water, mmmm, Muskie! Kind of a nice area too!
  9. Knipex are worth the money, every serious Muskie Angler should have a pair!
  10. Brain, washing lures this summer sounds good! Don't know if you be able to squeeze yourself into my 16 footer or not!
  11. "Greatness" is a pretty generous word for a Movie star or hockey player. I did stay in a motel when I was 7 years old, a young guy by the name of Terry Fox had stayed there the week before on his way through Ontario. I guess he would be my idea of "greatness".
  12. Great pics and report Lew, you'll have to plan the next trip during Muskie Season!
  13. I hope you're happy with those Muskie Lures you bought from me...If not I'll send the money back, plus extra...
  14. Another good reason for the hook-cutters, you might have to use them on yourself! And a 1st Aid Kit is a must on the boat, especially when chasing Muskies...
  15. My net in the pics is a 'Beckman Finsaver Pen Net', it has a flat bottom so the net stays open. Frabil makes the Big Game and Big Kahuna I believe, which are both good Muskie friendly nets.
  16. A good quality Muskie-friendly net is the way to go! As Raf said, Beckman, Frabil and Stowmaster all make good quality Muskie nets. The openings in the mesh are small so as not to split fins, and its coated with a non-abbrasive nylon to prevent slime removal and minimize fish damage. They are big enough to allow the fish to remain in the water once netted, basically a big holding pen. The important thing with Muskie(or any fish) is to minimize out-of-water time. Mini-bolt cutters, jaw spreaders and long nose pliers are a must as well!
  17. It might be wiser to start with a smaller boat and Trailer...There's a big difference between towing a 4000 lb. tandem axle 20'er package and a 2000 lb. single axle package. But hey, some guys like to start big. If you have 2 years, try to get out with someone else that has a boat a few times at least, the best way to learn is to be apart of the operation. I'll glady tale you out fishing for a day and show you how things are done. PM me if your interested, i'm in the Niagara region.
  18. Try to make the Muskie Odyssey in St. Catharines in April. The Niagara Musky Association will have a booth there, they just might have some Knipex cutters there for an unbeatable price! They sell them quite cheap, as they are highly dedicated to proper C&R practices.
  19. I never fished with either of my Grandfathers, though my Mom's Dad was an avid outdoorsman, she thinks that where my Brother and I get our "outdoorsyness" from. My Dad was definately the first adult to teach me to fish, and I have many memories of us fishing together...he died in August 2003, I was lucky enough to spend some real quality time with him at our Trailer the week before he passed...Here's a pic from that week, Dad and Tyler in our boat.
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