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Everything posted by waterwolf

  1. check the BPS website . it's from the us , but the shipping charges may still be low enough to save you some cash. they have everything .
  2. my hunting bud was scouting a new area this fall and discovered a huge deer carcass . a pack of coyotes cleaned this animal down to bone right up to the skull . probably wounded by a hunter and layed down to retire where my buddy found it. this rack is very impressive for a six pointer and really should be measured by a certifified person .it has the length and mass of a decent 10 pt'r. my buddy has moderate interest but i'm all over it . any info would be greatly appreciated.
  3. a very good point of discussion for me . my hut is a homemade collapsible model [which i've used for 8 yrs.] plywood floor ,sides with a tarp half round roof. works great but it's gettin' a bit on the heavy side , ya know? good points to hit on for a newbie with regards to factory collapsibles .a great heads-up .
  4. the pre-visit call has been something i've gotten into the habit of doing of late even though my drive is only 25 minutes. that mall is a nightmare to get in and out of so i call ahead to avoid the unnecessary stress . i usually have no problems with product availibity or item returns . if i ever become less than happy with something about the store i regress back to a time before BPS . it's a god- send to anyone who appreciates the outdoors, really. i've been there at least 20 times and still walk in with a gaping jaw.
  5. hit a new deer stand this eve for the 1st time, what a kick in the pants that was . set up at about 2:30 in the wind and snow blowin' in at about 30k's . saw a few squirrels , things were very slow but when you know there's a really decent buck in the area you never know when things could just explode. [i'm telling myself]. ok, no explosion, so i grab my gear and head'r out to meet my huntin' buddy. he has had a similar experince. zip . we're out at the truck now , removing layers of clothing ,, talking, warming up the truck [with performance exhaust],, he asks for the nikons . "you won't believe" he says. even in the dieing light we can make out the ouline of a really good doe at about 250 yards ,,,,,,smiling at us. we weren't out for more than 20 minutes . where'd she come from? did we laugh . even the the most uneventful hunts sometimes turn into memorable ones , as i sit here scratching my head. i think i was the one being watched. always great seeing deer , even at a distance. tomorrow's another day . round two.
  6. got bitten again by the fishin' bug again ,eh? you've done yourself a great service by signin' on this board. you'll enjoy a wealth of info from some very knowledgeable characters. welcome to ya nathan.
  7. being a guy who loves the outdoors living within the confinds of a decent sized city has many obvious drawbacks. i've been watching a beautiful conservation area virtually disappear with the intrusion of multiple housing developements. i've phoned or visited many government offices , conservation agents and private land owners asking permission to hunt these properties with a bow . same response pretty much ,, "no ,that's conservation land " from the agents, landowners say we like the deer ,,no thank-you. which ofcourse is fine but,,,.then one year later ,the property is sold , a developer has moved in ,and there houses are as far as the eye can see. where are the deer now ?? the deer of the claireville conservation area , brampton, are now running out of room to live. i have pictures of over 30 deer in a field at one time . their fate is sealed. road-kill . what a waste . "don't you dare go in there ,you legally applying , ethical hunting , game seal buyin' ,,,,,,, hunter." you could do some major damage to the eco system in there. the area is most certainly large enough to allow for a small lotterty -type draw [or something to that effect] to take place . not a huge revenue for the gov. but it doesn't look like can turn up their nose to much these days. i'm sure this is not an uncommon occurance today, but when it hits at home in your face , man it hurts. losing an incredible haven for wildlife within the city boundry is one thing ,, knowing it's inhabitants are forced out , most likely to meet the bumper of a passing urbanite is salt in an all-too-certain wound. i guess my frustration lies in the muck of why is an area so well protected from those who really appreciate it only untill it's sold to those who wish to do it so much harm.??
  8. sounds vaguely familiar. hope i find mine without all the drama . thanks irish.
  9. i remember some turbulance in the rush for guys to get their hands on this machine . sorry , thought you were the recipient of ones good intension. that sounds more familiar . do you remember something like a guy grabbed the auger [he already bought one for himself] ,then drove an hour or so and delivered it to someone in who couldn't get out to get it without charge other than the cost of the auger?? that's someone who believes in their machine.
