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Everything posted by shane

  1. What if? Instead of using the timer, and hoping you were in position when it went off, you set your camera to 'video mode' and get a quick 30 seconds or so clip lifting the fish up, hold it for a bit, and then back int he water. And then you could probably 'capture' a frame and make a picture from that.
  2. I think the thermocouple and the 'flame sensor' are the same thing. I've replaced the one on my furnace a couple of times. I think I got one at HD the last time but I'm not sure. It would have been some place like HD, or CT, or HH anyhow.
  3. According to the article that Mr. JR linked to, the 'highwater mark' is a myth. Even though there does seem to be some basic laws covering this stuff, it also seems like there are always exceptions.
  4. I always suspected that there were other fishing sites out there. Thanks for this. Bookmarked already. Oh! and the site looks good too. Well set up and easy to find my way around which is good for the non-computer types like me.
  5. "If you like livin', purdy isn't always the way to go." HaHa! There's a joke there somewhere......I just can't think of one right now.
  6. That's a good one too. There's something about happy dogs that just makes you feel good. : Thanks for these.
  7. That's a good point. I don't have a cell phone, and don't even really want one, but lately I've been thinking that it might be a good thing to have. It would be one of those things I carry but hope I never have to use it.
  8. Man, what could be more fun than that?
  9. HaHaHa! That's a great idea! $1.00 a shot................$5.00 if you want to be alone Actually, it's a pretty cool looking rig.
  10. Hasn't this proportion of air/water/land always been this way?
  11. Nice shots! I really like the clam one.
  12. Another lurker out's himself. Good for you. Welcome aboard Mike.
  13. That's a good point. Usually, my first trip of the year would be on the Thames around here somewhere, but I just heard on the news that this area is closed for walleye this year. If I hadn't heard it on tv, I wouldn't have known.
  14. I have renewed my license at CT every year for years. And I will this year too. As for where to go fishing?.........I don't know. But good luck anyhow.
  15. HAHAHA! I use a similar technique on the Jehova's Witnesses.
  16. I dunno............might be a samsquatch. Kind of skinny tho'.
  17. I think there should be a separate section for stuff we don't know.
  18. There should be a help button at the top of this page...in that dark brown bar...right under the OFC sign...7th one from the left
  19. Holy cow, you guys are fast! I feel like a Leafs goalie!
  20. HAHA! Cliff got it before me. I have to learn to type type faster.
  21. Wow! You're really lucky to see that, and then to get a picture as well! I've seen pictures of clouds kind of like those but I don't remember what they were called. Something relating to mammaries I think. Isn't there a meteorology science type person on here? He would likely know. Nice catch!
  22. Welcome aboard MM. I figured out the pic posting thing, so I'm sure anybody can I upload them from my Flickr site.
  23. shane


    Not my puppies or picture. Just something I came across.
  24. Normally I hate this kind of stuff, but I couldn't resist posting this one for the dog people here.
  25. shane

    Hard Water

    Nice shots! I really like the second one. Lots to look at and excellent composition.
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