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Everything posted by LundGuy

  1. Hey irishfield , now that you have shown us summer, could you please show us, spring, winter and fall?
  2. Well there you go, you had us all fooled.
  3. You mean gay? Who cares. I have two friends that are gay and they are every bit as good a person as the next. So whats the point?
  4. Hey I never used a condom on my motor before, does it work?
  5. I have top of the line St Croix and G Loomis one piece ultra lite rods, they are very pricey, but I also have an Avid one piece ultra lite that I just gave to my son , reasonably priced , it is very light with a nice feel. What ever your choice,I would definitely go with a one piece.
  6. Transducer placement is very important.Make sure not to get to close to the prop wash. Also put some silicone into the opening at the top of the transducer bracket, between the bracket and back of the boat, this will stop you from having a roster tail of water spraying up.
  7. I just put the wife in the back of the pickup with a 1,000,000 watt flash light and she lights up the whole lake for us. Actually I have something similar on the back of my truck,turn it on and off from my dash,good idea.
  8. So how many folks have had a problem with their motors without a transom saver over the last 30 to 50 years(or how ever far back you go). I have had no less than 15 different boats and many more motors. I traveled many a back bumpy road over the years and I have never had a transom saver and never had a problem. I also have never heard anyone who did have a problem. So why do you really need one? I would like to hear how many people that actually had problems ? I can't name anyone , maybe someone in here knows many that have, lets hear about it and maybe that will answer the question of whether they are necessary or just another propaganda money maker.
  9. I fish Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron ,Lake Kipawa, Lake Temagami and my camp Tunnel Lake. I downrigg for Lakers and Walleye with 12 and 14 lb. mono. When I Salmon downrigg, I use 17 lb mono. Never had a break problem in 40 years. Heres a pick of what irishfield is talking about, we have them in our Lake also.
  10. Now if it were built as per the owners instructions and it was a major storm, its called insurance, not the contractors fault. If I were to paint a room with the paint you supplied and you didn't like the colour, should I paint it free the second time? If you supplied a toilet from crappy tire and I installed it, then found a leak from a sand hole in the ceramic base, I then had to take it off , have to get another and then I have to install all over again, should I do it for free? Just wondering your thoughts on these situations.
  11. Actually it is simple when it pertains to this situation, he states it was not his fault and the client agrees with this. So it is up to him how he wants to deal with it and he should get paid for his time. There is no need for a contractor to foot the bill just because his client is a nice guy. Again as I said he can use his discretion on how he wants to handle this ,whether to charge full price or not, but it would be silly to give a full week of work free.You can still be professional , use diplomacy and still get paid. There are many times contractors have to do the right thing even when they get shafted by the customer. In this case there does not seem to be any problem either way and if Handyman wants to do it free he can, but I don't think he should, not for free. there will be enough times he will have to do things for free because of his wrong doings, this is not one of them.Thus by getting paid and giving the client a deal he keeps his client happy and feeds his family. Quote.... # 1 I do not need to worry about this client going any where. He understands that it was not my fault the the structure blew over. # 3 I know I am not imune to mistakes, and when I mess up I admit it. I did not mess up in this case,I built what was agreed upon.
  12. We worked on a farm outside London and they had to have stamped plans and all proper inspections. When I built my barn I had to have everything inspected, as a matter fact they made me change a few things that I did'nt agree with, so they put a stop order until I complied.
  13. Its simple. If it wasn't your fault then you should get paid in full to do it again. It is at your discretion whether you want to give him a deal or not. If the guy is a very good repeat customer as you say, then give him a deal, but make sure you cover yourself, he will be happy for sure. There is no need to do it for nothing if it was not your fault as you stated. As a contractor and store owner I have had to deal with this type of thing many times. I once had a lady that bought all her plumbing fixtures from me (approx. $25,000 worth).We delivered them to her new house that was semi finished. The next day she called our store to tell us everything was stolen that night. She had to reorder everything again. What would you do in that situation ? What I did was only charge her 10% over my cost to cover handling and delivery.She was glad we didn't charge full price, even though it was not our problem. Its a little different in your situation, because you will lose up to a weeks pay and from no fault of your own. You definitely should get paid. Oh and by the way, it doesn't matter if its on a farm, any structural work requires a permit anywhere in Ontario.
  14. Shows you can be controversial and a very special person at the same time. Its called being human. Good guy and I bet he didn't charge for his autograph as some of these meat heads do today.
  15. ahha when you originally said smaller motors , I assumed 9.9 was smaller. Now you make sense and so do I. Most those little guys just need a motor stand and away you go.I had a 5 HP Honda and had to barrel it.
  16. I don't have a pic, but I do have a set that I use on my 9.9 with no problems. My buddy at the marina got them for me. My bother-in-law has em right now. Its how I run em first thing every spring. They are small rectangle in shape.Just run the water slow, no problem. I use the round ones for the bigger motors.
  17. With proper earmuffs you can run some small motors. You must also make sure you only turn the water on half full, never full. But the best way is in a barrel of water.
  18. Delete
  19. Thats about 5 lures worth..... just kidding great news, if you need help carrying the tackle give me a call
  20. I have both Merc and Yamaha motors. Five different ones, they are all good and never given me problems. I had a Honda and it was top notch also. I don't think you can go wrong with any of todays units, unless of course you are lucky enough to get a lemon, which I think we all have been there at one time.
  21. Just sold a brand new long shaft for $2100 cash. Never used. You still have to add shipping and taxes to that $2100 from Proctor. If you want a better deal, call Port Colborne Marine, he is selling the 9.9 Mercs for $1900.00 brand new in the box.
  22. Use duct tape, it worked on my old 14 footer. It had 3 holes in the bottom, I taped them up and lasted the whole season. You asked for a quick fix, thats a quick one.
  23. To disconnect the basin from the pedestal you only have to disconnect the trap, if it is chrome it has two nuts, you only need to turn the one on the crown of the trap, if the trap is ABS (which it shouldn't be if done properly) you just have to undo the nut which is on the trap adapter which tightens on the chrome PO. Taking the basin off takes only seconds and makes it 10 times easier, doesn't matter if its just the faucets or not, its still much easier in the long run. Now you can get at the faucets without laying on your back and its easier to install the new ones. A basin wrench only helps if the nuts are on the underneath side of the basin, most 8" spreads are done from the top, there fore a basin wrench won't work. Now if they are a very old style of 8" faucets they will have nuts underneath, but I think you said there was none there. With 40 years in the trade it is simple for me, but honestly its not that hard to remove any pedestal, even for the most novice. You have the water already disconnected, just one more nut and you are there.Then if you still can't get the faucets off, run the bowl down to your local plumbing store and have them do it for you...... Or hire a plumber!
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