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Everything posted by kemper

  1. Thanks guys, im getting excited seeing at the fishing opportunities around my new place. Speed river, guelph lake, belwood (or is it belmont) lake. Im sure my folks will understand if I fail because I fish all day.... or not.
  2. Buckhorn lake 21". 4lb 4oz Frenzy popper middle of the day. I LOVE TOPWATERS
  3. Topwaters are also a great ALL DAY bait. Last summer two of my three biggest bass (4lb 2oz and 4lb 6oz) came on topwaters at mid day, sun high and bright. I find that fished slowly, they can entice the big girls out of the thick weeds when the sun is bright and nothing else seems to be working. I would say that during my main fishing week in the summer where I am on buckhorn lake for 7 days I boat probably 40% of my bass on topwaters, and they are usually responsible for the big bass of the week trophy ( I am the proud owner of 5 of the last 6 years).
  4. smallies it is. Is the river big enough to float tube? Or should I wade it? Shore? thanks
  5. Well I am a newly accepted student of the University of Guelph, and of course before anything else happens my first priority is to find the local fishing holes. My residence is about a 12 minute walk from the speed river, so somebody please please please tell me that there is fish in there? And a bonus goes to the first person that tells me there is a run of steelhead!
  6. I was off port maitland last year in earlyish july. TONS of walleyes out there.
  7. Berkely frenzy poppers have been my best, I fish topwater for bass as often as I can because its wicked fun and it produces! Grab a handful of poppers, i find colour does not really matter at all, although I have found that the ones which produce the best have EYES, and a tail feather on the back treble. Fire it out over shallowish water, although you can even get the out of the deep and vary your retrieve. twitch, twitch, stop. pull, tiwtch twitch and so on. The main thing about fishin toppies, is to WAIT UNTIL YOU FEEL THE FISH. If you dont, your hookset will come firing back at the boat at a high rate of speed, probably impaling your fishing buddy.\ play safe.
  8. Okay, I thought that I may have been dreaming. I guess I didnt really think about the fact that I have BEEN 3 hours away many times, and Never found what I am looking for. Whats the damage, how far do I have to go? 6? 8?
  9. I guess I should add that I am NOT looking for your secret spot...more a general area that I could search for water.
  10. Something I have wanted to do for a long time now is drive in to a semi remote lake/large river to fish for walleye. Im talking about the kind of place where I can go and know that the walleye are abundant and willing to bite all day long. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions about where I might go in search of this place, hopefully within a 3 hr drive of the GTA. If this is impossible, Ill take any suggestions and maybe drive longer if need be. Oh, I promise ill bring shore lunch for you all! thanks in advance
  11. NEDERLANDS! I happen to be wearing my orange right now!
  12. Thanks all, also forgot to mention that I lost a PB bass, throwing a tiny spinner for panfish. Ultra lite rod and 4 lb test just did not give me the backbone I needed to keep her out of the weeds, I have caught quite a few bass in the 4 lb to 4lb 13oz range but I have never *officially* broken the 5 lb mark although I think I landed a smallie that was pushing 5 just had no scale. This bass was DEFINATELY in the 5 lb range and I almost cried when I saw my tiny little spinner in its HUGE yap, because I just knew it was not going to end up in my hands. my point is I will MOST DEFINATELY be going back once the season is open, that lake owes me a 5 lber
  13. Headed up to a friends cottage this weekend on simcoe, got there to find out the motor on the small boat had seized over the winter and was not going to work. Second option, take the $80 000 wakeboard boat out? After careful consideration it was decided that the whipping we would recieve from dad after getting fish slime on his leather seats was not worth it, so off the dock it was. Early morning and late evening produced fish, and the only thing they would hit was a HUGE double blade musky spinnerbait that I tossed out as a joke. This thing was getting nailed every 5 casts from pike that were mostly less than 20". The pike were plentyfull but not worthy of a picture, although I did lose one pike that was in the mid 30" range. Heart stopper of the weekend was when this big but OOS bass decided he did not wish to wait for open season and SLAMMED my rediculously oversized spinnerbait the second it hit the water. By far the best fight I have got out of a largemouth, probably due to the cool water but this big gal fought like a smallie. Picture doesnt do it justice, measured 19" which would put it right around 4 lbs. and some local pike action to boot, this one is not from simcoe...
  14. cute little buggers, give em 5 years and they will be tuggin on my line!
  15. Kawarthas...Stony is a great bet for musky. they are everywhere, and if you are bass fishing and undergunned for musky they can even be annoying. Of course with the PP braid.... I just have a blast!
  16. Went down to my usual haunt tonight with the girlfriend and some hopes of tying into more eyes or maybe a pike. Fished a couple hours with only a follow until a slender toothed esox grabbed the line, after a nice fight she was in my greedy little hands. All in all it was a great night out, had lots of fun and thats the idea right? The picture series is about 40 pics from the hookset right up to the release, Lisa has never seen a pike before and got a little trigger happy with the camera! tightlines all
  17. Did I meet you up there last summer? Ill be up from the 12th until the 19th
  18. Looks awesome Victor, if you are ever interested into gettin into some bass on Buckhorn let me know. I know where you can launch and park for free. Heck...I can even be an alright guide...hint...hint
  19. www.scotsmanpoint.com Im 18, have been going there since I was 4, and it just keeps getting better.
  20. Not even close to done for me...actually where I fish is still a little chilly for the best fishing...
  21. Hey all, does anyone happen to have, or possibly know of a place where I can get a clutch bearing for a Shimano Bantam Chromica baitcast reel...I think its like a 2001-2002. I love the reel, its served me very well and Im not ready to give up on it just yet. The clutch bearing is blown (or I thought it was, took the reel apart and pulled the bearing out, soaked it in degreaser and tossed it back in and it is working...for now.) and I would like to get it replaced before my trip next month. I can do all the work, I just need somewhere that has the part because I dont think that my red green repair is going to last a week of hard fishing. Should I just call Shimano direct or will they cost me arm and leg?
  22. That is what I would have said three weeks ago...but after studying the subject intensely for an culminating assignment it came out that the scientists from the UN have said that although global warming has been present in the past, it appears that the earth has not warmed since 2000. Hard to believe I know, but stay with me. They are now calling this "global change". SO yes, the ice caps are melting at an alarming rate, yes we are changing the climate BUT since the year 2000 for every 0.1 degree one continent has increased, somewhere else in the world has decreased. I take no credit for this theory, im sure if you guys look hard enough you will find it too. Its in a report from the UN science dept. somewhere.
  23. I guess I should add that I cut mine because it was the only option...the rod itself was snapped off 6 inches from the tip and had a jagged edge.
  24. I just replaced the top 12" of a rod using the top of a rod that I snapped at the middle. Sawed them both off carefully, sanded the lower end down and super glued then slipped the top over. Rod is now a 7 footer and works like a charm.
  25. kemper


    Cool thanks again man...and you even slimed up the net with that fat carp! Wondered if any of you guys would be on here. Youll see me around, probably heading down tomorrow night actually.
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