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Everything posted by LundGuy

  1. Got two Honda Rubicons, use them all winter and in some pretty deep stuff.Powerful and fast. No problems to date. I think most makes today have worked out most bugs from the past. Which ever you choose I am sure you will be ok, one thing for sure you will have a hell of a good time! Good Luck
  2. You need to make sure the motor is secure, not sure a swim platform would hold up, some are pretty cheap. Mine is mounted to the transom and I have it bolted and locked on. It is joined with my larger motor by way of a steering brace unit and then I am able to steer it from up front. You must make sure you have it at the right height and be solidly secured to the boat which ever way you do it. Now my Lund is a deep boat and my transom most likely won't be like yours. There are many variations.
  3. Write right handed, bat left handed, cast both spin and cast reels with right hand, then I eat with my left hand, go figure
  4. I hear ya. It was some of the best times I had in those seven years on the great lakes. lots of big fish,lots of rough weather,lots of cold winds,lots of rain, lots of sun,lots of hard work, lots of long,long days, but one hell of a great time that only a real fisherman would understand. Now I am enjoying lots of the same ,just different type of fishing.Still use down riggers for the deep down lakers on a couple those up northern lakes. Wish ya luck on your sale of the boat and future fishing en devours. PS: what kind of rig are you looking at buying next?
  5. My sons and I would do it for ya if you were a little closer Good luck.
  6. Nice fish.
  7. American fishing show. No comment.
  8. Just watched this show ,tournament fishing for king Fish. I watched these guys "Team Hard Way" and team "Salty Dog" etc. They were using riggers and the weather got real rough, waves 3 to 4 feet rolling in . These guys were on deck with fair size boats, one with a hook, one with the rod and another running the boat. I noticed that not one guy had a life jacket on. The one guy states he doesn't like standing at the bow of the boat while lightning is striking all while with a rod in his hand. He had a fish on. Are most fisherman this stupid,no life jackets,standing at the sides of an open boat,the waves 3 to 4 feet, high winds,lightning flashing with a rod high in the air. You wonder why the kids aren't taking heed to safety regulations and plain old common sense, watch this show and you will know why.
  9. Nice rig,take your time and do it right. I have two Big Jon Captains Pac downriggers(brand new) I will be listing. They won't be dirt cheap but less than new for sure, if interested let me know.
  10. Thanks for the offer, I just might take you up on that. I have to put a new dock in at my camp and build two small buildings this spring, so I will be labouring for a while this season. Fishing will be limited the first couple months, but will be on Lake for sure at some time.
  11. Welcome aboard Mike, fairly new in here myself. I also live in London. I agree this is a great board. There is always something in here to read about. Many members contribute in here one way or another.Doesn't matter what kind of fishing you do or whether you have a boat or not, there is something in here for just about everyone.
  12. LundGuy


    Hi back.....may your next fishing adventure be your best.....nice to meet you
  13. I rented for years different places up north and not once was I charged by the day any docking fees. I always took my boat and never rent, I was never penalized for this.I also rented right on the lake and never paid extra. There are thousands of places to go and to pick from. Take your time,no need to pay more than necessary. Just put a post in here asking for good places to stay with what you fancy on your trip.(such as fishing,biking,beach etc. etc) Many folks in here most likely can give you some good recommendations.I also can recommend some great fishing camps.
  14. Nice pics live2fish I used to do the great lakes for many years with a 23' FourWinns Fisherman.Caught many a big Chinook back in those years. Towed it around to all the derbies. Had a great time, just loved it. Now I mostly fish up north at my camp.
  15. I have my boats insured through my house and no you don't need extra on water insurance.
  16. Actually the most important thing is how much money do you want to spend. Once you know that,then you can start looking in around that price range. You will eliminate or add many types or manufacturers of boats depending on how you have to spend.
  17. Don't know if this has been shown in here before, but fishing this way would save on all that expensive equipment we have.... Check it out, watch the whole video...... http://youtube.com/watch?v=fSOoaVkJFY8
  18. Now thats one mean great lakes trolling machine I got one of those Big Jon 60' Long Arm Down riggers that would fit right on the deck Shouldn't use too much fuel, just start her up and let her coast to a stop which should be the other side of the lake by then.
  19. Glad to meet ya all and see what you do your favorite hobby in. This kind of helps us get through those winter blaws. I am getting the itch, more and more as the posts keep coming. Looking at all the toys in here makes me think I better take a little more cash to the sport show on Saturday.
  20. You got that right,good luck and nice to meet you Rich.
  21. Hey Mike ,hope this works . Heres my boats, the bigger one I have had for 3 years. The pics of the 16 and 12 are not my actual boats. I just got them. The 16 has a new 55 Terrova Minn Kota on it with a 25 Merc.I had to build a bow platform to install the electric motor .. My wife did a great job on the carpet. I will send a pic once I get it out. 12 footer has a 9.9 Merc. If these pics don't show up I will figure it out later on.
  22. I usually stop in at Lake Simcoe once a year and collect a few perch for our year end BBQ.Nice boat , almost bought one last year, but my wife put a stop to my fleet.
  23. Glad to meet ya Jim, nice boat.Good make ,good name.Going to the show on Saturday just to get the fishing feeling back.
  24. good job.We all have to start somewhere and you are better off than I was when I first started out.Its not the boat that makes the fisherman.
  25. You might have done this before, but since I am fairly new in here I thought I would acquaint myself with some of you and find out find out what others fish and what kind of boats you use. I have a 18'6 Lund Fisherman , 16' Lund DLX and 12' Lund DLX. I have a camp up northeast of Sault Saint Marie and our lake has bass, pike , walleye ,whitefish and sturgeon. I fish salmon in the Great Lakes and fish walleye,pike and bass where ever I can, when I am able.I am 57 years old and do most my fishing up north. Like to get away from all the traffic. How about everyone else? LundGuy (Warren)
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