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Everything posted by kemper

  1. I was getting serious cabin fever. Theres more where that came from ,but I liked this picture the best. Dave, Sil, Cliff, Carole, etc etc Fishin this weekend? Whos with me!
  2. Well if I saw my buddy go up a hole, and come back down sans guts I think I would steer clear... seriously though, No idea. Fish dont usually seemed to be bothered by dead fish...actually they even eat them
  3. they can come fish my river any time they want! Dang shopping carts...and GATS eh dave?
  4. THERE IT IS! me and dad have had seasons tickets for the oshawa generals for the last 12 years. Each year two seats is about equal to two leafs game complete with beer and snacks. Not to mention you get to watch kids that care, and some of the names that have gone though in our time are pretty solid NHL players. Stalls (however many there are), clutterbuck, ty garner, repnev, demidov, archer, ranger, horton, tavares, del zotto (watch for him next year), and wicked players that just never made it like mike sellen, gauverau, ralph, etc etc good hockey, better price
  5. It makes perfect sense to me... You sell out at lets say an average of $75 a seat ( I have no idea of what it actually is) and you make approx. 1.425 M Or you raise prices and STILL sell out at an average of $80 a seat ............................. and you make approx. 1.520 M almost a hundred grand in the pocket of MLSE from a small $5 price raise that likely would not stop anyone from buying a seat...why not? Yes, its ridiculous that we pay 200 bucks to see a hockey game (and probably a terrible one at that) BUT from a business standpoint what not raise prices. Im sure lots of you here run your own shows, if you could raise your prices and make a 7% increase in profits without losing any customers you would do it no questions asked.
  6. That is a fine piece of....metal. Beauty man, I have been waiting for this post for a long time! I had a 13' JC customs Rainshadow in the crosshairs today, but someone else pulled the trigger before me. I gotta match the new reel up with something longer than my 11' 6" and the Ocrapma Aventa just won't due
  7. indeed Bill, I did. The notty is a beautiful thing!
  8. If there is a sign marking the start of the sanctuary then bingo, thats where she starts. No charge would hold up if the fisherman/woman was fishing south of the sign if it clearly states that it marks the border of the sanctuary (sp?) I dont fish the ganny. Its just not fun to bump elbows all day trying to hook a fish, and when you do 25 people keep their line in the water
  9. Never more than like 15 bucks here or there. Won 400 in a charity golf tourney last year...closest to the pin!
  10. rainshadow, CTS, IMX and on and on and on Depends what you want to spend, and who you want to build it.
  11. Ill never touch it again. just ripped it off a rod, found it to be terrible stuff
  12. There is an excellent chance there is fish in there. In fact I would say there is a 100% chance that there is a solid amount of trout. good luck catching them without a 4 lb roe bag and a drift sock to slow your float down though
  13. steel time ladies and gents! i should be on the river by monday!... not that river though
  14. wooo strikes. Fun eh? As a student, I appreciate the work that our teachers do and understand that it isn't exactly the warm cuddly job that everyone seems to think it is BUT this striking thing has got to stop. I have friends at York that have been completely screwed because of the strike there. When you are paying for school (be it out of your pocket or in tax dollars) you should get exactly that, school. Teacher's union strikes are not a good thing. Also, there is no chance that an elementary school teacher needs the prep time of a highschool teacher. Sorry if that offends anybody.
  15. I know someone with an 89 nissan pickup that has over 570 K on it. Still makes it to toronto and back every single day (small work truck) and fires up at minus 25. Seems like they have the ability to make a reliable truck
  16. I tangle with some pike in the early spring if the creeks arent co operating, and I just use my heavy bass set up. 30lb PP and a baitcaster, or 20lb PP on my spinning reel. Tie direct too, nothing fancy pike arent exactly picky.
  17. those posting times are rediculous. the only thing that gets me up at 4 am is the though of chasing steel.
  18. Thats a tank. I love the comments too, some people are completely clueless. "If you catch it, eat it. Catching it for sport is just immoral" right...
  19. It probably has to do with the fact that it is currently ice fishing season I think that you will notice many more people keep what they catch on the ice vs. on the softwater Not sure why that is, but it seems to be a trend
  20. You can fish them whenever I believe. I suggest fishing for bows, but if the run is short, or the bows arent co operating suckers can be fooled. VERY easily. Great fun on an ultralite!
  21. Not sure if its open in the winter but in the summer I go to the one just over the causeway on the way up the hill to Island Road. No idea what its called, but I remember going there as a kid with my dad and the guy sold minnows/worms out of his garage I think. There may be better/worse options but I just go there out of habit
  22. The problem is simple. All of you nutters need to stop waking up so dang early. Mornin folks
  23. on a side note the 'geen and the sauble are probably somewhat fishable. I can think of one other place, but im NOT givin that up
  24. my buddy was telling me they were still locked up. They will probably be open by mid next week....and BLOWN if i had to guess
  25. I dont think for most (for me anyways) its that we dont want to hear it, I just think the media needs to cut down on the scare tactics. The more afraid people are the less money they are going to spend. When employed people don't spend money, other employed people become unemployed. edit* I guess I need to point out that I see all this from the perspective of an economics student, not as someone who is worried about loss of a job. It is actually a quite interesting thing to study cause/effect wise, but I do realize that I lack the 'real life' experience on this one.
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