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Everything posted by uglyfish

  1. unless it says anyplace online or in the flyer under that item that there is exemptions or certain sizes are not included, they have to give it to u for the sale price.
  2. Chuck norris was actually the 4th wiseman. he gave jesus the "Gift of beard" which jesus wore proudly till his dying day. the other wisemen grew very jealous and had these facts omitted from the bible... they all later died of roundhouse kick related deaths.
  3. what day ya thinkin about goin exactly??
  4. i personally find the fault in the cashier. its their problem to worry about, not urs. i say, enjoy the gift!
  5. HAHAHAHAHA! yup, i laugh at stupid things, that was good!
  6. bottom line... everyone views things differently. i swear a lot, i;m not religious, so me saying jesus christ is as common as me saying hello to someone. i could care less. i don;t believe in censoring myself, nor do i think others should have too. now, the next guy may be religious, or not swear at all, and thats his choice and him as a person, and not one person on this board or anyplace else for that matter has the right to critisize or tell another person to stop being who they are. plain and simple. now, common courtesy and respect to other people is somethin different, and somethin we should all do, especially when kids are around. we all let things slip, i know i do, i;m not perfect. but, what can ya do...
  7. i keep a machete in my truck all the time as well. comes in handy from time to time. used it to cut fire wood, and used it to chop up ice to get a stuck car out. lol
  8. i have a small collection of knives. i like knives and try to add to my collection whenever possible. these are my 2 favorite, i use the first one here for most of my outtings that will be just day long or less. U.S. Marine combat knife. very durable and strong blade. this one i take camping and when i will be out for longer trips. full survival pack included inside handle, compass on butt of handle. blade is 10 1/2 inches long.
  9. go with external braking, saves time and energy, simple to use. i use quantum gear, and i haven;t had any issues with them yet. the energy PT is a very nice reel, and resonably priced, accurist PT is also good and has a good price tag on it. couple new reels just released look really good too, the Code is a nice reel at a good price.
  10. lake erie or lake simcoe. plenty of trophys in both lakes! and great numbers too.
  11. iI picked the Giants to go to the super bowl! and, i;m gonna pick them to win!
  12. GIANTS!
  13. still not good from what i;ve heard today.
  14. jen i think u and i are the only ones who found them cute and wanted to keep one lol. too bad we can;t, stupid laws! it would make a cool pet
  15. now that was a cool video!
  16. its only ice fishing season if there is ice to be fished... if theres no ice, its open water fishing. don;t matter what time of the year it is.
  17. hey guys, just came across this story... not sure how many of u already head it, it took place in december. its a neat read about how a fun day in the woods can turn very bad! and how mans best friend can really prove his worth! hope u enjoy! http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=17807
  18. Ferguson has to go, the only reason he got the job is his name. because of who his father was. it was the only credibility he had coming in, and goin out... he don;t even have that anymore. Sundin is next, only because he will demand more in a return then any other player has in the past 10 years at the deadline. they can easily get a couple prospects and a few high draft picks for him. then, hes an unrestricted free agent at years end, he can sign back after a 3 or 4 month leave. next would be toskala, again should be able to get a few decent draft picks for him. raycroft should have started from the beginning of the season and left in net. he is a far better goalie then toskala. and for those of u who will argue with me, and say look at the numbers... just watch the games, raycroft hasn;t got ANY support from his team in any game this year. there is only so much a goalie can do, but u need ur team to score goals upfront, and play solid defense in their own end, and they have done neither when raycroft plays. maurice should be kept in place, because he is a good coach and is good with young players. ferguson and peddie need to piss off and allow him to run his team on the ice the way he sees fit without having to listen to those 2 hockey no nothings. they have a solid blueline when they decide to play, and that should be a place for them to focus on. strong defense, work that into a quick transition game using the speed u have upfront and get shots on net. they have good guys on D who can move the puck very well, they just need to be sound positionally much better and then work on moving it up ice to generate offense. guys like blake need to seriously step it up, hes being paid a lot of money to put the puck in the net, and isn;t doin so. steen, stajen, ponikrovsky and wellwood also need to play a lot better. wellwood prolly won;t get into a full game shape till next season though, its hard to come in halfway through and keep up with everyone else, and usually don;t happy often. but he is moving better lately and moving the puck better, so hopefully he starts clicking more. they have to use their speed and forecheck to create momentum in their favor. when they hit, they play better and win games. all thats left, lose every game the rest of the way,and get the number 1 overall pick... and for the love of god don;t trade it away!! and make sure ferguson is gone by draft time or he'll screw that up too!
