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Everything posted by LundGuy

  1. Great shot,I remember my yellow hunting lab Niki doing that, brings back many good memories.
  2. Nice boat and you said not too fast. 32 is fast enough, got to enjoy the scenery on the way out. No need to be going 80mph like those crazy bass guys.
  3. I use the same type of reel case as lew does. All my good reels have soft covers on them, then they are put into the carrying case. I use rod tubes from St Croix for all my one piece rods. The material covered tubes are lined inside and have zippered ends that have soft sponge material in the ends. I carry all my rods in these special tubes and it saves the rods from damage.I have some old original HMG Fenwick two piece rods and I keep them in cases that can be locked. The cases were made by Fenwick and are fully lined, they saved my rods over the years. The cases can easily put into any car.
  4. I totally agree with finfan. Also just because you check a little life out and travel does not mean you are a bum. Hell most kids today are still home until they are 30 years old. Go for it kid, but if you don't go call me I will go, just have to check with my wife.
  5. Most of us were only getting into debt between 25 and 35, the next twenty years you are trying to get out of debt. So if you are not in debt and don't have anything to pay for, go for it. You still have plenty of time.Most things away from the norm you usually only have one chance in life,and if you find that special someone, well now your in trouble , so go while you are single and still young.
  6. There doesn't seem to be any shortage of fishing or family companions in this forum. Nice to see so many wonderful pets and caring owners.
  7. First got to clean up my property, as long as it doesn't rain, which is what they are calling for in this region. My son is redoing one of the bedrooms while I get all the motors out and get them running and warmed up. Will be rigging the boats up for the up coming season. Then on Sunday will be getting all the fishing gear ready, relining reels and resorting lures etc. Then crashing for the night! Now if it rains, only the gear work will be getting done.
  8. If both sections are popular then it won't matter, because the posts will go fast in both. It doesn't take much time or effort to click the mouse and scroll to find your favorite posts. If you click new posts you will get rid of anything old if you don't wish to follow them.
  9. Great to see everyones special friend, they all look great, nice to see. Especially your wife Stoty!
  10. Got two Shimano Calcutta TE 100 DC's , and they are the best I have ever had. great for distance, long or short, can set anyway you want. Also have Stella reels and they are superb. Shimano Calcutta TE DC Round Baitcast Reels Advanced digital circuitry creates the ultimate long-cast, and the patented Super ,,Stopper? technology helps to reduce backlash! ,,,,Can you imagine flipping a shallow stumpfield from 50' away? Or covering a dropoff as long as a football field with just one cast? The revolutionary Calcutta TE DC is here! With 10 precision anti-rust ball bearings, an aircraft-quality A7075 aluminum Lo-Mass? Drilled Spool, and Super Free? high-speed gearing, this remarkable reel can exceed 30,000 rpm on the cast. That's 70-75% more spool rotation than conventional cast control systems, which translates to casting distance like you've only dreamed of before -- or the ability to use far less effort when executing a traditional cast. Its water-sealed digital circuit board collects the electromagnetic energy created during freespool, then uses it to power the Digital Braking System as the cast is completed. An external dial lets you select one of 8 pre-programmed braking patterns. With up to 10,000 braking updates per cast, your lure flies smooth and far, with almost no chance of a backlash! Equipped with all the goodies: aluminum frame/side-plates, High Efficiency Gearing? with oversized Super Duralumin main gear, Super Stopper? instant anti-reverse with Assist Stopper backup, and click-adjustable Dartanium? drag.,,,, Line recovery in inches per handle turn.
  11. Here they again. I bought her the black and white one for Xmas and when we went to pick her up my wife just couldn't let her be by herself, even though we had a Lab and a German Shepard. Seeing everyones best friend has been quite a treat. It is good to see everyone loves their pets as much as we do ours, with all the nasty things we have been seeing in the news lately. Thanks everyone for participating, its been a pleasure seeing your wonderful pets, for both my wife and myself. Good Night.
  12. Here is my wifes gals. Pepper and kaly
  13. you must be lonely
  14. Thats a big soother Duke has got there
  15. Nice boat, nice gear, looking good! I get my tops done at J.W. Canvas Works, they will do anything as far as tops go, but they are south of Tillsonburg. They are a hour or more from me, but its worth the drive.
  16. Even got the teddy, nice dog. Now pardon me for my ignorance, but what kind of dog would that be?
  17. Very sad. I had a yellow hunting lab named Niki, she was mine for 13 years, had her before my 3 boys were born. I know how you feel. You can't replace the times we had together.
  18. Now they look like trouble just look at those faces bet you went through a few sets of slippers
  19. These are my fishing buddies. Billie is my best friend and my wifes new pups seem to be her new found family. How about everyone else, anyone else have a pet as your best friend. lets see the pics.
  20. kicker....actually our combined tax is 13%. What I find with Cabela's and I have bought from there many times , is they ship by UPS and they hit you hard at the door. The cost is absorbent, makes up for what we would save, so I stopped buying there. I buy knives for my collection and through USPS I never get dinged, but through UPS I get dinged every time.So I will not buy where they ship with UPS anymore. Also word was out a while back that Cabela's was going to build in the Kitchener area so they would do business between Windsor and Toronto. Don't know what happened to that .
  21. Hey I feel left out also could you buy me some new stuff too
  22. You get fake nonsense from supposed eBay,PayPal, banks in Africa, my supposed bank card, I have won 80 billion dollars from Asian lotteries so far this year. They all go into junk mail. Do not trust any of them unless its an email answering directly from you. No bank , credit card or PayPal will ask you for information over the net, unless you ask for it in the first place, do not take any chances. If they want to get in touch they will send it through the mail or call you.Thats too bad we can't even trust our fishing sources either anymore , not that its their fault!
  23. Welcome nickybobby. This is an interesting place, hope you enjoy. Just remember , it doesn't matter how you type it, they will interpret it how ever they like.
  24. Been there many times.Always had good service and they always put my order aside when called in advance. I know they rely on the bait from Lake Erie as do many northern bait shops, not all but many.With the on going ban there has been many problems. I know the fisheries on Lake Erie are no happier than the guys up north. Hopefully he didn't go to astray with the law, cause he is a decent guy.
  25. Don't know where you are from,but I get my boat covers custom made by J.W.Canvas Works , they are located just south of Tillsonburg.I get the premium material, will last forever. I don't get straps because they whack the heck out of the side of the boat. I get snaps and it looks clean and easy to get on and off with no ropes. They will do any kind boat, have different levels of material.
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