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Everything posted by kemper

  1. kemper


    Cliff, lots of browns in there right now! Saw one come out on a spinnerbait last night!
  2. kemper


    Powerpro, 30 lb. The carp was large and smelly and wasted my pike fishing time. Fought like a wet log. Just teasing...but carp really arent my thing
  3. kemper


    thanks all, it was definatly one of the better fights that my bass rod has ever seen!
  4. kemper


    Went down to my local pike hole today, hoping to get some revenge from the big bite off I had last night. Tossing XRAPs for the toothy critters i get SLAMMED. After a strike like that I thought it had to be a big gator...then it started peelin drag...and more drag...and more drag? That is no pike thats for sure, but what the hell is it?! Got my answer a few minutes later when it broke the surface in all her glory! A Beautiful hen brown! ...in 8 FOW, with an XRAP. Thats a first for me! Not the pike I was looking for but ill take it any day, also landed a 15 lb carp that decided to tangle with my X rap...probably not intentionally. Thats all for today kemper.
  5. I find colour to have almost no effect when it comes to x raps, it seems to be all about the presentation for me.
  6. Thanks guys, it was an adventure for sure...
  7. ha ha ya, this is a family site after all...
  8. All three. For instance I went pickeral fishin from shore tonight, used 10 lb mono. Tomorrow I am going pike fishing and ill be using 45 lb PP and when bass season opens it will be a mix depending on conditions
  9. So this past weekend was my prom, and this called for some prom camping! Most of my friends are never allowed in a provincial park again, but I kept out of trouble by the good old rod and reel. Well...out of trouble is relative but I stayed out of the slammer and didn't leave with any fines so I would call that a plus. Started out by setting up camp... Here is the beach ( ITS WAY COLDER THAN IT LOOKS) then the real fun started! Threw crankbaits for shallow water pickeral in the river and caught some dinner! Also caught a ton of OOS bass, the only reason that I stayed there fishing was because I was catching just as many pike and pickeral. Got a few bass pushing three pounds, wont post the pics though all were released unharmed. All in all it was an amazing weekend, one of the best of my life that Im sure I will remember forever (kinda) and I know these are the people that I will never forget! There are many many more pictures that are not getting posted, due to the whole family site thing. And due to me not wanting to share all the details...ever...with anyone. Morale of the story....I caught dinner.
  10. Thats a first for me....a smallie on the pin! Released unharmed right after a quick picture...little guy thought he was a trout! Just though I would share, I know its OOS but was definately not targeted and not something you see often...
  11. HOLD ON. all i can say is hooking into a big tyee will tire you out. By far the strongest fish I have ever battled!
  12. bump...I found those pictures I just need a free minute to upload them...
  13. The pink BPS hat was completely her idea too....I didnt even have to force it! although pink is well.... there are better options
  14. Sign me up...I have picture of me with a brown, steelhead, sucker, largemouth, perch, and speckle so far
  15. Well I thought since I don't do a whole lot of fishing in may I'd throw together a little something to keep my busy... The steelhead season started out a little slow for me in the fall, but quickly picked up once the temps got down enough to keep all but fools (me) off the river. The browns kept me busy for a while while the trout were getting ready for the beating I was about to lay on them. First fish of the winter season came on a red roe bag in a little run that I like to call dead man's wall (Dont ask). Not long after I nailed a big fat female brown just down stream. Then it was time for me to graduate in the steelheading world, I picked up my first pin and the first trip out the spawn out brown was willing to take my green roe bag in SUPER chocolately water... The browns were ferocious for a while, I dont get alot of pictures because I fish solo most of the time so that is just a small sampling. After the browns slowed down it was time for the steel. First drift of 2008! And the rest of that day went something like this... and dinner went like this... The action was hot for the month of January whenever the ice wasn't impossible to fish through. February started with a bang with this nice hen... and her friends were hungry too! This guy got a little fiesty and decided to slap me. I probably deserved it. This is the same day I have a bit of a gap