  10. i remember that sale irish ,didn't a member pick that up for you without delivery charge or something? anywho,, the jiffy is very well represented here , so i think the decision is made . thanks again to everyone , be safe .
  11. i wasn't brought up in a slaughter house but come on ,,, how does this happen????!!! 2 rounds from a . 270cal.and 1st , you can't tell dead or alive ,,, 2nd ,after 2 rounds this buck gets up and kicks your hunters ass. something wrong here. who admits to this??
  12. do your homework regarding the trail cam. i have a moultrie with a flash. got back some night photos of coyotes, deer even bunnies running from the camera. the daytime pic's are fine but low-light shots seem to alarm some animals with the flash.
  13. most days i don't mind cuttin' holes by hand , but when the ice thickens in jan. and feb. , it just becomes a lot work . my fishin' bud has a jiffy [great machine] i was just wandering if the money saved is worth it in the long haul when you're talking reliabity . my daughter has been telling for last couple of years to get one ,but would that be admitting the obvious , i'm getting tired and lazy?? na,,, i'll just keep tellin' myself it'll cut down my set-up time that's all, no admittion here. appreciate the feed-back guys.
  14. envious of your location . one day will be home.
  15. just visited can tire and noticed a huge difference in price between 2 ice cutters . the sub zero machine comes in at $299.00 and the competitor,, strike master , rests at well over $400. . anyone know of this sub-zero machine? neglect the obvious or is something worth looking into?
  16. brave or crazy?? ,, or maybe lazy?? still out there either way.
  17. kemper ,, you're bang on . thick ice is pain in the ,,,, auger . 2 to 3 in's of ice is perfect. i travel light ,don't need that arctic ice thanks. early and late ice is the peak period anyway.
  18. no i haven't given up on bones , a little late to be checkin' out new property but i've heard there are a couple of decent bucks hangin' tough in the late season . sorry 'bout the edit , late enough thought i had time fix it up.
  19. mr. leechman , i don't know what wmu this shotgun hunt is taking place in ,, but in my area 82a there is a black-powder season for 6 days happening after the rifle season. then bows only 'til dec. 31. you don't have a late shotgun or black-powder season in QUE.?? don't have my buck yet ,but looking at a new piece of land to hunt that sounds promising . gonna check it out tomorrow at noon when they bed down , {i hope}. never give up , right?
  20. hands down ,, no question!! PIKE. something that gets that big ,, fights that hard , and then when all the excitement's over , these fish are ruggedly beautiful. they make for great photos also , if you're on a lake with a decent population , winter pike are damn tasty.
  21. watchin' a big hit on the ice from an aggressive pike is always a rush. they fight hard and make for some great photos once they're winded. pretty beasts they are. if you're on a a lake with a decent population ,, winter pike make for some excellent table fare. my fav. ,, no question.
  22. good point , bigugli . tougher reg's on who can sell what bait and where didn't help much either. damn shame. i've been burned at that shop myself , last minute opening to get out fishin' , i payed it just for the fact i don't want risk finding bait on the way. that uncertainty sucks on any trip. if their prices and service were up to snuff imagine the business they'd do. dumb-dumbs.
  23. beautiful brookies. through the ice ,even better. what a blast that must have been .square-tails never quit .
  24. even though hunting is occupiing most of energy these days , i am definitely in the ice -day count-down . i'm very jealous . you have already iced your first fish. ,, incredible. nice surprise those bass were ,no doubt? pullin' pretty hard , nice slabs ,you were thinkin'. eh? a lot of fun on 1st ice ,,congrat's. nothin' like a decent strike through the ice . great stuff,, thanks for sharin'.
  25. thanks to leechman for posting a great idea in seeing others good fortune so far. i'm heading out this weekend , to hopefully, fill my bow tag [either sex] . seeing those pic's of some great bucks puts some spring in my step the closer saturday comes . conditions are perfect for a fantastic hunt. if you're getting out this weekend guys & gals good luck , post your hunt .
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