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Everything posted by kemper

  1. R.J Phillips in whitby...My dad has always taken his cars there
  2. That is kind of the way I was leaning...good to know! thanks
  3. Naturally occuring body of water...spring fed but not connected to any lakes/rivers. Land is several acres..not sure exactly i would have to ask. The pond is SMALL, like a cast and a half across but it is relatively deep for its size...gotta be about 12 feet in the middle.
  4. Im not really too concerned with fishing there...I just wondered about the actual rules about it thats all. Thanks guys...next time I run into a CO on the river ill ask him.
  5. Ok, so you have a friend that happens to have a big patch of land at his cottage. On that land happens to be a small pond FULL of bass that your friend stocked there. This pond is 100 percent ON the property and 100 percent CUT OFF from any other waterway. Do the normal regulations apply or not? I know the moral ruling here, don't fish it until the season is open. But its not the moral answer I am looking for, I want to know what the regs say. DISCLAIMER- I do not accept any responsibility for the actions of any board members which may cause this thread to get locked/deleted/burned at the stake. Thanks all. For the record no I am not planning on fishing it.
  6. I hate the game too Gerritt, that is why I fish by myself in the winter! None of this shoulder to shoulder crap for me! Trust me there is many guys I see on the river all the time that I would love to give a swift kick into the current. I once told a guy to take a long walk off a short pier after he walked up and drifted RIGHT beside the fish I was fighting. He didn't seem to understand what I meant...
  7. kemper


    That right there is why drinking and driving is illegal. How do you drive straight into a pole? I mean really...it didn't jump out at you!
  8. I was just kiddin Gerrit..sarcasm is tough to read on the net! I dont feel the need to bash other guys because I can work my pin better....yada yada Steelheading is the ultimate stress relief for me, and also the ultimate rush. I have no problem introducing other anglers to the sport and you can garantee anyone I help out is going to have the same attitude about it as me, or I wont be helping!
  9. See what happens when you get a bunch of steelheaders in one thread. It either turns into a brawl...a match of who is better...whos pin is better and what cast is better...or who tells the best sex jokes. geez what can I say...steelheaders do have the longest rods. lock it up. lol
  10. Nothing better than a surprise brownie! Ill start searching for residents soon...
  11. I never thought I would say this but BRING BACK MARCH!!!!! Actually I noticed last year that I nailed fish all winter long untill about the first weekend in april then I did not catch a damn thing untill opener (13 for 20 before 8 am) and then NOTHING after that. I hate low, clear water. a trib searching i will go...
  12. I think you are underestimating the walleye... I would be surprised to see any current that a walleye could not navigate...fish are designed to slide through the current with ease and that is exactly what the walleye will do. They will find the seams that they can sit in with relatively light current and wont have any problems. As far as the eggs go I dont know a whole lot about how it works if eggs get washed away... I would assume they may still hatch? But again I think that the walleye are smart, it is engrained into their systems to continue the species and Im sure they will find places to lay their eggs where they will not get swept?
  13. I MUCH prefer winter steelheading over late spring steelheading. I bet if we were to poll the steelheaders anyone that is halfway serious about it would much rather fish with the entire river to themselves in late winter/very early spring when the big boys are in and hungry. There is nothing that beats spending a whole day on the river catching double digits in steel without seeing another soul.
  14. Checked the lower today too cliff..I have NO idea where all the fish went. Must be all the way up the top end around the ladder? I dont know, im going to do some hunting later this week, but i think im going to end up driving a long way to find em this year
  15. No rain in the next week...water levels are LOW as it is. I checked the place I usually hit for opener and it was low with only a couple trout hanging out. What do you guys think, a waste of an opener or not? I know if it does't rain soon ill be finding bigger water for the opener...or fishing browns from the peir...
  16. Really depends whos casting it...
  17. On a more serious note... I have two MAIN rods that I use for steelheading. An 11'6 IM6 Fenwick that is very light, very fast and easy to get a solid hookset with. It is my favourite rod BY FAR that I own but it is somewhat lacking in power when it comes to big steel. If I am heading out on a day when I know the big boys are in, I know a fresh run is in or the water is high with lots of current I bring my 13'6 for the extra power.
  18. Well my rod is quite long...longer than most you might say. Im also talented with it. GET YOU MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER! THERE IS KIDS HERE! No, but really. Its 13 and a half feet. And I hook alot of beauties. this post is very innapropriate.
  19. If there is one thing is this world that is certain its this... WE WILL NEVER RUN OUT OF BEER. People will do whatever it takes to continue producing beer, it is one of those products that many will go to great lengths to ensure the future of. Priorities in order? you be the judge. Just dont worry about running out of beer.
  20. I find the pin alot easier to fight fish with..I feel more connected and ready to react when a fish is about to take a run. Usually with the first few fish on the day im conservative with my fight, just hoping to land a few and then after that I tend to put the boots to em and test the equiptment more. I find that a 6 lb lead CAN snap a hook if you arent careful...
  21. I dont care what the hell they are called, if I run into either of those creatures they are going to die a slow and painful death! listen closely...I can hear P3TA coming to get me...
  22. Keep posting the reports! Im working on some reports myself...trying to come up with a way to report without causing a stink and getting the thread locked...
  23. DETROIT will always look good on paper..but they arent too great playoff wise lately. ANAHIEM is going to come out on top of the west...maybe not because they are the most talented team...but because playoff is a different game and they have the grit to grind out every game. the east is hard to call...too many teams close.
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