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Everything posted by kemper

  1. Dragonforce solo. Kid playing...amazing.
  2. seriously now... I think the best thing that you could do if you want to get into steelheading is hook up with someone who knows the ins and outs and is willing to help you. Steelheading without a doubt is one of the toughest areas of fishing and also one of the most rewarding...once you have it figured out. To be consistantly successful there is certain equiptment that you WILL need. This isnt fishing for bass or perch, and without sounding like an elitist a 6 foot rod with 10 lb test and roe bag on a size 6 hook might catch the odd fish but it REALLY is not the way to go about it. You need to talk to someone who fishes consistantly about gear that you can get into, Im sure someone here has some steelheading gear they would be willing to sell so you dont need to spend an arm and a leg. It would benefit you greatly to get out on the water with a vet of the steelheading sport, you will learn more on the water than you ever could here. Often my friends say "maybe ill head out steelheading one day" having no prior experience, and they always get their hackles up when I explain that it really isnt that easy. You need to know the regulations well, as standing 4 feet away could mean you are fishing illegally at times! You need to understand that you might go out three times in a row and catch NOTHING, or you might go out and get 10 fish the next day. It is a sport of patience, timing (HUGE) and the drive to get out there when its three below zero to catch that big chrome fish. If you want any information on gear, send me a PM.
  3. Ran into one while walking rocky shore once...was planning on fishing there but apparently he liked the rock pile. I didnt argue.
  4. Cliff come on, I fished that hole out yesterday. You and I both know that the run between FORD BUMPER 3 and SHINGLE PILE 8 is where they are right now. If anyone wants to know where that is your gonna have to walk upstream from shopping cart 256, and look just south of BIKE 34. hope that clears it up.
  5. Well I was more going for IM not a sissy... well have to have a poll...is Spiel a sissy or not?
  6. alright alright, so the slogan isnt entirely true...
  7. No idea on the weight...theyre really light. More for profile than weight, I just fish them as I would a roe bag so weight isnt an issue
  8. Cliff Ive got more of these damn things than I could ever use, next time I see you on the water you can pick a couple out for free!
  9. Looks like the tribs are blown...maybe ill tie some HUGE ones?
  10. I dont know about your reel, but I just took apart my raven pin and degreased/regreased and it works even nicer than before!
  11. NEW BATCH IS UP HOT OUT OF THE OVEN these ones are mostly rabbit Im really liking the rabbit fur, ties alot faster and easier than the marabou. I think the black rabbit with the brighter marabou tails are going to produce well...dang im going to need a field team if I keep it up at this rate....ive tied over 40 in two days!
  12. I could buy them, but ive spent 50 bucks on tying supplies and have already tied 40 jigs...there is no way I could ever find them for a buck each! Just tied a batch of rabbit fur jigs that look great, ill get pics up later tonight
  13. shopping carts are number one on the hazard list...stolen bikes are up there as well. I once landed a front bumper of a ford. No lie.
  14. Looks good doesnt she? haha thats a pink marabou tail/peach rabbit fur body. Its my favourite one that Ive tied so far, and its goin on the line first I have a good feeling about it.
  15. Ive also been too lazy, but I became too broke because at almost three bucks a piece riverwoods can get costly when you fish a river with alot of snags!
  16. Congrats Cliff, that first female is BRUTE. If only I could catch one more female this season...I happen to be almost out of roe and am catching nothing but males. Well that isnt entirely true, the last two females have been released accidentally, anyone who fishes steel alone knows that beaching them, unhooking them and getting them into your hands while holding a 13 foot rod and a camera can result in a couple fish flopping back into the drink without permission... Nice fish!
  17. Bly, I almost named that pattern the skunk..but then i thought about it and decided it was probably the stupidest thing I could do! lol Cliff, I dont fish at night. Problem solved.
  18. HEY! I know that spot! (no really, I do) haha Great job guys! thanks for the report
  19. update: the BOMBER the PLAYER the PIMP have just been created...stay tuned!
  20. ya i noticed six...strange they seem to be breeding!
  21. Well today was my birthday, and instead of risking my life to battle steel I decided to stay home, and tie up some fantastic jigs. Had some coin from the family and went out the the bait shop to get the supplies and I was well on my way to becoming a jig master. Here they are, be nice their my first ones! The SUREFIRE the JUDGE the ICEFIRE the PLAYBOY the FLIRT the FANTASTIC FIVE These things are going to be put to the test hard this week, and many more are on the way. Keep your eyes peeled for more jigs, and more steel!
  22. I only use mono on two of my reels. I use 10 lb on my smallmouth/walleye rod that I throw tubes, jigs and small crankbaits with and I use 8 lb main and 5 lb lead on my steelhead/salmon float rod. Powerpro on everything else!
  23. No fish kissin for me... a quick pat on the head for a good fight and being a worthy adversary then back in the drink they go
  24. BIG baits. I find alot of people forget that steelhead really are big predators, and get too bogged down with the tiny, perfect presentation. When the water is up the bigger and more sloppy the presentation the better! Ive caught steel on marabou jigs the size that you would use for pickeral in a bright yellow colour.
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