  19. i had a good year. lots of fish and lots of fun! my first chinook my PB channel cat... so far gar pike couple buckets michele with a largie my first muskie . my best smallie to date snapping turtle i accidently caught... the net was a write off... lol my dad and my son with a nice chinny swan and her eggs we seen fishing me and a happy cat. michele and owyn me and owyn owyn pullin in the hawg! owyn with his catch owyn with another my 2 for 1 its so hard to pick just 1 picture. they all have a special place, whether it be myself with a new personal best, my girlfriend with a new fish or my son enjoying the fight. they all mean somethin special, and they are all favorites.
  20. oh there is gonna be a fishy fry tomorrow for me and my dad! lol... mmmmm. been so long since i had frest perch! and douG, i had posted this on a few other boards and was corrected as to the type of fish it was. other then that, not much said. it was a first for my buddy jeff who caught it, so he was excited about it still. it was a fun fish to catch, put up a good little scrap on an ultra light rod and 2# test though. thanks for the comments!
  21. i agree... i abide by all laws and regs while fishing. so i;m glad i now know the differences between the fish now, so i can be sure in the future. but still exciting to catch one none the less. but thank u for helping in identifying the type of fish it really is!
  22. thanks for the feedback guys, and thank u for those who identified the fish for us. we had been told that it was a whitefish... after readong some of ur responses i checked and it does look like a cisco or lake herring. i believe its referred to by both names? from what i read that was my understanding. but thanks for clearing it up.
  23. well, got an invite from a fellow board member on another site to join him on a trip to lake simcoe yesterday to do some perch fishing through the ice. i jumped at the chance because i have never fished simcoe before and i am new to the ice game so it was a great chance to learn. well, i have to say... i am now spoiled for any other fishing trip i will take in the future. we headed out at 6am, got on the ice and to our spot just before 8am. drilled a test hole, solid 8-10- inches of ice, lots of pressure cracks around, but even the cracks were frozen solid. jeff dropped a line down to see what was goin on down below... within 30 seconds... FISH ON! so, we drilled another hole, set up the hut and a fishin we did go! well, from 8:30-12:45 we couldn;t put our rods down. bite slowed at 12:45 just a few fish here and there till about 1:30. so we packed it up then and headed home. we went out quite a ways on the ice, fished 40-45 FOW. jigging rapalas worked great, small jigging spoon, even a bare hook tipped with a minnow, waxie or maggot got fish. they hit anythin we dropped for them. days end, we landed over 250 perch, no real dinks, either. most fish were 8-10 inches... couple 11's and i landed my best best perch ever at 12 inches. jeff was handed a surprise when he pulled up his first whitefish ever. and that was funny cause neither of us were totally sure as to what it was, but i was pretty sure it was a white fish by the look of it... then, as we threw it to the hole... we realized the season was open for them so as we went to grab it... off it went, lol. it was a great day though, super cold and windy, but still lots of fun. can't wait till next time! Jeff's Whitefish Jeffs Bucket, 27 Keepers My Bucket, 23 Keepers And My sink, before cleaning Should have got more pictures... but we kept catching fish and didn;t have time, lol... and... it was just too damn cold!! thanks for reading guys!
  24. well, got an invite from a fellow board member on another site to join him on a trip to lake simcoe yesterday to do some perch fishing through the ice. i jumped at the chance because i have never fished simcoe before and i am new to the ice game so it was a great chance to learn. well, i have to say... i am now spoiled for any other fishing trip i will take in the future. we headed out at 6am, got on the ice and to our spot just before 8am. drilled a test hole, solid 8-10- inches of ice, lots of pressure cracks around, but even the cracks were frozen solid. jeff dropped a line down to see what was goin on down below... within 30 seconds... FISH ON! so, we drilled another hole, set up the hut and a fishin we did go! well, from 8:30-12:45 we couldn;t put our rods down. bite slowed at 12:45 just a few fish here and there till about 1:30. so we packed it up then and headed home. we went out quite a ways on the ice, fished 40-45 FOW. jigging rapalas worked great, small jigging spoon, even a bare hook tipped with a minnow, waxie or maggot got fish. they hit anythin we dropped for them. days end, we landed over 250 perch, no real dinks, either. most fish were 8-10 inches... couple 11's and i landed my best best perch ever at 12 inches. jeff was handed a surprise when he pulled up his first whitefish ever. and that was funny cause neither of us were totally sure as to what it was, but i was pretty sure it was a white fish by the look of it... then, as we threw it to the hole... we realized the season was open for them so as we went to grab it... off it went, lol. it was a great day though, super cold and windy, but still lots of fun. can't wait till next time! Jeff's Whitefish Jeffs Bucket, 27 Keepers My Bucket, 23 Keepers And My sink, before cleaning Should have got more pictures... but we kept catching fish and didn;t have time, lol... and... it was just too damn cold!! thanks for reading guys!
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