until about the end of march, was catching fish but it was WAY too cold to take solo pics... anyways I worked about 2 hours for this fish. It was around this time when I started making my own jigs, and most of the steel from this point on were taken on my patterns including this big guy that was fooled by "the flirt" THE FLIRT There seem to be a lot of pictures missing, Ill have to search my computer as I think I neglected to write a few reports including a PB that I had thought i posted but is not in my gallery... anyways here is the opening weekend, Ill just say that it was a blast and this is only a fraction of the fish I caught! And thats a wrap! Ill search for the pics of the HOG and some others that I nailed in the winter Im sure they are here somewhere. It was a great season and I got out alot, I was also honoured to have shared a drift with many board members this winter including DouG, Bly, CCMT and more. This was the last year for me to really get out alot as I am a new student at the university of Guelph starting this fall. Thanks to everyone who ever helped me with steelheading, if it wasn't for this board this report would never have been possible! TIGHTLINES!
  16. Keep your heads up boys... shes got a rod and she knows how to use it! and she outfished me too. guess i better get used to it... First time on the lake!
  17. The title of this thread is an oxymoron.
  18. awesome! Ill be heading out myself tomorrow morning in search of some speckles
  19. Not because of the size...because of the battle she gave me!
  20. Ill keep the words short and sweet here and let the picture talk for themselves. These are from opening weekend and a couple from tonight. I have more that I am not going to post because of landmarks in the backgrounds and there was also many more fish that were not caught on camera. Big male fresh female from today big male again spawned out hen nightime hen early morning hen...long fish! another early morning fish...very clean All in all a good weekend of steelheading with countless fish landed and even more lost hahaa You will probably see 1 or 2 more trout reports for me...and then its off to the lakes
  21. Ill be out at 12 tonight...but trust me we will not be the only ones. Last year I went out at three and my hole was already taken...
  22. Looks good to me! I agree with the 4lb test though, lose it! I never use less than 6 lb on my 11.5 foot rod and never less than 5lb on my 13.5 footer. The 4 lb just really is not needed as long as you buy good quality 6lb. Ive caught alot of fish this year...more than ever before and it is the first year I ditched the 4lb test, and I have onll had one breakoff so far (and it was driver error...forgot I was pinning for a second and kept the hand on the reel handle when the fish was running..oops no drag) The key to catching fish tomorrow is going to be thinking different. If you know where the fish are it will not be a problem locating them (even if you dont look for the 98 guys fishing the same pool) the tough part will be getting them to bite in this crystal clear water. Stay out of their sight as much as you can...I tend to fish BELOW the pool that I want to drift when the water is like this...not really the optimum place to fish from (especially with a pin) but standing beside or in front of them just doesnt seem to do. Stay low, stay quiet and keep the presentations small and unique. Most of all DO NOT get frustrated if you arent catching anything and you can see lots of fish. It takes lots of experience to catch them in these conditions and opener is not a great time to learn. Get there early, stick it out and think unique!
  23. Its amazing sometimes how there can be a bunch of cookie cutter 5 pounders and then one like that which tops 20! This is definatly in the top 5 of the steelhead out of (Im assuming here) Lake Ontario that I have seen. Like I posted earlier I have a picture of a fish that 'looks' like it could be close to 30 pounds, and then there is that one which has got to be over 20 and one other that swam by me this year that nearly gave me a heart attack. Lets hope that fish like that and the others I mentioned go back into the creek if caught, and breed some more monsters!
  24. I have a picture at my house of a steelie bigger than that. It came out of a creek that is very small, and that many many people would be surprised to hear of a steelie of this size coming from. I dont want to post it without permission of the angler that caught it but if I run into him any time soon on the river ill ask if he would be cool with it.
  25. Just noticed you said MARINE cliff...in that case dont take it to Rob's he would look at you funny... thats not a car...
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