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Everything posted by netminder

  1. I'm used to solitude as I had to learn how to entertain myself growing up in the sticks as an only child. I do enjoy company every now and then, but for the most part I like fishing by myself as I don't have to worry about what the other person is doing, or stress about keeping them happy. Maybe I'm selfish? Maybe it's because I always feel like I have to take control? I don't know.... Something about being by myself is very calming.
  2. I didn't hear the response but it might have something to do with revere being 3/6 against that pitcher and an excellent contact hitter to boot.
  3. I was always a lab guy. Growing up that's all we had (well, mutts with a dominant lab mix). Now I have a golden lab/German shepherd mix and couldn't be happier. However, I can understand the want for one of those non-shedding dogs even if you don't have allergies, although they do require frequent visits to the groomer.
  4. I understand you're agreeing with me, but I will qualify that with the Yankees have only one fewer loss than the jays. One more win/loss and that stat doesn't have much meaning anymore.
  5. Hell, who's to say they don't overtake the Royals too? Get the wildcard team in the ALDS. My only advice now is to not get too far ahead of ourselves. There's still 47 games left to be played, and we saw how quickly the Jays overtook the Yankees. God forbid it should go the other way. The Jays will have to lose a couple games eventually.
  6. Or, you could go golfing. What are green fees and a "decent" course? $50+?
  7. Lucky. How long have you had the tickets for, and dare I ask how much you paid for them?
  8. California is a disaster waiting to happen - if it hasn't already started. Just shows how desperate they are.
  9. Not to get all technically on you here... but the sun will never supernova. Not big enough. But I do have a hard time fathoming the other stars not having planets orbiting them. The universe is such an awesome thing. As Otto would say, "I don't need drugs to enjoy this, just to enhance it." lol
  10. Free market economics? If there are people willing to pay, then there are people willing to charge.
  11. didn't say anything about the universe... . But based on our knowledge of how the SOLAR SYSTEM formed, this is still kind of like accretion, where all the small stuff gets eaten up by the big stuff. The fact that there's still small stuff out here to be eaten up is really cool. It's OK, you can tell them continue to think that meteors are chunks of heaven blazing through the sky (whatever that means). But don't look directly at them. It's a bad omen (or good? who knows...). I actually forgot about this last night... I think the sky was pretty clouded over anyway,
  12. That's horrifying... I was expecting to see a dog considerably smaller than the one you have the victim of this. I don't think I'd be able to handle this happening to me
  13. This stuff fascinates me. Basically proves the solar system isn't even done forming yet, after billions of years. Had a good show over the weekend when I was at my parent's cottage
  14. If I found one that looked broken and abandoned I'd be liable to pick it up too. No one around, how would you know? That guy also over-reacted for sure. I'm sure it was a super valuable piece of equipment that could never have been replaced... I had a guy start cursing and swearing at me once in front of his own kids when I told them they just wandered into the middle of my baseball game (that we paid the city to rent the field). for whatever reason he had trouble grasping that concept until I started acting impatient with him. "come on guys, lets go! We want to finish before dark!" (there are no lights at this diamond). Everyone was standing watching them/us. Some people just don't grasp the concept of other people existing in the world...
  15. even if it does come down to the wildcard game I'd still take the jay's offence + david price any day. Although he'd be nice to save for game one of the ALDS. I was 7 years old when the jays won their last world series. Been a fan all my life but I finally get to experience what it's like to cheer for a good team when the games matter. This is a lot of fun. So much fun, in fact, I've felt OK on occasion not paying attention to the game. Just go into it with the impression they're going to win. Not sure if that clubhouse attitude is contagious all the way through my TV... I just wish I lived closer to downtown toronto. I'd have season tickets for sure.
  16. My brown trout fishing hole? I think not!
  17. OK, hold on a minute... I'm not blaming anyone but myself. However, I am saying the law seems slightly excessive for my intended purposes. I should have known what I needed ahead of time, true, but I guess I wasn't taking it as serious as they do. This may not be true for the finger wavers in this thread, but it aggravates me to no end that a lot of times the same people who complain about excessive government and regulation are the first people to say "I told ya so" when someone else gets caught. There's no need to take things out of context here. All I'm trying to say by making this thread is take the law seriously no matter how important/unimportant you think you are
  18. Yup. I wouldn't take that risk. But yeah, fine, I wasn't paying attention when I took the test...
  19. I heard that too, but what bothers me is what is every other team's record when scoring 3 of fewer runs? I'll bet the Jays are 0-fer when scoring 0 runs, which has only happened twice so far this year, if I'm not mistaken. It sounds a little misleading, considering there aren't many games won around the league by teams scoring 3 or fewer runs.
  20. Beat the Royals 3/4 and didn't even have to trot out our new stud. Beat the twins two straight and now have sole possession of the second wildcard. Let's go Hutch, lets show what you're made of. We all know you can pitch at home, lets get this done! And damn those Yankees! They are smoking hot right now. Definitely not going to roll over for us. Can't wait to go head to head with them.
  21. Yeah, the officers were actually pretty helpful, and showed that exact thing to me. I went to Canadian Tire on the way home and picked it up. I just wish my wife didn't see the ticket
  22. Regardless of the size, type, max speed, power, etc. of the boat you use, make sure you have all the required safety gear in the boat. I was out on Belwood last weekend in my inflatable boat and electric motor and was stopped by the OPP for a safety equipment check. I can't remember the entire list of everything I need but I can tell you exactly what I didn't have: - 50' of rope - bailing bucket - flashlight - whistle Could have been about $1,000 in fines but they went easy on me as I played ignorant saying I didn't realize (I truly didn't) that all that stuff would actually be required on a semi-small lake riding in a glorified canoe. For each piece of equipment you're missing it's a $240 fine (that was the grand total of my fine that day). By the way, the fishing sucked that day too!
  23. Well I guess that proves they can survive leaving a deep hook inside them?
  24. time for a good long winning streak! All the pieces are in place now. There is no way in hell this team (even before the trades) was a .500 team. Hopefully these moves put them right where they belong.
  25. Not all those saves were blown by the "closer" so to speak. You can blow a save in the 7th or 8th, and not all of those turned into losses. However, I will contend It was a bad bullpen by committee for a long time early on. I think they've figured it out though. Dubront was DFA'ed so they need a starter by Sunday. My money is on someone from within, but anything can happen. It's funny the tigers are a half game behind the jays for the wild card and they're selling, while the Jays seem to be all in so far. Cole Hamels was picked up by the Rangers. They're not building for this year but for the future. The Jays might be doing the same thing hoping that the remaining young arms come up and produce next year. Who knows. There's still 30 hours until the trade deadline.
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